After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 657: Star Withered Imperial Rose Cannon Fodder (8)

   Chapter 657 Interstellar withered imperial rose cannon fodder (8)

   Seeing that his sons and daughters-in-law all aimed their guns at Ling Ge, Mr. Ling was not surprised.

   What the grandson did this time also made him very angry and disappointed.

   As the sons and daughters-in-law said, what point is Leng Ying better than Luo Ning?

   Even if you put aside her family background and identity, Luo Ning's ability to sacrifice her life to save Ling Ge is much better than other women.

   This is true love, how many people can do it?

  Unfortunately, Ling Ge didn't know how to cherish it, so he insisted on doing it.

   Of course, Ling Ge is used to this by Luo Ning.

   It's just that people don't want to get used to it now, don't want to tolerate it, don't want to forgive.

   What can they do, we can only recognize it.

   "Ling Ge has indeed gone too far this time. I decided to temporarily remove his appointment on Kaya Star and send him to serve on Border Star."

   Kaya Star is one of the main planets where Ling's army is located. Originally, Mr. Ling had appointed Ling Ge as the deputy commander of Kaya Star.

   As long as you can obtain enough military merit, you can be promoted to commander, from lieutenant colonel to major colonel, and finally to at least general.

   Then from Father Ling's side, Ling Ge can take over the position of the head of the Ling family.

   This was arranged by Mr. Ling before.

   In addition to liking and being optimistic about Ling Ge, the grandson, of course, it is also related to Luo Ning, the direct granddaughter of Marshal Luo.

   But now that Sun Tzu has done such a stupid thing, he should bear the consequences for his own choice.

   As for whether Ling Ge can rely on his own ability to crush the rest of the Ling family and compete for the position of the heir to the next Ling family, it will depend on Ling Ge's performance after that.

   As the patriarch of a clan, he controls the rise and fall of the Ling family, so Mr. Ling cannot be willful.

   He glanced at his sons and grandsons, who were already ready to move, and said, "The next head of the Ling family will be the third, and the third generation of heirs will fight according to their strengths."

   The reason why he chose Ling Ge's father instead of the first one and the second one is that the spiritual talents of the two people in the front are only A-level, and they are not qualified to be the head of the family, at least they have to be S-level.

   This is the default rule of the royal family and the four major families.

  The old man said that, except for Ling's father and Ling's mother, everyone else showed joy.

   Mr. Ling swept the crowd again coldly and sternly, "But there is a premise that the Ling family does not allow the occurrence of framing and killing each other for the sake of the position of the heir."

   "Whoever dares to do this will be removed from the Ling family directly, and don't challenge my bottom line."

  Normal competition can prompt the third generation of the Ling family to fight for strength, but he wants to kill each other for that position, which is not what he wants to see.

   Everyone nodded, "Father/Grandpa, don't worry, we definitely won't."

   As long as there is a fair chance to compete, you will not feel wronged if you lose.

   In the third generation, several people were dissatisfied with Ling Ge. The other party had one of the biggest advantages over them before, which was Luo Ning, his fiancee.

   Now this advantage is gone, everyone is standing on the same level, who is afraid of whom?

   That's it, if you lose, your skills are not as good as others. If you win, you will be pleasantly surprised!

   Luo Ning didn't know his actions, which triggered the "civil war" of the Ling family.

   But it wouldn't be too surprising to know, this was originally her intention.

  The reason why Ling Ge was able to annex the Luo family was because he succeeded to be the head of the Ling family.

  Leng Ying also relied on Ling Ge's power to successfully kill the original body and let the Luo family be buried with her.

   Luo Ning will naturally not let the two of them have such shortcuts.

  Ling Zha Zha also imagined that he would become the head of the Ling family as smoothly as he did in his previous life. Go ahead and dream.

   And the original body in the previous life disappointed everyone, this time let Ling Zha taste it himself.

   Another medium star.

  Ling Ge just got up and took a shower when he came out and found dozens of missed calls on the terminal.

   He stayed with Leng Ying in the hospital last night until midnight, so he got up late today and went to take a shower without looking at the terminal.

   Seeing so many missed calls, he had a bad premonition.

   There were fights between Ling’s father and Ling’s mother, as well as cousins ​​and his good friends, comrades-in-arms with the army.

   He immediately clicked on Father Ling's terminal number and dialed it.

   At this time, the Ling family's lunch was over, Ling's father was on the way back to their own residence, and Ling's mother and Ling's younger sister were in the car.

   picked up the phone, and when he saw his son's appearance just after taking a bath, he couldn't help frowning.

  Father Ling was even more angry, "I called you more than an hour ago, and you just called me back now. You are really happy!"

   He always had high hopes for his son, but this time his son really made him angry and disappointed.

  Ling Ge is a wise man. Seeing his father's displeased expression and his sarcastic tone, he knew something must have happened.

   "Sorry, I slept late last night and got up late today."

   He then asked, "Dad, did something happen?"

  Father Ling didn't hide it, he sent Luo Ning to Xingbo to break off the marriage and cut off the relationship, and exposed the matter between him and Leng Ying, and said it again.

   At the same time, he repeated the old man's new decision and the words of letting the third-generation direct grandchildren compete.

   "This matter has a great impact on you. I hope you don't let your mind wander, and don't even want a future for a woman."

   "Your grandfather hasn't given up on you yet. He transferred you in hopes of training and testing you. I hope you can cherish this last chance."

  The next head of the family is his own son, of course the best.

   If he really wanted to miss out on being the head of the family, he would admit it. After all, in his heart, the future of the Ling family was the number one priority.

  Although there is competition between the brothers and sisters of the Ling family, and occasionally confront each other with each other, their feelings still exist.

   Everyone has a deep sense of family honor, which is integrated into the blood.

   Not only the Ling family is like this, but the other three families are also the same, otherwise they would have already started to decline.

  Ling Ge shrank after listening to Father Ling's words, with a look of disbelief on his face.

   "Luo Ning would actually do this? How is this possible?" He still couldn't believe it.

   Although he was a little disappointed with the decision made by his grandfather, he could accept it.

   He is a proud person, he is gifted and capable, and he can fight for the position of the head of the family by himself.

   But for Luo Ning's choice and practice, he didn't know why, but it was hard to accept in his heart.

   There was a kind of panic like never before, as if something important was about to be lost.

  Ling mother got angry when she saw him like this, "How is this impossible? You don't have any points in your heart for the **** you did yourself?"

   "Luo Ning loves you and haunts you, but you also hurt people deeply this time."

   "Luo Ning is the granddaughter of Marshal Luo, recognized as the imperial rose. You escaped marriage and openly slapped her in the face of the whole empire, and ran to hang out with another woman during the wedding. Why should she bear it?"

   If she was Luo Ning, she couldn't bear it.

   If the husband dared to do so, she would break his leg.

   It was because of Luo Ning's blog. Although she also felt a little too radical, she did not take anger.

   After all, Luo Ning's choice is human nature.

   She is not the kind of mother who is right and wrong.

   But because of this, she even more despised and disliked Leng Ying who made her son do all the stupid things.

   "Now Luo Ning has withdrawn from the marriage, and announced that you will have nothing to do with marriage in the future."

   "Since this is the case, then you can marry whoever you like, and I don't care about it."

   Although he said so, that Leng Ying never wanted to enter the door of Ling's house.

  Little sister Ling also glared at her brother, "Scumbag, just lock up with that bitch."

   Luo Ning is her friend and the only sister-in-law she admits. Her brother is simply too much.

   Now she deserves to be dumped by the divorce, she supports Luo Ning anyway, and hates that Leng Ying even more.

   Father Ling didn't want to look at his bad son again, "Think about it. In the future, your mother and I will not interfere in your marriage, that's all."

After    finished speaking, the terminal actively hung up.

  Ling Ge: "..." He was disliked by his parents and younger sister together.

   suddenly gave birth to an unreal dazedness.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~~ I'll go back and make corrections after I post it~



   (end of this chapter)

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