Chapter 507 Cannon Fodder Princess (1)

   Luo Ning opened her eyes and woke up, and saw herself lying on the bed.

   She sat up and swept around, and found that it was an antique room.

   Judging from the furnishings in the room, the owner of the room is either rich or expensive.

   Suddenly, a mechanically cold voice sounded in my mind.

   "Now accept the memory of this world's cannon fodder?"

   Luo Ning also remembered her own situation when she heard this voice.

   She was already dead and jumped off the building uncontrollably.

   I just didn’t expect that there is no so-called reincarnation or the soul dissipates after death, but instead it ends up in a closed space.

   There was a book in that room, she flipped through it, and only then did she realize that she turned out to be the cannon fodder in the book.

   was specially used to send resources to the heroine as a stepping stone. In the end, she was hacked and jumped off the building because of the world power of the book.

   Remembering that there are still a lot of things to do, thinking of her parents and younger brothers, she felt a strong resentment in her heart.

   Then something called a system came out, saying that there are many small worlds in these big worlds.

   In many small worlds, there are cannon fodders like Luo Ning. Their resentment is too deep, so over time, too much resentment will affect the entire big world.

   Therefore, the big world will choose a group of people to go to these small worlds, specially for the cannon fodder to quell the grievances.

   As long as they can quell the grievances of these cannon fodders, fulfill their wishes, and do more good deeds, the system will reward points.

  As long as you accumulate enough points, Luo Ning can return to the original world and is no longer bound by the power of the world.

   Of course, if you do evil in the small world or can't quell the grievances of the cannon fodder, then you will die completely.

   If there is a chance to go back alive, Luo Ning naturally agrees.

   So she came to the current small world.

   She said decisively: "Accept!"

   Soon, a memory appeared in her mind, and she was completely integrated with this body.

   This is the Great Flame Kingdom, a dynasty that has never existed in history.

   The name of this body is also called Luo Ning. She is the daughter of the daughter of Dingguohoufu, and she is now married to the fourth prince, Lu Xiao.

   Yuan Shen was married to Lu Xiao by the late emperor when she was ten years old. She is now eighteen years old and has been married for more than a year.

  The original body has liked Lu Xiao since the beginning of the engagement, and has also met in private, and has always longed for a husband and wife to be beautiful.

After    married, Lu Xiao was really kind to her.

  Although he is often very busy and spends most of his time sleeping in the study, he never touches other women, and has always said that he only likes her.

   Yuanshen's love for Lu Xiao got deeper and deeper, and he even did a lot of things for him behind his back.

  After the new emperor ascended the throne, Lu Xiao's mother-in-law became a concubine, because the two had never had children, so the concubine wanted Lu Xiao to take a concubine.

  Lu Xiao, however, used his love for the princess as an excuse to push the matter of taking a concubine.

   This also made the concubine more and more dislike the original body, and later even called the original body to the palace secretly and secretly, wanting her to give Lu Xiao a concubine.

  Which woman would want to share her lover with others, she always pretended to be stupid, and was often scolded by her mother-in-law.

   Afterwards, the royal family held a banquet, and the original body accidentally discovered that Lu Xiao was talking with the emperor's concubine, and the two were obviously ambiguous.

   Especially the way Lu Xiao looked at the concubine was the tenderness and doting she had never seen before.

   What made the original body even more unacceptable was that the concubine was still her elder sister Luo Chun.

   She was so frightened that she couldn't help rushing out to ask questions, which also startled the two of them.

  The two did not admit that they had an affair, but said that they met by accident. Lu Xiao immediately took the original body out of the palace and banned his feet.

   Then, after the original body suffered from a cold, he always fell ill. He was frail and frail, and he was short of breath after walking a few steps, and he could no longer leave the palace.

   The concubine wanted Lu Xiao to take a concubine again, but he still used his original body as an excuse to refuse.

   And Lu Xiao, the infatuated prince who guards the princess, has also become a model of a good man in Kyoto, and the love between him and the princess is legendary.

   Of course, Lu Xiao is a model of a good man, while the original body has become a model of a jealous woman.

   He couldn't give birth to a child himself, and he didn't allow the prince and his wife to take concubines. This completely violated the current rule of seven births, and even broke the royal bloodline.

   It's a pity that there is a "good husband" to protect him, and the original body has also become the object of envy of the women of Quan Dayan, as well as the object of jealousy and running on the ladies who adore Lu Xiao.

After   , the younger brother of the new emperor was suddenly killed in battle, and the new emperor was so heartbroken that he couldn't bear it, so he went with him not long after.

   Several princes are not very old, and the prince who was supposed to be the prince directly succeeded the throne. However, in the early stage of the succession, the prince fell off while riding a horse, broke his legs, and was disabled and could no longer inherit the throne.

   took Lu Xiao to stand up, and pushed the fifth prince born by Luo Chun to the throne.

  Lu Xiao himself became the regent, and had an excuse for frequent contacts with Luo Chun.

   Yuanshen's body became weaker and weaker after knowing this, and only before he died did he know that Lu Xiao and Luo Chun had a relationship when the man was unmarried and the woman was unmarried.

   It's just that Lu Xiao got a marriage, and Luo Chun also entered the Prince's Mansion as a concubine.

  Luo Chun also became Lu Xiao's cinnabar mole. The so-called not accepting concubines and not touching women because of love is just an excuse.

   He actually wanted to protect Luo Chun.

   After accepting the original body's memory, the system spoke again.

   "Cannon fodder's wish is to protect her mother and brother so that they don't die too early; to make Lu Xiao regret it and prevent Luo Chun's son from becoming emperor, it is best to let the other party not be rewarded."

   "After you complete the wish of the cannon fodder, you will be rewarded with points and leave this world to the next small world."

  Luoning thought for a while and asked: "Apart from the reward points, are there any other rewards? For example, what kind of system mall, exchange things, etc.?"

The    system replied: "Yes, as long as you have enough points, you can open the system mall and exchange for learning skills and things that are not beyond the small world."

  Luoning nodded, this is not bad, in addition to helping the cannon fodder to fulfill his wish, there will be rewards for doing more good deeds.

   In the next small world, she might be able to open the Points Mall.

  The system disappeared without speaking, Luo Ning tried to shout, but the system did not respond.

   It seems that the system will only reappear when the cannon fodder wishes or fails.

  Suddenly, the door was pushed open and a maid walked in.

   "Princess, the concubine sent someone to tell you to come to the palace tomorrow."

   This maid, Ziyan, was a dowry girl brought by the original body from her parents' family. She grew up with the original body and was very loyal.

  Luo Ning didn't feel as sad as the original body, "I see, you can prepare the clothes for entering the palace tomorrow."

   When entering the palace tomorrow, the concubine will mention the matter of taking a concubine.

  Luoning took the tea handed over by another maid, Zi Qing, and took a sip to hide the sarcastic arc on her lips.

  Lu Xiao also wanted to protect Luo Chun this time, so that she would be accused of being a jealous woman and dream.

   (end of this chapter)

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