Chapter 518 Cannon Fodder Princess (12)

   There is no evidence before, and Ding Guohou can refute one or two.

   Now that King Chen has taken out all the evidence, Marquis Dingguo can only kneel down and beg for mercy.

  The emperor gave Dingguohou a ruthless approval in the courtroom, which meant that he couldn't even manage his family well, so how could he do things for the court.

  Using her position to arrange her concubine's family to serve in the Ministry of War, this is also a serious crime when prosecuted.

   Of course, if the emperor doesn't get into the details, he will be punished at most.

  The emperor deprived Dingguo of his position in the Ministry of War and asked him to go back and think about it behind closed doors.

   It doesn't look like he punished Dingguohou severely, but the emperor didn't say how long he would let him think behind closed doors, and when would he be able to come out.

   This makes people ponder. If you think about it behind closed doors for half a year and a year, Ding Guohou will almost be forgotten in the upper circles.

   But this is much better than direct punishment. It seems that the emperor is still worried about the concubine Chun and the prince in the palace.

  A smarter and more sensitive person knows that the emperor is still afraid of the military power in the hands of Dingguohou.

   After punishing the Dingguohou, the emperor looked at Lu Xiao below and opened his mouth.

   "Fourth brother, your mother-in-law asked for a reconciliation with Dingguo, and I agreed. When you go back, tell the princess the news so that she doesn't have to worry anymore."

  Lu Xiao did not expect that Mrs. Hou asked to see the emperor before. Not only did she tell the imperial concubine to kill her wife, but she also asked the emperor to make peace when she entered.

   Listen to what the emperor said, there is also the matter of his princess.

   He thought about it, but immediately stepped forward, "My brother obeys the order."

  The emperor seems to have wanted to suppress the Dingguohoufu for a long time, so he asked Chen Wang to collect so much evidence, and it took more than a month before the attack occurred.

  Although the Dingguohoufu was damaged a lot this time, the foundation is still there. As long as the military power is still there, it will be fine.

   So he did not intercede.

   I just don’t know if the emperor wants to take back the military power of Dingguohou. If he does, it will be troublesome.

   In addition, the Duke of Dingguo killed his wife and divorced because he favored his concubine, and his concubine even stood by Mrs. Hou.

   He is also famous for doting on the princess, and naturally stands by the princess.

  Then he can't figure out how to interact with Dingguohou in the future, otherwise he is likely to be ganged up by ginseng for personal gain.

   The more Lu Xiao thought about this, the more he felt aggrieved and uncomfortable.

  Luo Ning doesn't know what's wrong recently, and his actions are becoming more and more incomprehensible to him.

   even dared to turn him away every time, and now it is even more important to have a relationship with his parents.

   Dingguohou was confined and thought about it, which might have an impact on Concubine Chun in the palace.

   The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and a tinge appeared on his face.

When the    emperor saw that he was depressed, the emperor felt a lot more happy.

  The courtiers did not expect Madam Hou to ask the emperor to make peace before.

   And the emperor actually agreed, this is the first time in the history of the Dayan Dynasty that the emperor personally approved the marriage and separation.

  Lu Xiao was depressed, and Ding Guohou was even more depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

   I really did not expect Madam Hou to be so courageous and ran to the emperor to ask for peace.

   He really didn't like Madam Hou that much, and he also wanted to make her way.

   But now it is disgusted, and it is a shame to follow the order and leave.

After    went to court, Ding Guohou was ridiculed by many colleagues who usually did not deal with him, which made him even more embarrassed, and scolded Mrs. Hou and Luo Ning several times in his heart.

After    Concubine Chun in the palace knew about this, she could not wait to tear up Madam Hou and Luo Ning.

   She is not very favored in the harem, and she is completely lucky to be able to give birth to a prince.

  The emperor is not a sullen lord who has to be a woman, but is very wise. The favor of the harem is closely related to the court and has a balance.

   This time her father was thinking about it behind closed doors, and then reconciled, so her life in the harem was probably not as good as before.

   But I can comfort myself a little that the position of Mrs. Wen and Mrs. Hou will be vacated after leaving, and her mother can also be Mrs. Hou directly.

   She will no longer be a concubine, but a legitimate daughter. If she can be promoted to a noble concubine in the future, no one in the harem will talk about her status as a concubine.

   But her father is in some trouble now, and she has to find a way to help her father out as soon as possible.

   She is not a favorite concubine. Since the birth of her son, the emperor rarely flips her brand again, so she is naturally unreliable.

After   , she could only think of that person.

   Thinking of the palace banquet soon, a smile appeared on her lips, and he would definitely help her.

   On the other side, after Lu Xiao returned to the palace, he went directly to the inner courtyard where Luo Ning lived.

   Not locked out this time.

  Lu Xiao walked into the room and saw Luo Ning leisurely stretching out her hand to let her maid paint her nails.

   The original pink nails were painted with bright red, which made the hands slender and fairer, and they looked very good.

   Luo Ning didn't get up, looked at Lu Xiao lazily and said, "Why is your lord here?"

  Lu Xiao held a mouthful of blood in his chest, and the woman couldn't even bow when she saw him.

   He sat on the opposite chair with a cold face, "I'm going to tell you something."

   Luo Ning didn't speak, as if I was waiting to hear what you said.

  Lu Xiao didn't give up, "Today, the emperor decreed to allow your mother and Dingguo to wait and leave."

   Luo Ning's eyes lit up, and the whole person glowed with a pleasant radiance, "That's great."

   "Purple smoke, let someone go outside to buy some firecrackers to set off. It's such a happy thing, it should be celebrated."

  Lu Xiao: "..." The first time I saw that family's parents and Li, my daughter set off firecrackers to celebrate.

   "You're so happy?" he asked, frowning.

  Luo Ning nodded and said with a smile: "My mother can get rid of the wolf's den, of course I'm happy."

   It was the first time that Lu Xiao saw her showing her happiness like this, and said with a bit of inquiry: "Ning'er, since the last time you entered the palace, things have changed a lot."

  Luo Ning was not afraid of his suspicions, and there was no substitution, so he could check as he wanted.

   She casually continued to paint her nails, "Is there? Even if I have changed a lot, it must be because of you."

  Lu Xiao always felt that there was something in her words, "Speak carefully."

  Luo Ning yawned, "I don't think I've changed a lot. If you think you've changed, you should have changed. There's nothing to say, I'm tired."

   "You've reached the point where you feel tired even talking to me?" Lu Xiao couldn't figure out why Luo Ning was so cold to him now. "

  Luo Ning smiled, "You can think so, too."

   "If there is nothing else, I'll take a nap first." Just as her nails were painted, she got up to go into the inner room.

  Lu Xiao couldn't help getting up and grabbed her arm, "Ning'er, we haven't been together for a long time."

   Then he approached Luo Ning and said in a low voice, "I'll stay in the main courtyard tonight."

   Luo Ning raised her eyebrows sideways, "I really can't keep you today."

  Lu Xiao's face sank instantly, and he said with a bit of warning: "Ning'er, don't challenge my patience."

  Luo Ning was not afraid of him, she leaned closer to him and said, "I just have my menstrual period. If you don't mind, you can stay."

   She really came, and he checked it out.

   Besides, even if he didn't come, this dog man would never touch him.

  Lu Xiao's face darkened, "I still have something to do, I'm going to the study."

   After he finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves angrily and left, very angry that Luo Ning pushed him out again.

   (end of this chapter)

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