After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 626: Sixty was robbed of life's cannon fodder (13)

   Chapter 626 Sixty was robbed of life's cannon fodder (13)

   Yu Xianxian was in the city, and he had never encountered such a thing.

   He said: "The two little girls are separated, how can they live!"

  Luoning said helplessly: "Yeah, I'm so worried too."

   "So I thought about repaying it with food, what if the little girl and sister starve to death after eating it all?"

   "I just hope to see if I can help the little girl find a job in the county, so that the two sisters won't have to worry about life in the future."

   "After all, this is my life. If I don't repay the little girl well, I will be uneasy for the rest of my life!"

   After losing the bait for so long, it's time to pull the line.

   Yu Xianjin thought for a while and said, "That's true. After all, someone saved your life. The little girl's family is in such a situation. Only by having a source of life can you be guaranteed."

   Luo Ning nodded, "That's not the case."

   "Brother Yu, is your factory still hiring?"

   Yu Xianxian is a smart man, and now he has come to his senses. Xiao Wu wants to ask him for help.

   He thought about it and said truthfully: "The machinery factory will indeed recruit a few workers to join the factory recently, but the requirements are county household registration, at least elementary school graduates, and basically junior high school students."

   "You said this little girl, but nothing can meet the requirements."

   He is also very sympathetic to the little girl, but this is a hard rule, and there is nothing he can do.

   Luo Ning took out a pack of big front doors from his pocket and handed one to him.

   "I mean don't go through formal recruitment channels, Brother Yu, can you think of something?"

   He added, "Of course, whether it's money or materials, I will definitely compensate you here."

   Yu Xian took the cigarette and put it on, "It's easy to say if you have a county household registration, but if you have a rural household registration, this is too difficult."

   Although his parents were cadres in the factory, and he was also a manager of the factory, the requirements were strict now, and it was difficult to enter the factory with a registered permanent residence in the county, let alone the countryside.

   Luo Ning didn't give up, "Is there any other way? Think again."

   Yu Xianjin also wanted to continue to buy things from Brother Wu, so he couldn't help but leaned against the wall and carefully thought about the operability.

   After a while, he suddenly seemed to remember something.

   "By the way, there is a way here."

   He continued: "Last month our factory office issued a notice that there is an indicator that as long as anyone can get 2,000 catties of grain, they will be given a quota to enter the factory. I almost forgot if I didn't think about it carefully."

   Now that the year of famine has just ended, there is not enough food in the countryside, and the same is true in the city, everyone is living in trousers and belts.

  The factory has to provide food for the workers, so there is a huge demand for food, but there is a shortage of food everywhere.

  The food in the cafeteria has been reduced again and again, everyone is not full and has no energy to work, and the workers are constantly complaining, which is why this indicator is set.

  It’s a pity that the people who run the factory couldn’t finish it, and it’s even less possible for other people to find so much food.

  Luo Ning wanted to have a show. For her, there is no shortage of food at all. In the space, there are not only food collected before the end of the world, but also new varieties of food grown after the end of the world.

   There was a look of embarrassment on her face, "Two thousand pounds is very difficult!"

   Yu Xianjin said: "That's for sure, otherwise someone would have gone to get it, and there is a place to enter the factory."

  Luoning knows that in this era, a worker's job represents glory and an iron rice bowl.

   Being able to work in a factory, especially a large factory like a machinery factory, is the object of envy.

   She pretended to lower her head and thought about it for a while, then she raised her head and asked, "Is the quota for regular workers or temporary workers?"

   Yu Xianjin was stunned for a while, and he said casually, but he didn't expect Xiao Wu to be interested.

   What does this mean? It means that Xiao Wu has a way to get food!

   He was overjoyed, "I will work temporarily for a period of time, and I will be able to turn into a regular in about three months."

   "After all, this method of recruiting people is not good. Once you enter, you will be a regular worker. Especially the little girl who saves you has a rural hukou."

  Luoning thought again, "Two thousand catties of grain, can't it be less?"

   Definitely can't be so arrogant and pat on the chest and say that he can find it, it's hard to pretend.

   Yu Xianjin did not answer and asked: "Brother Xiao Wu, if you give me an accurate word, can you really get thousands of catties of grain?"

  Luoning sighed, "Yes, I can, someone owes me a favor, and they can collect and transfer food from all over the place, but once this mouth is opened, the favor will be used."

   "That little girl saved my life, and I can only use my favor."

   Yu Xianjin patted Luo Ning's shoulder, "Brother Xiao Wu is really a man of temperament."

   Those who know how to repay their kindness are not afraid of being stabbed by the other party.

   And Xiao Wu can do this for that little girl, he admires it.

   He said: "I'm not sure if I can reduce it a little more, but I can go to the factory office and ask for you."

   If this can be done, it will also be good for him.

  Luo Ning stuffed the whole pack of cigarettes into him, "Just trouble Brother Yu to ask for help now, I'll be here waiting for your answer."

  Yu Xianxian didn't even see the outside world. He took the cigarette and prepared to take it to the factory office for a round. "Okay, then you wait for me here for a while."

   After he finished speaking, he pushed the bicycle out of the courtyard gate.

   About half an hour later, Yu Xian came back.

   "The factory office said that two thousand catties of grain should not be less."

   He continued panting, "But he promised that as long as you can gather food, the price will be based on the market price, and the number of workers in the factory will be turned into a regular one month."

   He asked again: "What's the education for the little girl who saved you? Do you know how to read?"

  Luoning replied: "She is not allowed to go to school at home, but she has attended a literacy class and taught herself in private."

   "I have taken her exam. Although she has no education, the level of graduating from elementary school is absolutely fine."

   She is a provincial champion at the level of a primary school student, which is really enough.

   Yu Xianjin smiled and said, "It would be nice if you could read and write. Now the factory lacks a recorder who is responsible for going to the workshop every day to record the situation."

   "My dad is the workshop director. If I go and talk, I can help you fix the post of the recorder. After a month, the factory will turn it into a regular."

   Luo Ning looked grateful, "Thank you so much Brother Yu."

   "I'll find a way to get the food. No matter what, I have to repay this life-saving grace, so I don't have any burdens."

   "It's just so much food, I can't get it in a few days, I'm afraid it will take ten days and a half months."

   Yu Xianjin looked in admiration, "It's amazing to be able to get so much food in ten days and a half."

   "There is no problem at this time. You can go directly to the factory office of the machinery factory to find me when you get the food."

   Luo Ning nodded: "Okay!"

   After the two finished talking about this, they finished today's transaction, and then they each left.

   Half a month later, Luo Ning went to the machinery factory to find Yu Xianjin and asked for the key to his empty yard.

  The next day, the grain was transported in, and the cadres of the machinery factory were asked to check it.

   The other party was very happy, and moved the grain to the factory. After paying the money and the ticket, he gave Luo Ning the worker recruitment confirmation letter, and asked her people to report in three days.

   At the same time, he also issued a certificate, which Luo Ning will have to take to the village to find the captain to stamp it.

After the    is converted into a regular worker, the food relations and household registration can also be transferred to the county seat along with it.

  Luo Ning thanked Yu Xianjin again, and after coming out, gave him some food to eat, and then returned to the village with the certificate.

   And the first time I found the captain and said this.

   Soon, the news that Luo Sanya was going to work as a worker in the city spread throughout the village, shocking the whole village.

   Sorry for the delay of ten minutes, today's update is over, thank you for your reward and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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