Chapter 9 What are you thinking about?

   Shi Qingluo sat down leisurely.

   looked at Niu and said, "I'm thirsty, go and pour me a cup of tea."

   Niu really wants to give this increasingly arrogant daughter a mouth. Whose dead girl dares to call her mother to serve tea and pour water?

   It's a pity that she didn't dare. She had refuted a few times before, and she was stabbed by the dead girl, and her whole body was aching.

   "Drink it!" After she made the brew, she placed the teacup heavily on the table and choked to death.

  Shi, the old man looked at him with pain, this was the tea he was drinking while hiding, and all these days have entered the mouth of this evil barrier, too heartbroken.

   Shi Qingluo took a sip and said with disgust, "The quality of this tea is still a bit poor. Fortunately, I don't need to drink it again."

   She was nurtured by her grandfather in the tea culture in modern times, and she also fell in love with drinking tea.

  This tea was going to be stored in the past, she didn't take a look at it, but now she can only put it away.

   After earning money, I have to buy some good tea.

  Shi old man: "…"

   The tea he was reluctant to bear was almost finished by her, and she was so embarrassed to dislike it.

   He continued to suppress his anger, "What did you mean when you said you were going to get married?"

   Shi Qingluo replied: "I have a crush on a family, and I have a good talk with his family. I will marry the day after tomorrow."

   "Pfft!" The water that the old man had just drank couldn't hold back the squirt.

   The others were also dumbfounded.

  Shi, the third child thought he heard it wrong, "What's the matter? Marry the day after tomorrow?"

  The old lady and Niu asked in unison, "Which one?"

   Shi Qingluo said truthfully, "Xiao Xiucai's house in Xiaxi Village next door."

   Niu asked in surprise: "What? You're not going to marry Xiao Xiucai, are you?"

   She usually likes to chat outside, so she knows the situation of Xiao Xiucai's house.

   Shi Qing rolled her eyes at her, "Yeah! If I don't marry him, is it possible that I will marry his younger brother?"

  Niu asked: "You know that Xiao Xiucai is in a coma, and he is likely to be a widow when he gets married? Know that their family has no money to get medicine? Did you know that he broke up with the general's father?"

   Don't be a great general father, follow a poor mother who is Heli, in his opinion that Xiao Xiucai is a fool.

   Shi Qing nodded, "Of course I know, I just wanted to marry him because of the situation in his family."

   She swept the people in Shi's house and said bluntly: "Even if you marry and become a widow, it will be more comfortable than living with you."

   Family: "…"

The old lady    said with a sullen face: "Are you crazy? If the Xiao family hadn't happened recently, it would have been a good family. Now it's a fire pit."

   Shi Qing raised his eyebrows, "No matter how much the fire pit is, there is no Shijia pit, right?"

   "Do you say that because their family can't afford betrothal gifts?" She also understood the Shi family's superb character.

   Hearing this, Mrs. Shi's face stiffened and she sneered: "Our family raised you so much, shouldn't we be married off and receive a dowry?"

  The fire is not the fire pit, she really doesn't care whether the dead girl jumps or not.

   I even wish it was a fire pit, but the key point is that this fire pit is valuable, just like the Wu family.

  Niu didn't hold back and said, "That's right, no matter what, if the Xiao family wants to marry you, they have to spend ten taels of silver as a betrothal gift."

   She wanted to say one hundred taels, but the Xiao family couldn't take it out.

   The thought of one hundred taels flew away like that, and she felt distressed again.

  Other people feel the same way.

  The old lady agreed and said, "Yes, if you don't have any money, let them borrow it."

   Shi Qingluo looked at them with a half-smile, "I want ten taels of silver! It's okay, but I don't know if you have that kind of life."

  Shi's family: "..." Is this a human word?

   Niu's heart hurts with anger, "Don't forget, you were raised by us."

   Shi Qingluo sneered, "I started working when I was three years old, and was sent to a Taoist temple when I was five years old. You guys also took my salary every month, so are you sure you raised me?"

   "Don't give your face shameless."

   Her face turned cold in an instant, "I don't have a penny for the dowry, and you still have to compensate me for what you owe me."

   Niu asked loudly with a look of madness on your face: "What? Not only do we not give dowry, we have to compensate you?"

   Shi Qingluo grabbed the cane that had been deliberately placed under the table before, and drew it, "Shouldn't it be compensated?"

   "I've been sucked blood by you all these years."

  Niu was caught off guard and jumped up, "Ah!"

   She wanted to curse or sit on the ground, but she held back her cold eyes when she saw Shi Qingluo sweeping over.

   How did she give birth to such a disobedient and unfilial impediment?

  The old lady hurriedly said, "No, the family's money has already been spent, and your fourth uncle will not have enough money to take the exam next year."

   Shi Qingluo knew that all the money in the family would be used by the fourth child to test his talents.

When   , the old lady regarded money as more important than her life, and it was unlikely that she would pull it out.

   She had thought about it for a long time, "Then use food as compensation, give me 100 catties of coarse grains, and the three bags of soybeans and mung beans in the kitchen, I also want them."

   This is the range that is extremely painful but acceptable.

  I know from memory that there were no potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn in this dynasty.

  Coarse grains are mainly buckwheat, sorghum and beans.

   Xiao's family is short of food now, she doesn't want to marry and eat wild vegetables every day, that one eats too much heartburn.

   As for soybeans and mung beans, she is of great use.

   "No way!" The old lady and several daughters-in-law both screamed in denial.

  The man in Shi's family also looked disapproving.

   Not only did they not give dowry, but they also asked them to give food. What good things did the dead girl think?

   Shi Qingluo knew how they would react.

   She took a sip of tea slowly, "I'm not asking for your opinion, I'm telling you to get ready."

   "If you really don't like it, it's fine."

   "Then I won't get married, I'll just stay at home until the government gets married."

   "Eggs, meat and rice are indispensable every day, otherwise if I am unhappy, I may not be able to bear to send you guys down there for fun."

   She looks like I take special care of you, "You can choose one if you want to blow up, cut to death, or be pumped to death."

  Shi's family: "..." A mouthful of old blood was stuck in his chest.

   Negative Barrier, how could they spread such an incompetent evil Barrier!

  Shi, the old man said with a dark face: "Which girl in our village married like this?"

   Shi Qingluo said in a condescending tone: "So let me set a precedent."

  shi family: "..." Why don't you die.

   was finally forced by Shi Qingluo's fierce threat, and the people of Shi's family couldn't stand her anymore.

   So he could only pinch his nose and agree, wishing he would be sent to the Xiao family tomorrow.

   Early the next morning, Mother Xiao and the patriarch's wife went to Shi's house to propose marriage.

   Mother Xiao still bought meat and sugar.

  Shi's family in Shangxi Village also has a reputation for being not easy to mess with, mainly because the eldest brothers and their daughter-in-law are fierce and splashy.

   As a result, Mother Xiao and the patriarch's wife thought it would not be easy to propose a marriage, and the patriarch's wife was prepared for how to deal with each other if it was difficult.

  Who knows that although Shijia doesn't look very happy, he is surprisingly good at talking.

   There is even a feeling of wanting them to take away Shi Qingluo today.

   In the end, we decided to get married tomorrow. Not only did we not give up dowry, but we also gave a few bags of food as a dowry.

   This made Mother Xiao and the patriarch's wife feel dizzy after they were sent out, and it felt like they were dreaming.

   Today's update is over, thank you for tipping and voting dear~~



   (end of this chapter)

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