Chapter 519 Cannon Fodder Princess (13)

   Luo Ning can't see what this dog man is angry about.

   She blew on her gorgeous nails, "This man is a bitch."

   In the past, the original body often made excuses to keep him, but he always shied away from something.

   Now driving him away, and he wants to lean in front of him again, but it's not a bad thing.

   Hearing this, the maids and maids in the room could not wait to cover their ears, the princess really dared to say it.

   But the people who can stay here are all those who have been screened by Luo Ning, and naturally they will not take the initiative to tell the secret.

   That night, Luo Ning listened to the maid's report, and Lu Xiao went to the side concubine's yard.

   As for whether or not he rolled, Luo Ning simply fell asleep and chatted.

   The next day, she went to the Charity Hall to meet Luo Zhen.

When    Luo Ning arrived, Luo Zhen had already arrived.

   "Big Brother!" Luo Ning greeted with a smile and sat down.

  The mother of the two went to work. Since taking charge of the Charity Hall, Wen's whole person has glowed with new brilliance, and no longer lived like a dead tree before.

  Luo Zhen took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Luo Ning, "What you asked me to check, it's all here."

   Luo Ning opened the paper and looked at it, and sure enough, he found something wrong.

  The original body has always been puzzled, why Lu Xiao hooked up with Luo Chun, and when did he fall in love with Luo Chun.

   But even when he died, he couldn't solve his doubts.

  Luo Ning also recalled the memory, and found that after the engagement, the original body and Lu Xiao had been in private contact several times, and he was still quite a gentleman.

   And it can be seen that although he doesn't like the original fiancee very much, he doesn't reject it, and occasionally someone will send some small things over.

   But after something happened, Lu Xiao's attitude towards the original body became a lot colder, and there was even a faint rejection.

   On the contrary, there is something different about Luo Chun, who didn't seem to like him before.

   Therefore, Luo Ning asked her elder brother for help to check whether Luo Chun left alone on the day when the incident happened outside the Huguo Temple that year.

   Seeing that Luo Chun had left, and asked the maid to find clean and new male clothes, plus medicine for the stab wound, Luo Ning suddenly understood what was going on.

   A somewhat ironic, playful smile appeared on his lips.

   She knew how to fulfill the wish that the original body was most persistent in, which made Lu Xiao regret it.

   "Lu Xiao and Luo Chun hooked up at Huguo Temple?" Luo Zhen asked.

   Luo Ning nodded, "No surprise, yes."

   In that year, the new emperor had not yet ascended the throne, and several princes competed fiercely for the throne.

  The deceased empress dowager announced that the wife of the third rank or above would bring her family to the Huguo Temple to worship Buddha for two days.

   All the female relatives of the Hou Mansion went, and there was a slaughter incident. The prince born to the empress dowager's natal concubine wanted to ambush the prince and King Rui and others.

   Unfortunately, it didn’t work out, and King Rui almost died.

   Thinking of the previous results of Yuanshen and Lu Xiao, Luo Ning felt extremely ironic.

  Luo Zhen asked: "By the way, you asked me to find the female guards for you. I chose four. Will I go back to the palace with you today?"

  Luo Ning still believes in his eldest brother's work, and the people he has carefully selected will not be a problem.

   She nodded: "Well, I'll take it back today."

  Luo Zhen asked with concern: "Did something happen?"

  Luo Ning replied: "No, there will be a palace banquet in the palace in a few days. I want to bring two skilled maids in there for an extra layer of protection."

   Once at the palace banquet, the original body found out about Lu Xiao and Luo Chun.

   This time Luo Ning is also going to follow the original plot, but the ending has to be changed.

   That time, the original body was forcibly brought back to the palace by Lu Xiao, and then fell ill and never left the palace again.

  Luoning asked her eldest brother to help find a good female guard, and then pretended to be a maid and brought her in, also to prevent being taken back by force again.

   She has been practicing Sanda in modern times, and her skills are not bad.

  Luo Zhen is also going to attend the palace banquet, "It's better to be careful, you did the right thing."

  Luoning asked: "When did the Hou Mansion push that **** concubine to Mrs. Hou's position?"

  Luo Zhen said: "The woman made a fuss, but this time Lord Hou didn't let go. He should think about it behind closed doors before finding a chance to straighten it up."

   He no longer regards Lord Hou as his father, so neither he nor his sister call him father.

  Luo Ning hooked her lips, "She wants to be in the top position, don't think about it for the rest of her life."

   The more the mother and daughter value what they desire, the more she wants to destroy.

  Luo Zhen didn't want that woman to be in the position, "Do you have a solution?"

  Otherwise, Hou Dingguo would definitely straighten the woman.

  Luoning winked at him, "Brother, don't forget that there is still no conclusion about the murder of your mother before."

   She pointed to the location of the palace, "I guess the one above will save it for the designated country candidate first, and he will be charged with one more crime when he is liquidated in the future."

  Luo Zhen understood in seconds, "My sister is still smart."

   The two brothers and sisters talked again and had lunch with their mother, and Luo Ning returned to the palace with four female guards.

   But to the outside world, it is said that the maid was given to the younger sister by the prince.

  Luo Ning chatted with the four, and there was an unexpected surprise.

   One of the female guards is average, but she understands medicine and poison, and is quite proficient in that.

   was obviously brought for her by the big brother on purpose.

  Luoning knew that she would go to other small worlds in the future, and her status would not necessarily be as noble as this time. It was necessary to learn a few more survival skills.

   So in her spare time, she asked this person to teach her medicine and poison.

  She already has a foundation in traditional Chinese medicine and learns it very quickly.

   In a flash, it was time for the palace banquet.

  Luoning put on her palace attire, painted her own make-up, and looked at the person in the bronze mirror, she felt very beautiful herself.

  She was once known as the most beautiful woman in Kyoto, but she didn't blow it out.

  Today's palace banquet, courtiers above the fifth rank can bring their family members to participate, and Luo Ning is naturally with Lu Xiao.

  Lu Xiao did not come to the main courtyard to pick up Luo Ning like he usually attended the palace banquet, but waited at the door.

   But when he saw Luo Ning, who was dressed in a blue palace dress, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, but it soon disappeared.

  Luoning naturally captured his amazingness, and a man is not a visual animal.

   In fact, if Lu Xiao's thoughts were published, it is estimated that many people would be puzzled.

   After all, Luo Chun's appearance and temperament are a lot worse than Luo Ning's, especially in terms of beauty, it is even thrown out of the street.

  Luo Chun looks like a beauty, but that's without comparison.

  Standing with Luo Ning, that is the porridge side dish.

   As for talent and learning, Luo Chun is also inferior to Luo Ning taught by Mrs. Hou.

   So what is Lu Xiaotu?

   The former Luo Ning didn't understand it either, but now it's okay.

  Luoning walked to the door and bowed to Lu Xiao, "Your Highness!"

  Lu Xiao didn't help her as usual, and said lightly, "Let's go."

   After saying that, he went out first and stepped into the carriage, obviously still angry.

   (end of this chapter)

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