After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 506: This is the official announcement

   Chapter 506 This is the official announcement

  Lu Xun's Weibo reply immediately hit the headlines.

  Luoning received a call from Fang Yan, and she asked Fang Yan not to clarify or act.

  Fang Yan also did not use public relations, guessing that the two may have plans for the next step.

   On Star Emperor Entertainment, Fu Ci was the president, and some people couldn't help but question how this matter would affect the company.

   After all, Luo Ning only became a top actress not long after her love affair was suddenly revealed, and I don't know if it will affect the subsequent development and the company's resource arrangement.

   However, these questioning voices were all suppressed by him.

   Just kidding, his brother couldn't wait to marry Luo Ning back home, and it was the limit that he could bear to post on Weibo until now.

   Of course he will help his brother in front of him.

   He also paid close attention to the situation of Luo Ning and Lu Xun's fans after the incident was exposed.

  It’s okay, although both of them lost their fans again, but the situation is much better than expected.

   The next day, the premiere of the film began.

The    premiere was huge and luxurious.

  Lu Xun is wearing a silver-gray suit, with a handsome appearance and a tall figure. Luo Ning is wearing a silver **** trailing dress, her appearance is exquisite and beautiful, and her figure is exquisite.

   She took Lu Xun's arm and entered the arena together, which attracted the attention of the audience. It is true that the two men are talented and beautiful, and they have good temperament, so they can't help attracting attention.

The    premiere ceremony was broadcast live, and fans of Lu Xun and Luo Ning kept watching.

   In addition to their fans, there are also many domestic audiences.

  【The two of them are wearing couple outfits, they are a good match! 】

  【I used to think all the time, what kind of woman can be worthy of Lu Shen, now seeing Luo Ning holding his hand, I have only one feeling, it turned out to be her. 】

  【For the first time, I saw that the smile on Lu Shen's face was so doting, he really loves Ning Ge properly! 】

   [Speaking of which, are the two of them together? After all, yesterday's Weibo post by Yingdi Lu didn't seem to be an official announcement, and Luo Ning hasn't responded yet. 】

  【That's true, what happened to the two of them? 】

   There are a lot of question marks in everyone's mind.

   But soon everyone's attention was drawn to the movie.

   This time it is a simultaneous global premiere, domestic theaters are already full, and many people have not yet booked tickets.

   Everyone wants to see what Luo Ning's acting in an international sci-fi blockbuster looks like, and whether there will be sparks with Lu Yingdi in the film.

  The premiere of the movie began, and Luo Ning's oriental elf caught the eyes of audiences all over the world. Coupled with her excellent acting skills, the movie won a lot of praise as soon as it ended.

   Because the second man played by Lu Xun died, he also earned a wave of tears from the audience.

  The plot of this movie is compact, neither exaggerated nor selling feelings, plus the special effects produced in the later stage, so everyone feels that it is burning.

   When the movie ended, everyone couldn't hold back and stayed to watch the easter eggs.

After the    easter eggs are over, everyone is still reminiscing about the plot, or just taking out their mobile phones and making various recommendations in the circle of friends.

   received rave reviews, this film surpassed the previous ones and ushered in a new peak.

   I don't know if it was the director's intention, but in a few days, the world's largest film festival will open.

   Obviously, the director wants to use this movie to rush for many awards.

After the premiere of   , the popularity of Lu Xun's Weibo hot search has not gone down, and everyone is still paying attention to the follow-up of him and Luo Ning.

  The movie is on fire again, so the popularity of the two continues to soar, and has been ranked first in the most popular searches in recent days.

   On this day, the film festival opened.

  Luo Ning was wearing an embroidered cheongsam and holding Lu Xun in a suit of the same color. The two were like a pair of beautiful people.

The    Film Festival awards are also broadcast live around the world.

   As expected by many, this sci-fi blockbuster starring Luo Ning and Lu Xun has successfully won several awards.

  Lu Xun won the Best Supporting Actor award. This is also his first supporting actor award. He used to be the Best Actor.

   What is surprising and reasonable is that Luo Ning won the award for best actress and won the crown of actress in this film festival.

   She has also become a veritable international actress.

  Lu Xun took the first step to the stage to accept the award, and it was Luo Ning after a while.

   And what makes people show the expression of eating melon and watching the play is that Lu Xun is Luo Ning's presenter.

  Luo Ning first took the trophy handed over by Lu Xun and said a few words of acceptance speech.

   After everyone saw Lu Xun kneeling down on one knee, he took out a red velvet box from his suit, opened it, and lay a custom-made diamond ring inside.

  Lu Xun raised his head and looked at Luo Ning with affection and tenderness, "Luo Ning, I love you, please marry me."

The people below    and the audience in front of the live broadcast never expected that Yingdi Lu would kneel and propose marriage in public at the film festival.

   The scene was full of shouting and whistling, and most people shouted "promise him".

  Luo Ning guessed that he might propose at the film festival when Lu Xun posted on Weibo that day to tell her not to show her outward appearance.

   She was not pretentious, looked at him with a smile like a flower, and was also full of tenderness, "Okay!"

  Lu Xun smiled and put the ring on Luo Ning's hand and kissed her hand before standing up and hugging Luo Ning.

   The people below cheered again, shouting words of blessing.

   On the barrage of the live broadcast, it is basically a blessing.

  【Today this dog food makes me so happy, it's so sweet! 】

  【Lu Yingdi is so romantic. 】

  【Who said that Yingdi Lu was just for fun? Everyone proposed marriage in public, and it was a true love. 】

  【Lingge is a big winner, a good harvest in career and love, blessings! 】

  【This is the official announcement. 】

  Lu Xun's successful marriage proposal made headlines on major entertainment news sites and dominated the list for several days.

   After Lu Xun and Luo Ning came back, the heat went down.

   It's just that everyone didn't expect that after Lu Xun came back, he announced his retirement from the entertainment industry and continued to dominate the list.

  Although it's a pity, everyone knows that Lu Yingdi's identity is not ordinary.

  Luo Ning has always liked acting, so she did not quit the circle like Lu Xun, but basically only filmed and rarely received advertisements and other activities.

   In addition to filming, she also helps people to see Feng Shui, which is also her favorite profession.

   Three months later, Lu Xun and Luo Ning held a grand wedding.

  Because the status of the participants was very high, there was no live broadcast, and the media only took photos of Lu Xun meeting Luo Ning.

   The two held a Chinese-style wedding. Luo Ning wore a bright red embroidered wedding dress, and Lu Xun wore the same bridegroom's wedding dress.

  There is no mutual oath in the West. According to the Eastern tradition, the two worship the heaven and earth first, the high hall second, and the husband and wife worship each other!

   Looking at the two people on the wedding stage, Luo Yicheng and his wife and Mr. Lu both showed happy and complete smiles.

   Ji Xingheng looked at Luo Ning with a smile on her brows and eyes. At first glance, she looked happy and happy. Although her heart was sore, she still sent her sincere blessings.

   After toasting, Lu Xun and Luo Ning were sent back to the room.

   The two drank a glass of wine, and Lu Xun took Luo Ning to the bridal chamber.

   At the moment when the two became a real husband and wife, the bottleneck that Luo Ning had been stuck on suddenly broke, and the harmony between man and nature was a matter of course.

   A year later, Luo Ning became pregnant and gave birth to a boy the following year.

   Although the two of them are very busy with work, they both find time to accompany them. Old Man Lu and the Luo family are the happiest, rushing to take care of the children.

   After another three years, Luo Ning became pregnant again and gave birth to a girl with both children.

   Mr. Lu and the Luo family were very happy and hugged their granddaughter/granddaughter instead.

  Lu Xun kissed Luo Ning's forehead, "Thank you, wife! It's great to have you!"

  Luo Ning raised her hand and smiled lightly across his handsome eyebrows, "It's nice to have you!"

  Thank God for letting her live again, make up for all her past regrets, and harvest this new beautiful love!

{"text": "The main text is finished, the plot is finished, and the supporting characters don't know what to write, so it's over here~~ I wrote another book in a flash, thank you for your continued support and company, I love you~~ \nTomorrow will start updating Kuai Chuan Fanwai, face-slapping counterattacks~~ The new book should be an old saying, I put it in advance, the title of the book is "The Princess Just Wants to Be Green Tea", you can bookmark it first ^O^"," voiceFid":"","CWVID":"0","bookRecommds":{"cbids":[20266058501537704],"reason":"New text pre-received, relaxed wind and cool text~"}}



   (end of this chapter)

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