After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 25: It's up to you whether you dare to admit it or not

  Chapter 25 It depends on whether you dare to recognize

  The last time Mrs Wang was beaten by Shi Qingluo, she couldn't help but paused when she saw her cold face.

   Wu knew that they couldn't beat Shi Qingluo, so it would be boring if they didn't get started.

   So he moved his head, looked at Shi Qingluo and said, "Dalang's daughter-in-law, what are you talking about."

   "I'm your third aunt, she's your aunt, how can it be okay?"

   Shi Qingluo raised his eyebrows, "If I remember correctly, not long ago, my husband broke up with you."

   "So you are still relatives of some kind, so you are not afraid to laugh out loud when you say it."

   Wu Shi choked, "Separate the family and cut off the relatives, then you will always belong to my old Xiao family."

   "Even if you don't recognize our two rooms, then your grandparents must recognize them? You can't lose your conscience, even your elders."

   She said meaningfully: "Darang will have to take the imperial examination in the future."

   Shi Qingluo found out that this Wu family is more brainless than Wang family.

   But it's useless for her to want moral kidnapping.

   She sneered and said, "First of all, the family is separated, and even the father is not the father, is the grandmother still the grandmother?"

   "The original documents are still there. After the divorce, our two families are completely unrelated people."

   "Besides, my husband's father went to the capital to enjoy himself, and he didn't care about his parents."

   "My husband has a grandson who was kicked out and separated from the family. If you want to take care of it, it's not to put his divorced father in a place of unfilial piety. This is not good."

   "With this charge of unfilial piety, my husband's divorced father will be involved by the courtiers. I don't know if the position of the general can be kept."

   "After all, I haven't heard of the whole Daliang. The son who was kicked out and cut off his relationship has to help his ex-father to do his filial piety."

   "If General Xiao wants to do this, what's the difference between him and a beast?"

   "Have you asked what he meant?"

   "If he thinks, he needs my ex-son, who has no father-son relationship with him, to be filial to him."

   "Although it is not suitable for reason or law, but we also recognize it."

   This is a satire of the general who cut off his son, and wanted his son to be filial, shameless and shameless.

   Mrs Wu: "..." How can the daughter-in-law marry this great man say so.

   How would she refute?

  It was true that they didn't care, she just wanted to use filial piety to suppress Dalang.

   Whoever knew about this dead girl immediately sneered at the second child for being unfilial.

   They were actually not happy with the second child. They became generals and came back to worship their ancestors.

   But it’s one thing for them to complain in their hearts, but they can’t show it face to face.

   After all, they still have to rely on that second uncle.

   Since the second uncle became a general and came back to worship his ancestors, the villagers have been a lot more polite to them.

   Wang felt that Dalang's daughter-in-law was very courageous, "You are arrogant and dare to scold the general as a beast, then it's still your father-in-law."

   Shi Qingluo glanced at her mockingly, "When I got married, he broke up with my father-in-law. I don't dare to be high on such a father-in-law, so please don't mess with the relationship."

   "I said that people who are not filial to their parents are beasts. You actually brought it directly to the general. According to you, he is really an unfilial beast?"

"It's no wonder that after marrying a young man, he favored his concubine and destroyed his wife, and even in the outer chamber, he wanted to demote his wife to be a concubine, and finally divorced. Wife and children are not required, but now it seems that even the parents are not required! "

   "Tsk tsk, General Xiao is so mighty that he dares to openly violate His Majesty's policy of governing the world with filial piety."

   "This is about looting the family and destroying the family. We have already split up and we can't be implicated, but you can't escape."

   Put on a big hat and see if you dare to recognize it.

  Wang and Wu were both startled, is it such an exaggeration?

   But what Shi Qingluo said was a set of things, if it was true, then they would suffer too.

   Wang roared: "Fart, the second child is not unfilial, you are talking nonsense."

  Shi Qingluo sneered, "Since he is so filial, it is naturally impossible for the divorced son to help his parents to be filial."

   "Otherwise it is to avoid the responsibility of being a son, and it is unfilial."

   "It is against His Majesty's orders."

   "And your men are still alive. Your son is not filial, and your grandson who has cut off his relatives is filial. What does this say?"

   "There is no such provision in the law. If you must make my husband, an outsider, perform filial piety, we can only carry Xianggong and go to the magistrate to judge and judge."

  If you want to play moral kidnapping, just come, whoever is afraid of whoever.

   As long as the Xiao family has to rely on the scumbag for a day, they will not dare to smear the scumbag's reputation.

  The people present also felt that it was very reasonable.

   Xiao's second son became a general, but he couldn't be filial to his parents, but let his cut-off son do so.

  After all, after we broke up, we are actually two families, it doesn't matter.

   Besides, the big and third houses of the Xiao family are not dead, and their sons must be the first to do filial piety.

   "You!" Wang Shi choked, suddenly not knowing what to say.

   Damn girl is too talkative.

   Shi Qingluo sneered, "You said that you are a family after breaking up your family, so why didn't you see you helping one or two."

   "On the contrary, after we split up the family and cut off the relationship, while my husband was in a coma, he ran to the house and took away the money and food without saying anything, and even bullied and beat my mother."

   "I want to sell my little sister to the county seat to be buried with Young Master Wu."

   "At that time, why didn't you see the so-called grandma and come out to help out with your uncle and third uncle?"

   "My mother went to the old house and begged the so-called grandma and grandma to borrow money to see a doctor for my husband, but they said that it doesn't matter if the family is divorced, so they don't care about the life of my husband and our family."

   This is what she heard from Erlang two days ago.

   "Now our family has finally learned the craft of making tofu, and you want to pick peaches in the name of your relatives. Why are your faces so big?"

   She snorted coldly, "So this tofu can't be exchanged. If I take it and throw it away, it won't be your turn to get it."

   "Don't say that you want tofu without giving money."

   "I am here to announce that our family will never sell tofu to the Lao Xiao family."

   "If anyone buys tofu from my family and resells it to Lao Xiao's family, my family's tofu will not be sold to him in the future."

   In the face of interests, the name of a general who is far away in the capital is useless.

   Seeing that Shi Qingluo was able to speak well and was extremely powerful, the villagers present were a little surprised.

   I thought she was another weak woman like Mother Xiao, but I didn't expect to be so tough and domineering.

   The person who originally wanted to persuade Shi Qing to settle down also stopped.

  I don't know if this tofu will sell well. If it sells well, they offend Shi Qingluo and don't sell it to them in the future. That's not a big loss.

   So everyone acquiesced to her words.

   Besides, the people of the old Xiao family were originally in the village, but now the second son of Xiao has become a general, and the people of the old Xiao family even look like they are the best in the village.

   Those eyes were all over their heads, and almost everyone in the village was disgusted.

   Now when Shi Qingluo cleans up these two shrews, everyone is happy to watch the show.

  Wang's quarrels have always been fierce, but today it is difficult to argue and suffer a big loss.

   couldn't help but took a few steps closer, raised his finger and pointed at Shi Qingluo and scolded, "You little prostitute, don't go too far."

   Shi Qingluo laughed out of anger, it was Wang's favor, and came to the door again.

   So he waved Wang's hand away without hesitation.

   And then he backhanded and slapped Wang's face with a mouth.

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   (end of this chapter)

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