After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 10: Damn you're brain is really broken

  Chapter 10 This bastard's mind is really broken

   Mother Xiao and the patriarch's wife, went out for a while before returning to their senses.

   The patriarch's wife was puzzled, "Didn't you say that the Shi family is difficult to deal with? Why is it so easy to talk all of a sudden?"

  Shangxi Village and Xiaxi Village are next to each other, and conflicts often occur between the two villages.

  The two patriarchs have always been at odds with each other, and they don't like each other's eyes.

   Mrs. Xiao Patriarch, she still has some understanding of the general situation of Shangxi Village.

  Shangxi Village is the most difficult family to provoke, and the key point is sometimes the family.

   In the past, in such a situation, the shrews in the Shi family would have scolded them long ago.

   Today is like this, something is wrong!

   Mother Xiao is weak, but not stupid.

   She thought that yesterday Shi Qingluo offered not to do the dowry, and said that the Shi family would handle it, so what happened today must be the other party's.

   At this time, she realized more deeply that Shi Qingluo was more powerful than she had imagined before.

   There is no displeasure and fear, but she is happier because her family lacks a powerful daughter-in-law.

   Mother Xiao smiled, "Maybe it's a matter of the Wu family before, I think I owe Qing Luo."

  The patriarch's wife doesn't think so. She was in Shi's house just now, and she always felt that those people seemed to be a little afraid of Shi Qingluo.

   If it was really indebted, I would not have almost sent people to be buried with their parents.

   "It's also possible, I don't think the Shi family is very happy, but according to Shi Qingluo, he wants to marry your family."

  Yes, when I went to propose a marriage just now, the Shi family said that Shi Qingluo had a crush on Xiao Hanzheng, so they were willing to take the initiative to go to Xiao's house to celebrate, and they agreed.

   This is actually what Shi Qingluo deliberately told Shi's family to say.

  Otherwise, if your brains are so funny, the Shi family will marry the girl to the Xiao family so quickly. The key is not to dowry.

   And she was willing to take the initiative to marry in when the Xiao family was in the most difficult time, which was good for her reputation.

   If she really wants to reconcile with Xiao Hanzheng in the future, it will be easier for her to establish a female household.

   The patriarch's wife couldn't figure it out, but it didn't matter.

   "Since the Shi family agreed, then you should go home and prepare."

   "I'll go back and bring someone over to help later."

   The wife of the patriarch took such care of the three mothers and daughters of the Xiao family, entirely out of the face of unconscious Xiao Hanzheng.

   Mother Xiao also knew that, she said gratefully: "Okay, I am really grateful to my aunt today."

After    went back, Mother Xiao first went to see Xiao Hanzheng, who was asleep.

   He was slightly relieved to find that the fever he had withdrew last night had not recurred.

   Shi Qingluo is the lucky star of their Xiao family. If the son can really wake up, he must be nice to his wife.

   Then Mother Xiao took Xiaomei and Erlang to clean the yard.

   went back to town to buy some meat and vegetables.

  Although it is said that there is no wedding banquet, but the first day the new daughter-in-law enters the door can not be let alone.

   So I'm going to invite the people who have helped them recently to have a light meal. It's a celebration and a thank you.

  Because the patriarch's wife brought people to help, everyone in Xiaxi Village basically knew that Xiao's mother would marry Xiao Hanzheng tomorrow.

   Then Shijia also released news, and everyone in Shangxi Village also knew about it.

   This left everyone completely dumbfounded.

   Just like Xiao Hanzheng, there are people jumping in the fire pit of the Xiao family now.

   In particular, the new daughter-in-law is still a girl from the Shi family, so everyone is even more confused.

   Shi's family is a famous hob meat family, and they almost sent the girl to the Wu family's funeral before.

  Why would you marry the girl to the Xiao family now?

   Everyone is still speculating that Mother Xiao did not know how much betrothal gifts she spent to impress the Shi family.

   Hearing the patriarch's wife revealing the truth, everyone couldn't believe it.

   Don't give me a dowry, and give me a few bags of food to accompany the dowry. The key is to come to Xiao's house tomorrow to celebrate.

  Is everyone's brain broken?

  The patriarch's wife said that because Shi Qingluo had a crush on Xiao Hanzheng, she now volunteered to marry into the Xiao family.

   This is a fact, and everyone has to believe it.

   It's just that the people in the two villages are still a little confused.

  If so many things did not happen to the Xiao family, and Xiao Hanzheng was healthy, everyone would not be too surprised, they all wanted to rush to marry their daughter.

   After all, Xiao Hanzheng has a lot of potential at first glance. Such a young scholar may be able to pass the test in the future.

   But now the Xiao family owes a lot of foreign debts, Xiao Hanzheng may die on the spot at any time, and he may become a widow immediately after entering the door.

  Shijia girls don't want to offer gifts to congratulate her, it's hard to know what to say.

   At this moment, many people admire Shi Qingluo, this little girl is so brave!

   And it is the hardest to give charcoal in the snow, no matter what the Shi family is, this Shi Qingluo is a true temperament.

   Facts have also developed as Shi Qingluo expected.

  Although many people secretly scolded her for being a fool, they praised her for being a true lover and a good character.

   On the other side, Shijia.

   Shi Laosan and others were whipped by Shi Qingluo with a rattan, and were forced to carry the coarse grains, soybeans, and mung beans on their backs.

   and the things she brought down from the Taoist temple were put together.

   Shi's third child stared at Shi Qingluo while rubbing his still burning arm.

   "We have fulfilled all your requirements. If you marry into the Xiao family in the future, if your life is unsatisfactory, we will not go to help you get ahead."

  It is better to marry and be a widow.

   Shi Qingluo couldn't see what they were thinking, "You can't rely on you now, can I rely on you in the future? I'm not a fool."

   "However, your words reminded me."

   Shi Qingluo raised his finger and pointed at the fourth Shi, "Go get a pen and paper, let's write it down."

   Shi's fourth child was also drawn once by Shi Qingluo with a cane, and now he is afraid and hates her.

   "Write what?"

  Shi Qingluo said as a matter of course: "Write down what the third youngest Shi said just now, no matter what my life is like in the future, I don't need my parents to take care of me."

   "Write down again, I marry into the Xiao family, and whether I become a widow in the future, or leave, my family will not accept me back."

   "Of course, if I get rich in the future, you are not qualified to take advantage of it. Write this down."

  With this, there is basically no problem in setting up a female household in the future.

  Shi's family: "..." This dead girl's mind is really broken, and it's not bad, no wonder she's been so crazy recently.

   actually put forward such an unfavorable condition to her.

   But they can't wait. If such a evil star suddenly becomes a widow or comes back from divorce in the future, they will definitely be cleaned up by her if they don't take it away.

   can write it down, she put her fingerprints on it herself, if she wants to go back to her parents’ house in the future, they don’t agree, and if she dares to harm them, they will report to the officials and drive her away.

When   , the old man even spoke directly, "Go get it and write it for her."

   Hurry up and send this evil star away, and don't come back in the future.

   As for why she will be rich in the future, they don't believe it at all.

   So the Fourth Shi wrote three copies, and the elders of the Shi family and Shi Qingluo both signed or pressed their fingerprints.

   also let the patriarch of Shangxi Village testify, and even put a share in the clan.

   Early the next morning, Shi Qingluo put on the best clothes of her original body, which were actually patches.

   Better clothes, when the original body just came back, it was snatched by the Niu family and put on for the original body's younger sister.

   Shi Qing lost interest in grabbing it back, she disliked it.

   Soon, Xiao Erlang, accompanied by the son of the patriarch Xiao and others, arrived at Shi's house to pick up his relatives.

   Kawen is over, it will be finished just now, the next chapter is still around 16:00~



   (end of this chapter)

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