After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 658: Star Withered Imperial Rose Cannon Fodder (9)

   Chapter 658 Star withered Imperial Rose Cannon Fodder (9)

  Ling Ge instinctively opened Luo Ning's terminal and hit it after Father Ling hung up the terminal.

   still prompts that it cannot be connected, indicating that it is still in the blacklist.

   He can only give up, and then click on Xingbo.

   Before I had time to click on Luo Ning's Xingbo, I saw the red title of "Luo Ning announces that she and Ling Ge broke off".

   The second popular item: "Ling Ge derailed the entertainment industry, a new young flower Leng Ying"

  The third most popular: "Ling Ge scumbag, Leng Ying Xiaosan, Imperial Rose has them locked up."

   Seeing that the three popular items were all related to him, Ling Ge couldn't help but turn black.

  Clicked in and scanned it. Except for a few of his loyal fans, the comments below were all scolding.

   He raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, then clicked on Luo Ning's Xingbo.

   Sure enough, I saw the latest three trends, each of which is very strong and domineering, with a kind of decisiveness.

  Why is this happening? Is Luo Ning crazy?

   He didn't even say he wouldn't get married!

   He didn't attend the wedding, it's not that he was running away from the marriage, but that he had something to do.

   He did like and admire Leng Ying a little bit, but there was no cross-border relationship between them.

  Leng Ying is not really his lover.

   After seeing the evidence Luo Ning made, Ling Ge instantly had a headache.

   I don't know which **** took the photo, how could he and Leng Ying be so ambiguous?

   This made him unable to explain.

  Ling Ge immediately contacted his adjutant and asked the other party to arrange the fastest starship to return to the Imperial City.

When the adjutant heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that something like this would happen, and the young master would stay here with his lover.

  Ling Ge didn't know what the adjutant was thinking, otherwise he would definitely want to vomit blood.

   Even the people around him believe that Leng Ying is his lover. How can this be explained...

   On the other hand, Leng Ying got up in a good mood and had breakfast, and asked his assistant to order lunch and prepare to eat with Ling Ge for a while.

   Being able to make Ling Ge not go to the wedding and leave Luo Ning to find herself, she was very proud and proud at this time.

   But before Ling Ge came to the hospital, she received a call from her manager and was spat out.

   said that she called people away from the wedding, which was too low-level, and gave the handle directly to Luo Ning.

   Now Luo Ning has been scolded by the entire internet because she broke off her marriage with Ling Ge, which makes the company's executives very angry.

  Leng Ying was scolded by the manager, Luo Ning would do such a thing, how is this possible?

   Didn't that woman love Lingo to the death?

   Doesn't he look like he's licking a dog, so he's reluctant to let go of Ling Ge?

  Why do you post on Xingbo and engage in this kind of sleazy operation.

   She is indeed planning to expose her relationship with Ling Ge on the star network, but then she will have to wait for Luo Ning's reputation to fall apart, after the reputation of the whole empire stinks!

   Although she likes Ling Ge, she deliberately hangs on Ling Ge hot and cold, but she is not ready to be with him now.

   So how did she become a junior?

  Luo Ning, a lunatic, even directly tweeted that she was a mistress, which is so hateful.

   So she asked her agent to go to public relations, saying that she and Ling Ge were just good friends, not the mistress Luo Ning said, and the other party misunderstood.

   Otherwise, if she is completely labeled as a mistress, how can she still be in the entertainment industry in the future?

  How to attract other high-quality men from outstanding backgrounds to be her spare tire?

  Although she only identified Ling Ge as the male protagonist in her heart, and did not intend to have a relationship with other men, but it did not prevent her from wanting to release her charm and harvest a group of high-quality men who fell under her pomegranate skirt!

   She thought that she was in the book "Empire Rose", and the heroine Luo Ning in that book should be replaced by her.

   It was also very smooth before. According to the timeline and events in the book, she successfully attracted the attention and interest of the male protagonist Ling Ge, and provoked the relationship between him and Luo Ning.

   made him fall in love with him, and left the heroine for himself.

   Even before Luo Ning, he rescued the mecha master who was in distress, robbed Luo Ning of the opportunity to apprentice, and successfully impressed the other party, and began to teach her to make mecha.

   Luo Ning's several opportunities, she also intercepted in advance.

  Everything was going according to her plan, how could this happen suddenly?

   All blame Luo Ning for not playing cards according to the order.

  The heroine is the heroine, and she is still a little lucky, which makes her very unhappy.

   In any case, Luo Ning cannot be turned over again.

  Luo Ning said in the book that in order to save Ling Ge, his mental power was severely damaged.

   Fortunately, she took the first step and bought the mutant plant that could restore Luo Ning's mental power by chance.

   As long as Luo Ning can't restore his mental power, he is a waste.

   After she has learned all the master's teachings and becomes a mecha master, she will still be able to step on the heroine in Luo Ning's book.

  Since Luo Ning has made such a choice, it also means that he may really give up the male protagonist Ling Ge.

   Of course, it is also possible that Luo Ning was trying hard to escape.

   So she can't let the other party succeed, she has to hurry up Ling Ge, and quickly clean up Xiaosan's reputation.

   The agent was speechless after hearing what Leng Ying meant.

   This is completely forcible whitewashing. After all, there are many ambiguous photos of Leng Ying and Ling Ge in the Xing Bo evidence posted by Luo Ning.

   A passerby said just now that they accidentally met Ling Ge and Leng Ying in this hospital yesterday, and then secretly photographed them and posted them.

   As soon as the photo was posted, the two were scolded by netizens again.

   Even if they said they were friends before, Leng Ying called someone at the wedding of Ling Ge and Luo Ning, it was a black spot, and it couldn't be washed out at all.

   But the company doesn't want to give up Leng Ying immediately, after all, there is a big tree Ling Ge behind her.

   So according to Leng Ying's intention, the agent posted a clarification on Xingbo, explaining that the photos were ambiguous because of the angle.

   As for whether netizens believe it or not, she is not in her control.

  The company means that it doesn't matter if it doesn't wash out this time, just look for an opportunity to make a comeback in the future.

   Sure enough, after clarifying that Xingbo happened, he was scolded and complained by netizens.

  【This forcible whitewashing is as disgusting as being fed or something. Don't you have an affair with Ling Ge who has an engagement contract after Ling Ge and Luo Ning got engaged? 】

  【What do you say about the ambiguous photos? 】

  【You said the ambiguous photos were taken from an angle, but the two of you are too close together? 】

  【The clothes in each photo are different, indicating that when you are together, you are very close to each other. 】

  【That is, being so close together, it is a simple friendship relationship, how to fool the ghost? 】

  【There is also a photo of Princess Ling Ge holding you. You said that you were injured while filming, so he held you.

   I just wanted to ask, if you didn't have an improper relationship, would he go to watch when you were filming? Are you so nervous that you are injured? Carry it to the hospital in person? 】

   [That is, why did he hug you without seeing him hug someone else? 】

   [There are several photos of you visiting Ling Ge in the army of Kaya Star Ling's family in the photo. The time points are different. The real fiancee has not visited so often. 】

  【This whitewashing is too fake, the more you wash it, the more it explains the problem. 】

  【Don't force it to be white, everyone is not a fool. 】

  【The scumbags and the scumbags should be locked by themselves, so as not to harm others. 】

   After reading the comments of netizens, I even saw that my own fans turned black, and Leng Ying's face was almost green with anger.

   (end of this chapter)

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