Chapter 216 Why are you here?

  Ge Chunru's people found out that Xiao Yuanshi went to a courtyard every two days to sit for an hour or two.

   This will send people directly to that yard.

   The old lady Xiao heard from the old lady next door two days ago that she accidentally saw the second child riding a woman to take a woman home.

   When she saw Ge Chunru's appearance, it was as if she was going to catch the outer room.

   So he said to Dalang, "Go and find your second uncle."

  Without the second child, this play is not easy to sing.

   With the second child, she could justifiably bring people back to the General's Mansion.

  Xiao Dalang hated Ge Chunru, so he nodded without hesitation, "Okay!"

   Then got off the carriage.

   Xiao Hanzheng's people on the other side also received the news.

   Xiao Hanzheng knew that his little daughter-in-law had always wanted to watch the lively scene of Daddy and Ge Chunru, so he called her to go to the yard together.

  The two even arrived before Ge Chunru and others arrived.

   Xiao Hanzheng rented a yard next door to stare at Tao Liu and Daddy.

  There is a house with an attic, standing on the attic, you can just see the situation in the yard next door.

   After all, it's risky to watch a play outside. If the scumbag sees them there, he will probably think that Taoliu was arranged by them.

  Ge Chunru's thoughts were all about whether Xiao Yuanshi had raised a woman outside, so he didn't pay attention to the old lady and others following behind.

   to the gate of the courtyard.

   After getting off the carriage, Ge Chunru's personal maid knocked on the door.

   Then a woman who looked like a maid opened the door, "Who are you looking for?"

   "We're looking for Liu Ru."

  Ge Chunru's people have already inquired about the name of the owner of this family.

  The maid asked inquiringly, "What are you doing with my lady?"

  Ge Chunru was agitated and got off the carriage, "Of course there is something."

   She instructed the maid behind her, "Go in."

   So the few people immediately pushed away the maid who was standing at the door and let Ge Chunru go in.

   There will be Tao Liu, and now Liu Ruzheng is sitting in the yard, as if he had expected Ge Chunru to come.

   She was wearing a light yellow dress today, with a charming look, "This lady, you are trespassing on the house."

   When Ge Chunru saw the people in the yard, she felt that this woman was a coquettish girl, and she looked like this in front of women, let alone in front of men.

   The maid next to her narrowed her eyes, "Why are you?"

  Ge Chunru heard what she said, turned her head and asked, "Do you know her?"

  The maid immediately approached Ge Chunru and whispered in her ear: "Madam, she is the peach willow you arranged to go to Nanxi County."

   Although Ge Chunru arranged for Taoliu to hook up with Xiao Hanzheng, she was afraid of being caught, so she did not come forward in person.

   Including the purchase of the Taoliu sisters, it was arranged by someone.

  Ge Chunru was stunned for a while, then looked at Taoliu in surprise, "Why are you here?"

   Taoliu looked at Ge Chunru inexplicably, "Madam, who are you? Have we met? I don't know you!"

   Of course she won't reveal her identity.

  Ge Chunru sneered, "Just pretend."

   She asked again, "Did Xiao Hanzheng and his wife ask you to seduce the general?"

   No wonder Taoliu suddenly disappeared, it turned out to be back to the capital.

   Guan Taoliu's sister's Zhuangzi also caught fire more than half a month ago.

   It seems that people should not die.

   This woman is so bold that she dares to come back and oppose her.

   Taoliu still pretended not to know, "Madam, who are Xiao Hanzheng and his wife? What are you talking about?"

   "And how can you insult people indiscriminately? General Xiao and I are innocent."

  Ge Chunru was disgusted when she saw her pretentious appearance. She couldn't help but slapped her face, "Bitch, if you pretend you don't know, I'll let you go?"

   "Someone, send this **** away for me."

   The person she sent to Xiao Hanzheng, now in turn hooked Xiao Yuanshi to keep him outside, she was about to die of anger.

   Taoliu Yuguang saw a few people standing at the door, and immediately cried: "Who are you? General Xiao and I are friends. If you dare to treat me like this, he will definitely not let you go."

   When Ge Chunru heard this, her eyes were red with anger.

   couldn't hold back his backhand and slapped again, "Bitch, you said you didn't seduce the general."

   "I told you where you came from, and I will send you back to where you are today."

People like    are still sent back to the building to live in peace, and even the most inferior ones.

   After being touched by other men, with Xiao Yuanshi's temperament, it is impossible to be interested anymore.

   Taoliu couldn't see Ge Chunru's mind, and he felt a bit of secret hatred.

   This woman is really vicious.

   And he is a high-ranking outsider, so he really thinks he is a serious person.

   Soon, the two old women went over to grab Tao Liu.

   She cried and struggled, shouting, "Where are you, General, save me, General."

  Ge Chunru was even more jealous, "Stop her mouth with a handkerchief."

   Just as the maid beside her was about to move, Mrs. Xiao brought someone in.


  The old lady glanced at Ge Chunru with her triangular eyes, "You little hoof, you are a hen who can't lay eggs, and you have to give away the woman my son raised, why are you so vicious?"

  Ge Chunru was completely stunned, obviously not expecting Mrs. Xiao and others to come.

   She asked: "Mother, why are you here?"

  Old Mrs. Xiao snorted coldly, "Seeing you go out sneakily, the old lady knew you were going to do something bad, so she followed."

   "I didn't expect you to be really not a thing."

   "Why is it getting in your way for my son to keep an outer room? You go to see which powerful master is not the one who embraces several concubines."

  Ge Chunru was about to vomit, "Mother, this woman is not a good person, she is deliberately approaching to seduce the general, to provoke the relationship between our husband and wife."

  Old Mrs. Xiao said, "I'm still provoking the relationship between your husband and wife. Why is your face so big?"

   and then despised, "You are the superior of the outer chamber, and you think you are a good bird."

  This is a lively neighborhood, so the noise in the yard was quickly heard.

  The people of the old Xiao family deliberately did not close the door, so many people gathered at the door to watch the fun.

  Ge Chunru was so angry that his face turned green, "Mother, please be careful."

  The last thing she didn't want to be mentioned was told, and she had the heart to kill the old lady and others.

   Mrs. Xiao didn't miss the hatred in Ge Chunru's eyes, she sneered in her heart, you still hate it, and my mother hates it even more.

   She was worried about whether the outer room would be good or not, but now she was relieved when she heard that Ge Chunru said that she was deliberately trying to provoke the relationship between their husband and wife.

   "Bah, what have you done that you don't know in your heart?"

   "An orphan girl hooked up with my son on the frontier. After coming back, not only did he instigate my son to demote his wife as a concubine, but he also deliberately used the child in his womb to miscarry his first wife, forcing her to have no way of asking for divorce."

   "And forced my son to break up with his own children."

   "I have miscarried twice by myself as a demon, and I can't give birth to a child in the future. My son is not allowed to take a concubine to give birth to a child, and my son's queen will be cut off."

   "Tell me yourself, what kind of good person are you?"

   She immediately shouted to the people outside the door: "Everyone also come to judge, is such a daughter-in-law unfilial?"

   (end of this chapter)

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