After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 627: Sixty was robbed of life's cannon fodder (14)

   Chapter 627 Sixty was robbed of life's cannon fodder (14)

   The captain looked at the proof in his hand in shock and took a long time to recover.

   He swallowed and asked, "You, are you going to be a worker in a machinery factory?"

   This Luo Sanya is really a blockbuster!

  Luoning nodded generously, "Yeah, so the factory issued a certificate and asked me to sign and stamp the team. After one month, it will be transferred to a regular account to facilitate the transfer of food relations and household registration."

   The captain couldn't help but ask, "This is what your dad found for you?"

  Luo Ning was helpless, "How could it be, he couldn't arrange my sister-in-law to enter the machinery factory, not to mention that I have broken up with them now, and he can't help me."

  Luozhu always felt that the village was not worthy of her, so she asked the original father to help her arrange work in the machinery factory.

   It’s just that the rural hukou is too restrictive for entering the factory. The original scumbag also suddenly encountered a big job recruitment. With good luck, he went in and started working as a temporary apprentice.

   The team leader of a workshop, where can people be stuffed.

  Otherwise Luozhu would definitely go to work in a machinery factory instead of staying in high school.

Captain    also thinks that it is unlikely that Father Luo helped Luo Sanya to get the machinery factory, but if not, how could Sanya enter the factory?

   Seeing the captain's doubts, Luo Ning took the initiative to explain, "Some time ago, when I went up the mountain to collect firewood, I found that a comrade fell and was injured, so I helped him down the mountain and sent him to the hospital."

   "He said I saved his life and insisted on repaying me."

   "So he helped me arrange this job in the machine shop."

   Captain: "..." To be able to do such a good thing, Luo Sanya's luck is really good.

   He smiled and said, "It's a good thing for this person to repay his gratitude. With this job, you and your sister won't have to worry about life."

   It is said that the temporary workers in the machinery factory have a salary of 18 yuan a month, and there are other benefits. Sanya can still turn into a regular, which is really enviable.

  Luo Ning nodded and smiled: "Yes, I will take my sister to live a good life in the future."

The captain    had a good impression of her, so he quickly signed the seal.

   When Luo Ning came out of the office, she was surrounded by a group of people in the village and asked her why she could go to work in the machinery factory and if her father helped arrange it.

  Luo Ning is of course impossible to let the scumbag build a good reputation, and it was not arranged by the other party.

   So he repeated what he said to the captain.

  The people present were all envious and jealous. This Luo Sanya's luck was also very good. After saving a random person, she was able to enter the city and become a worker.

  Why didn't they find anyone who could save them when they went up the mountain to pick up firewood?

   There are a few people who even look at Luo Ning because of jealousy.

  Luo Ning didn't care what everyone thought, she politely smiled and said hello to go home.

  Wuya also heard about this, and looked at Luo Ning with bright eyes, "Sister, did you really go to the city to be a worker?"

   Luo Ning smiled and touched Wu Ya's head, "Yeah."

   "We don't have to worry about life in the future. After I'm a regular, I'll send you to school next spring."

  Wuya showed her yearning, but still shook her head, "I'm not going to pay for tuition fees, and I'm also delaying work."

   Luo Ning chuckled and said, "You don't have to go to work in the future, just take care of you."

   "After a month, I will be able to become a regular, and the salary will be nearly 30 yuan, enough for you to go to school and live with us."

   "You go to school well, you will go to high school in the future, and you can find a job in the city after graduation."

   When Wu Ya graduated from high school, the college entrance examination had not yet resumed, but with her high school diploma, she could help her sister get a job and start work first.

  I usually let my sister continue to read, and when the college entrance examination resumes, I will take the college entrance examination and become a college student.

   Wu Ya's eyes turned red, "Sister, are we really that good in the future?"

   Luo Ning nodded firmly, "Of course."

   Then he took out the refined grains, eggs, pork belly and brown sugar from the basket.

   "Look, we can live a good life from now on, not to mention the future," she said with a smile.

   Wu Ya covered her mouth in shock, "Sister, where did you get so many things?"

   Luo Ning replied, "I gave it to that person."

   "I'll make you braised pork and scrambled eggs for dinner."

   Wu Ya smacked her lips, "Okay, I haven't eaten braised pork yet."

   I used to make it at home, but the old woman never gave it to their sisters.

   She was still worried about life before, but now, instead of worrying, she is full of hope for the future.

   also agreed with what my sister said to go to school. When she graduates from high school and works in the future, she will be reciprocated to her sister.

  The two sisters laughed and went to the kitchen to cook together.

   On the other side, the overall air pressure in the Luo family was very low.

   The old lady was so angry that her face turned green, "What kind of **** happened to that dead girl's movie, and she was able to be arranged to work in a machinery factory."

  Luozhu was even more hated at this time.

   She really did not expect that Luo Sanya did not save Jiang Congyi, but saved another person and got a good job.

   How could that dead girl have such a good life, it's too hateful.

  The other members of the Luo family were also very uncomfortable.

   was suddenly pushed back by the niece who had always been pressing, and they felt particularly aggrieved.

  Sister Luo said sourly: "No wonder the dead girl wants to split up with us. I'm afraid she saved someone long ago. She knows she will be assigned a job, and she doesn't want us to be exposed."

  If there is no separation of family and relatives, the dead girl has saved people a good job, and he is not qualified to go to work, his eldest son is almost the same.

   The other rooms are also very sour, "I heard that the dead girl can be turned into a regular after a month. The salary at that time will be nearly 30 yuan, which is almost the same as our annual share."

  If the dead girl is not distributed, whoever goes to work, the salary of nearly 30 yuan this month is public, and they can also get it all.

  The old lady also felt that the dead girl must have planned to break up the family.

   She patted the table, "What kind of work does a dead girl go to, and it will be cheaper for others in the future."

   "No, this job can't let her go."

   She stood up and said, "I'll go to her to give up my job."

   This is a good job in a machine shop, and it can’t be cheap, you bastard.

   Hearing her words, the other three houses and Luozhu became active.

   So he encouraged the old lady to make trouble.

  The old lady really took her family to the house at the foot of the mountain.

   When he walked to the door, he smelled a strong aroma of meat, and the Luo family couldn't help swallowing.

   "The life of the dead girl is really good, not only has a job, but also eats meat." The Luo family's eyes were red with jealousy.

   They haven't eaten meat for two or three months.

   "It's too much for a dead girl to have flesh and not honor her grandma."

  The old lady was even more angry. She used to arrange all the meat in the house, but the dead girl didn't even mention going home.

  The Luo family does not have a deep understanding of family separation.

  When the two Luo Ning sisters were not promising, they had an attitude, if they were separated, they would not come back.

   And when the other party is promising, they change their attitude, they are fools if they don’t take advantage.

   (end of this chapter)

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