Chapter 215 Lao Xiao, you are too good

  Fu Wenzheng was hit hard by the imperial edict.

   But she didn't have the guts to object, she could only accept the order with a lifeless look.

   also understood what Liang Hengxiao said before.

   She did often say that this prince concubine was inappropriate, but she took it out to threaten Liang Hengxiao.

   is really gone now, and she has a feeling of going crazy and breaking down.

   Concubine, she, a dignified concubine, turned into a concubine.

   How would those little **** outside laugh at her?

   And what would Liang Hengshao think of her?

   So I couldn't hold back, and burst into tears.

  The maids did not dare to step forward to persuade them, otherwise it would be normal to be whipped and mouthed.

   After crying, her face was full of hatred and ruthlessness, "Shi Qingluo, little bitch, it's this little **** who killed her, I will never let her go."

   The maid she brought back from her mother's house bravely walked over and whispered, "Prince Concubine, be careful that the walls have ears."

   "Crack!" Then came a slap in the face.

  Fu Wenzheng sneered: "Prince Concubine, I am still some kind of imperial concubine, are you mocking me?"

  The maid immediately knelt down, "Slave maid dare not!"

  Fu Wenzheng took a deep breath, "I will write a letter and you will send it to my father in Hou's mansion."

   "Yes!" The maid replied respectfully.

  Fu Wenzheng turned around to write a letter, but did not find a maid in the corner looking at her with a kind of pleasure.

   But it quickly converged.

  The story of the third prince concubine being demoted to a concubine not only spread among the common people, but also among the major families.

  Many ladies and ladies in the backyard are watching jokes and scolding deservedly.

   It is true that Fu Wenzheng was originally unpleasant, and after becoming a princess, his eyes grew on his head.

   Many young ladies from aristocratic families have suffered from her anger.

   Of course, while the girls in the backyard felt relieved, their impression of Shi Qingluo also deepened. This little village woman is not easy to mess with.

   Now everyone has a common understanding that Shi Qingluo is not a soft persimmon and is not easy to mess with.

   In the evening, Shi Qingluo was half lying on the bed reading the script.

   Xiao Hanzheng came back from a trip with an envelope in his hand.

   Shi Qingluo put down the book and asked, "What is this?"

   Xiao Hanzheng handed it to her, "The excitement of the Third Prince's Mansion."

   Shi Qingluo immediately became interested and pulled out a few pieces of paper from the envelope.

   It says what happened in the mansion of the Third Prince, and more details on the conversation between the Third Prince and Fu Wenzheng.

   After reading the letter, Shi Qingluo stared at Xiao Hanzheng with wide eyes, "Old Xiao, does the Third Prince's Mansion have someone from you?"

  Xiao Hanzheng sat down, it was the first time he saw her surprised appearance.

   squeezed her face with a chuckle, "Yeah!"

   "To be precise, there is a maid next to Fu Wenzheng, who was buried by my people."

   Of course, it was also what he ordered.

   was originally thinking that when Fu Wenzheng betrayed the third prince, he would see if he wanted to do something.

  Who ever thought that the woman would directly bully his little daughter-in-law, so he moved this chess.

   Shi Qingluo couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "Old Xiao, you are too good."

   It's only been so long, and the Third Prince's Mansion in the capital actually has his people.

   She leaned closer and asked in a low voice, "How many people do you have?"

   Xiao Hanzheng put his arms around her and whispered in her ear, "A dozen or so, it's not too much, but the key is to use them."

   He took the initiative to send it to the door to make the knife in the hands of the emperor, so he has his own source of information.

   is also good at doing these.

   also knows how to avoid the emperor's eyeliner.

   Shi Qing looked at Xiao Hanzheng with star-filled eyes, "You are my eternal god!"

  The big guy is the big guy, and her little husband is really a fork.

  Although he didn't understand what she said, he generally understood, "I am your forever husband."

   Shi Qingluo smiled and waved his hand, "This is not a conflict."

   She leaned over and asked, "Are you going to do something in the Third Prince's Mansion?"

   Xiao Hanzheng had a smile in his eyes, "Of course, it's just a concubine, it's too cheap Fu Wenzheng."

   He wants to let the other party lose the most important thing.

   Shi Qingluo smiled and hooked his hand, "Come on, I'm all ears."

   Xiao Hanzheng leaned into her ear and told her his plan.

   After hearing this, Shi Qingluo couldn't help but give a thumbs up again, "Your idea is absolutely perfect."

   She added, "It's bad, but I love it!"

   Xiao Hanzheng laughed softly, "I knew you would like it."

   On the other side is the General’s House.

   Xiao Yuanshi sat in the study in a daze.

   What happened today was something he didn't expect at all.

   He also underestimated his son and that bad daughter-in-law.

   I didn't expect that the two of them could actually make a few old guys in the court stand up and help them get ahead.

   At that time, when Qing fell in his head, how many things were left?

   In this way, it becomes more and more difficult to deal with.

   The regret in his heart was a little more, and he really shouldn't have broken up and separated.

   Just then, Ge Chunru came in with a bowl of chicken soup.

   Xiao Yuanshi regained his senses and felt a little unhappy in his heart.

  Why did you come in without knocking on the door?

   But it didn't show on the face.

  Ge Chunru walked in with a smile, "General, I made a bowl of chicken soup for you, drink it while it's hot."

   Xiao Yuanshi took the chicken soup and drank it, "Thank you for your hard work."

  Ge Chunru's face was gentle and virtuous, "How can it be hard to make soup for you?"

   Xiao Yuanshi took her hand and sat down, "Let's talk."

  Ge Chunru had something to do today, so he smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

   The two chatted for a while, and Xiao Yuanshi's originally annoyed mood improved a little.

  Ge Chunru chatted and chatted, and then it came to her brother.

   "It's not an option for Chunyi to stay at home like this every day. Do you want to arrange for him to do something?"

   Recently, her brother has been very irritable, and she wants to find some errands for him.

   So she hinted again, "He doesn't want to be idle when he sees Dalang going to Northern Xinjiang to be the county magistrate."

   means that Xiao Dalang can be a county magistrate, and his brother's errands can't be worse than this.

   Speaking of Ge Chunyi, Xiao Yuanshi couldn't help thinking of the emperor's order.

   He has been thinking about how to deal with this brother-in-law these days.

   He said to the emperor that he would check the people around Ge Chunyi again to see if there was anything unusual. In fact, it was just to delay the disposal for a few more days.

   Hearing Ge Chunru say this, he suddenly had an idea.

   Xiao Yuanshi nodded, "I'll make arrangements after thinking about it."

  Ge Chunru was not very happy, always felt that he was a little perfunctory.

   After thinking about it, she leaned in to get close to him.

   Who knows but smells a faint orchid fragrance on him.

  's complexion changed instantly, which was definitely stained on the woman.

   Thinking of what he found in the past two days, Ge Chunru almost wanted to question Xiao Yuanshi directly.

   But still bear it.

   She knew Xiao Yuanshi's temperament, and if she made trouble, she would push him away.

   But she was also very uncomfortable, and had no interest in getting close to him at all.

   Xiao Yuanshi was also thinking about his son and daughter-in-law. He didn't pay attention to the change in Ge Chunru's expression, and he was also not interested.

   also made Ge Chunru feel very uncomfortable. In the past, as long as she took the initiative to lean on her, he would immediately turn her back on the guest.

   She wouldn't believe it if there was nobody outside.

   So after lunch the next day, Ge Chunru went out of the General's Mansion with a few maids and a strong woman.

   Mr. Wu happened to see it, and immediately ran to talk to Mrs. Xiao.

   So the people from the old Xiao family also hurriedly and secretly followed.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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