Kerion's feelings and pity for Evan were all because of his childhood life-saving grace.

For this reason, even if it is found that Ivan is really a Scar Scar tribe, he is willing to save him at all costs for such a little affection.

Save him the original Baiyueguang ...

But if Ivan wasn't at all, but just a deliberate liar.

Then everything he did became a joke, all meaningless.

Krien stared at him, his eyes red so much that he could almost shed blood, and he asked, "Are you not my life saver?"

Yi Wen was frightened by him. He shrank involuntarily, and shouted to Krien, very weak, "Ke ... Krien ..."

His appearance is peerless, and his attitude is so pitiful and pitiful.

However, Corien looked at him like this, but in his heart he couldn't afford to have any pity for this Asian orc. He looked at Yiwen coldly, his eyes were so cold that he could almost freeze people into ice cubes, and murmured with a mockery: "You are not, you are not, hahaha ~"

Ivan wasn't. Did everything he did become a big joke?

Ivan looked at the Diya tribe orcs who were staring at him. When he looked at Kerion pityingly, he begged: "Cryan ... Save me, save me!"

If he didn't believe it, he didn't believe that Kerion risked to rescue him. They had been together for so long that Kerion had no affection for him, all because Kerion misunderstood that he was his lifesaver.

"Krynn, save me, save me, Krynn ..." He begged to step forward and hugged Krynn's leg.

Kerion stared at him coldly, as if he had some dirt on it and wanted to get rid of it, and flung him away fiercely: "Go away! Bitch!"

"Cryan ..." Ivan was knocked to the ground by him, looking at him with an expression of disbelief.

Kerion didn't want to, he just walked away and didn't want to care about the orcs and Evan. Ivan was thrown directly to the orcs and Adam for disposal.

If Ivan wasn't his lifesaver, then this orc would be nothing to him.

Kerion's intention to release Ivan, a spy incident of other tribes, caused a lot of uproar among the clan. Although it was prevented by Adam in time, Ivan was not released ... but the orcs in the tribe were chiefs of the tribe. Krion's attempt to privately spy on other tribes is still extremely dissatisfied ...

Even many respected elders in the tribe found the old chief and advised him to dismiss the chief of Kryon: "Chief! Our Diya tribal chief should have belonged to Lane's future orc. It was originally because Corinne is Ryan's fiance, and we support him in the chief's seat! "

"Now that his marriage contract with Ryan has been terminated, it is time for the current chief of our tribe to be replaced," said an elder.

Immediately another elder echoed: "Yeah, yeah, the chief. He originally broke off the marriage contract with Little Lane, thinking that he was your adopted son. The chief has done a good job, and he does not plan to change. After him, I just thought that as long as the next chief was the child of Little Lane. But now ... "

"Krynn actually gave away the spies of other tribes for his own sake, which is really disappointing. I don't think he can now serve as the chief of our tribe."

"It's Adam Adam's deputy chief who does a good job, and he's the future Orc of Little Lane. Do you think they will wait until they get married?"

The elders wanted to change the chief of Krynn, but they could not afford Ryan to change the chief for a marriage contract. So this time they planned to wait until Ryan and Adam got married before pushing Adam up.

The elders are well thought out, but the old chief is silent all the time.

Krynn was a small child he raised, and he still couldn't do it so hard.

Although the old chief has never expressed his opinion, this time Krion's incident has caused a lot of anger in the tribe. Many people have been discussing it and have great opinions on Krion ...

Even Kerion heard a lot of rumors about himself in his ears. As soon as Yiwen was arrested, he was sentenced to death by the orc elders in the tribe, and he showed his empathy in the tribe ... Kerion did not I asked my mind ...

He had only one idea full of eyes and eyes, and that was that Ryan and Adam were about to get married.

Krion is an extremely lucky and unfortunate person. His luck lies in the fact that he was an orphan who had been displaced and turned out to be the only chief of the chief who became the current chief of the Diya tribe, and his misfortune, Here too ... Even from old to old, even the old chief, no matter how good Ryan treats him, he always can't forget that he can only enter the house because he was selected by Ryan as a playmate. Ryan can like him or not Like him, he can be replaced casually.

Therefore, he can only redouble his efforts, make every effort to make himself better and better, in order to establish a foothold in that home.

When he first arrived at the Diah tribe, there were family orcs in the tribe who looked down on him, and even ironically said that he was a good life, could get the blue eyes of the chief's only son, and stepped into their circle, and said He was nothing but a playmate of Ryan, a dog.

Krien could only endure, he was an extremely humble but proud man, and he vowed in his heart that he would one day prove to everyone that he was capable, not just a lucky man.

But useless ...

Even if he made great achievements on the battlefield, even if he gradually grew with the tribe, because of his life, everyone's impression of him still stayed on the good-looking orcs who got Ryan's blue eyes, Kerion always heard Some people say that their anger can't be restrained in their hearts, and they want to question why they can only see that they have won the fool's favor, but they don't see how hard he works.

He wanted to escape this fate, but he couldn't help it ...

Even if he became the chief and became the leader of the entire tribe, he still hated it. The people who sneered at him secretly sneered, no matter how good he was, what if he was the chief? It is not necessary to marry a fool, because the oppression of the Presbyterian Church treats a fool as a companion and holds it in the palm of his hand respectfully. Even if they are not as good as Krien? At least, their future partner will be normal, not a 'child' who is only four or five years old, and they don't have to coax their whole lives.

Kerion has a very strong self-esteem. When he heard those words, his heart was extremely depressed and unwilling. Even if he knew that Ryan was innocent, he couldn't help but feel dissatisfied with Ryan?

On what basis? Why should he accept such a fool as his partner.

He thought, how could such a fool deserve him?

However, due to the kindness of the old chief, he was unable to struggle, while repelling this marriage contract, while enjoying the convenience brought by this marriage contract.

Kerion was trapped in a cage where he was going to marry a fool in the future and laughed at him, unable to break free.

The dawn of hope and freedom brought to him by Yi Wen's appearance, Yi Wen's gentle beauty and understanding, is in the eyes of Kerion completely a dream that he can match his peerless Asian beast, plus his own life-saving benefactor As a status, Kerion almost thought he had encountered love.

Suddenly a kind of rebellion emerged, the desire to break free from the cage and imprisonment.

He and Ivan came together in private, happy and sweetly decided to terminate the marriage contract with Lane for the sake of love.

But he didn't want to, at this time Ryan also appeared next to an orc who could play with him, accompany him, and pet him.

Before he could open his mouth and ask to be dismissed from such a fool, Lane would have to dissolve with him ...

This is good.

All of this was what Krion wanted to achieve. He was still the chief and still had what he wanted while discarding what he didn't want, without being condemned. Ryan also had a destination. .

He should have been happy.

But I don't know why?

Kerion couldn't be happier. The day after Ryan's engagement was like a nightmare to him. He could have made him feel happy and talked with Yi Wen, and could never make him happy again.

He's still waiting for him to figure out what he wants? Ivan's true identity was revealed, and then something happened again.

Everyone was condemning him and dissatisfied with him.

It was then that he realized that he was not irreplaceable!

He can be replaced casually with a single sentence.

Kerion saw everything that he had to lose before he had to work hard to get up, but felt nothing.

There was only one thought in his mind, and that was that Ryan and Adam were getting married.

Kerion was so drunk, his past memories flashed across his mind before he realized that he was in love with Lane.

But he never wanted to admit it. Yes, arrogant and arrogant, how could he admit that he loves a fool? But love, if it has a fixed rule and appearance, it is not love. Only if you fall in love with someone you think you cannot love, that is the true feeling.

He doesn't meet your mate selection criteria, but you just love him.

From an early age, he had fallen in love with Lane for a dozen years.

And he was the best to grow up from a young age, who did not ask for rewards, nor would he give up on him. He was never a white moonlight saver, but Ryan, the little fool of Ryan.

Only he, only him, even if he is just perfunctory, he will smile very sweetly at himself, and really care about his own joy and sorrow, not because of others, but simply worry about himself and hope for himself.

He ignores him on a weekday, and only occasionally cares about him, he will smile very sweetly to him, and feel that he is the best person in the world to him.

Never betray, give up, and count yourself.

Krynn suddenly came to her senses, but it was too late.

Ryan is getting married.

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