At the sight of the old chief, Krien immediately woke up from the absurd mood of the ghost, but it was too late.

Krion looked at the old chief and subconsciously wanted to preemptively explain what he was doing: "Father, Adam ..."

"Father, Brother Kryan is a bad guy! This Asian beast called Ivan is also a bad guy. They are Neiying sent by other tribes. When they are discovered by their brother Adam, they must frame him as a fallen beast. Before his words fell, He Ziming screamed at the old chief when he saw the old chief.

Krion's mood was complicated and embarrassing: "Father ..."

The old chief took a deep look at them, and was decisive and ordered: "Come! Take Adam and this Asian orc named Ivan, and take this orc with unknown origin! In the investigation, it is clear to the end Before all this happened, they were all detained. "

The old chief made a speech, and even Krion had no room for questioning and could only be left to listen.

Several orcs in charge of guarding the tribe immediately stepped forward and took down Ivan, Adam, and the injured cheetah who maintained the beast shape, and put them in prison.

He Ziming rushed forward when he saw the situation, and wailed to the old chief: "Father, father, I want to be with my brother, I don't want to be apart from my brother."

"You want to follow, then follow." The old chief glanced at Adam, lovingly touched He Ziming's head, but allowed it.

He believed in the character of Adam, and he also believed that he really liked his son and would not hurt him.

He Ziming got the acquiescence of the old chief, and he jumped to Adam's side with impromptu elation, holding his hand tightly and never letting go.

Kerion looked at Ryan, whose eyes were always scorched on Adam, and he had mixed feelings, and watching the old chief was like persuading something: "Father ..."

The old chief took a deep look at him, but said meaningfully: "Let him go. I believe Adam really likes Ryan and will not hurt him."

Krynn snorted immediately.

Although He Ziming is a fool in this world, he can do a lot of things. Unconsciously, through the act of pretending to be stupid, he has led the old chief to find a lot of evidence about the identity of Yiwen.

It is not difficult to check if Yi Wen is undercover of the Scar Scar Tribe. As long as a trace of evidence can be found, many things can be found out.

The evidence was in front of him. The old chief came out of the mountain again by this matter, rectified the entire tribe, dug out the other tribes hidden in the tribe, and hanged himself directly on the spot.

And Adam's innocence, and the crimes of the cheetah orcs and Ivan were quickly proven ...

The most tolerant of the orc tribe is betrayal, which cannot be forgiven.

Immediately after the conviction, the old chief ordered the execution of the cheetah orc who was the boss of Ivan, and returned his bones to his own tribe for questioning, but the chief of the scar tribe refused to acknowledge the undercover and cheetah orcs. And Ivan is a man of his own tribe. The Diya tribe is also expected, and because of the special nature of Ivan as an Orc, the old chief is out of his protection as an orc and the relationship between Ivan and Corian, but he is only detained in the tribe for the time being. In the dungeon, for the time being, no hair fell.

Only wait to discuss with some of the most prestigious Asian orc elders in the clan before proceeding.

Adam was baptized and soon released. He was only slightly injured while fighting the cheetah orc, which is not worth mentioning, but now He Ziming's relationship with him is different. When he returns home, he immediately poses pitifully with He Ziming, no Lived and shouted, "It's all right."

But words and deeds all revealed his discomfort and pain.

"Brother, hurt? What should I do? What can I do?" He Ziming saw early that he was pretending to be cowardly, but in order to maintain Lane's people, he still pretended to cheat and believe him. Looks like, Adam is so distressed that he ca n’t do it. Looking at Adam ’s physical strength, he needs to stay in bed after being aggrieved, he screamed one by one: “Brother!” He almost lost his eyes in his eyes.

Adam was so fragile that he looked at He Ziming worried and looked at his kitten-like eyes. He was so sweet that he said, "What should you do? Kiss me, Ryan kiss me, and I will not hurt anymore." . "

"Okay." He Ziming responded obediently.

Immediately, I made a look that believed in Adam, and kissed Adam's dry lips softly.

The two of them were tender and affectionate, but the old chief was suffocated. In order to cure Adam and stay in bed, he had to hold He Ziming in a hug and kiss him, and the old chief was particularly frustrating. Fully added half a catty of Coptis chinensis to the good tonic, a dark bowl went on.

Adam was alive and well at once, and he could jump and jump.

Their family rejoiced and lively, just at this time Kerion sneaked into the dungeon where Ivan was detained, used the cover of his power to secretly take Ivan out of the dungeon.

Ivan never expected that Krion would come to save himself, and now he was shocked and happy: "Krion ..."

If he continues to stay in the Diya tribe, he knows he can't escape.

Kerion always looked at his exquisite and perfect face, but there was a mixed flavor under his heart. He always remembered that the other party was his own life-saving benefactor and a peerless Asian beast that met all the criteria for his spouse selection. It's a mirror flower.

Things are wrong, and they remember the old feelings, but the other party has become undercover sent by other tribes who are deliberately close to themselves.

But even so, after learning that the orc elders unanimously decided to execute Ivan, Kerion still felt that he could not help saving him.

Let's just repay that kindness.

Kerion thought.

"Let's go." Kerion didn't speak all the way, until he covered Yiwen to the tribe door, and he opened his mouth lonely to Yiwen.

Evan learned that he could leave, and couldn't be more happy, but he hesitated to look at Krynn: "Krynn, how can you?"

The most unacceptable of the orcs was betrayal, and the most intolerable was undercover.

He didn't expect that even if his identity was revealed, Kerion would still be willing to help him ... Could it be that he really had a deep root for him and couldn't help himself?

"Let's go, even if I repay the life-saving grace you gave me in the past. I said goodbye to my benefactor. From now on, you and I will have nothing to do." Kerion did not look at him, only Say this.

All the absurdity is over.

His love for Yi Wen was born of his life-saving grace when he was young, and now that he has returned his kindness, it is time to end it.

Evan fixedly looked at him and moved his lips. There was an urge to tell Kerion that he was not his life-saving benefactor, but a counterfeit, but when he spoke, he could not say anything. "Krion ... Thank you, thank you!"

I wanted to run away from the Diyar tribe.

However, I didn't want him to take a few steps, but he was stopped by people: "I want to leave, but I'm afraid you can't get away, the orc of the Scar Horde."

Kerion looked up.

But it was Adam who took the soldiers and surrounded the Ewen regiment.

"Cryan ..." Evan looked at Kerion in panic.

Krien met the soldiers of the Warrior Regiment, and his face changed suddenly, and he looked at Adam: "Adam."

As a chief, it was a serious crime to put an undercover prisoner behind him. Kerion wanted to do it silently, and then pushed it to the people of the Scar Tribe. He did not want to be arrested by Kerion.

I've targeted Adam before, but I'm afraid it won't be okay for him to fall back to Adam.

Krynn lingered.

"Master Sir!" Adam stepped forward, saluting him respectfully.

Kerion thought of himself, but he was even more upset. He thought that Adam was going to sneer or blame him, even as if he had slandered him at first, slandered himself and colluded with the Scar Horde.

Don't want to, but Adam took a step back in a humble and narrative way and said to Coryan: "Master Chief, you have been deceived. This Orc, named Evan, is not your life-saving benefactor at all. This is a conspiracy. It is the Scar Tribe's deliberate design to bring him closer to your plot. "

What he said was to ask people to put before them all evidence that Ivan hadn't rescued Kryan.

Among them, there are some Scar Tribes deliberately searching for evidence that Kerion is looking for such an Asian Orc, and the Scar Tribes post in their own tribe to collect some general-looking Asian Orcs.

There is even more intuitive evidence that an Asian orc friend who has been in the tribe with Yi Wen has been forced to confess by Adam's interrogation. When he saw Criann trembling, he recruited: "Yes, yes ... Ivan played with me from a young age to a big one. The two of us are neighbors. He has never left the Scar Clan since he was a child. It is impossible to be the life-saving benefactor of Chief Kerion. "

"All this was arranged above. At the beginning, the encounter between Yiwen and the Chief, and the tokens, the experience was also explored in advance. According to the original mission, it was confused." He said.

With this little trick, Ivan immediately changed his face: "Cryan ..."

Kerion listened to their words, but his face was getting colder and colder, and he squeezed a few words out of his teeth and asked Evan: "Aren't you my life saver?"

Ivan would like to answer yes, but I don't know if I can be more frank and deceive Krynn again, and I will immediately grab the bag, which crime will be more serious.

Krien looked at his shrinking expression, even if he had the answer.

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