Chapter 26

   Shi Qingluo slapped Wang Shi with a backhand.

   Not only was Wang stunned, but everyone present was stunned.

After    Shi Qingluo finished the fight, he said with a look of grievance: "I married the Xiao family innocently, so I'm not a little prostitute, I can't stand this insult."

   She then picked up the kitchen knife on the cutting board and jumped with the other hand on the table.

   The whole person fell on Wang's side.

   Then she put a kitchen knife against Wang's neck, "If you tarnish my reputation again, I will fight with you. If you die, I will bury you with me."

  Wang: "..." Who wants you to be buried with me, I don't want to die yet.

   As soon as he recovered from the fact that he was slapped in public, he felt the cold kitchen knife pressed against his neck.

   Hearing Shi Qingluo's icy voice again, her feet couldn't help softening.

   And she didn't believe that the dead girl didn't know that she just scolded people, and now she not only beat her, but also beat her back, making her speechless and aggrieved.

  Everyone also reacted, Shi Qingluo suddenly slapped Wang Shi, and even made such a thing of holding a knife against Wang Shi's neck, it turned out to be for the sake of innocence.

   Originally, many people thought it was too much for Shi Qing to slap Wang, after all, Wang is also an elder.

  The ancient concept of seniority and inferiority is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so these people think so.

   It can be seen that Shi Qing is wronged and looks like he is desperate for his innocence, and everyone thinks that Wang is going too far.

  Although they all knew that Mrs. Wang didn't really say that Shi Qingluo was a prostitute, it was just a swear word.

   But a simple little girl doesn't know it, and it's normal to work hard for fame.

   "Wang, you are too much. How can you say that about Dalang's daughter-in-law?"

   "That's right, you call your nephew's daughter-in-law a prostitute, it's too much."

   Everyone first condemned Wang, and then persuaded Shi Qingluo.

   "Dalang's daughter-in-law, we all know that you are a good and innocent girl. Mrs. Wang is just farting. Put down the knife and let's talk about it."

   "We won't listen to Wang's nonsense, and your reputation will not be smeared."

   "Yes, we can all testify for you."

   Mrs Wang was about to urinate. She had been beaten twice by this dead girl, and now that knife could cut her neck at any time, she was really scared.

   A lot of times, it is horrific and afraid of evil, and those who wear shoes are afraid of being barefoot.

   "Yes, I didn't mean you were innocent just now, that's my swearing mantra, don't take it to heart."

   Shi Qingluo looked at her innocently, "Really? Then you and I apologize."

   Mrs Wang was angry and scared, but for the sake of her life, she gave in, "I apologize, I shouldn't scold you, you are innocent."

   Shi Qingluo then removed the kitchen knife from Mrs Wang's neck, "When you open your mouth, you are talking and eating, not cursing. Mrs. Wang, you should be more careful in the future."

   "Otherwise other people won't talk as well as me."

  Wang: "..." You still applaud? tease me?

   Shi Qingluo didn't turn over the table this time, went back to the original position from the side, and put the kitchen knife back on the cutting board.

   She glanced at Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wu, "Do you have anything else to do? If you have nothing to do, don't delay me here to change tofu."

  Wang's legs pulled Wu's arm softly, "No, we're fine."

  This dead girl is too evil, she can't beat her, but she almost wiped her neck for her innocence, she was really a little scared.

   Mrs Wu was also taken aback. When Shi Qingluo looked like just now, she felt that she might wipe out Mrs. Wang if she disagreed.

   This dead girl is a lunatic, a clever and articulate lunatic, too difficult to deal with.

   She smiled shyly, "No, let's go now."

   Then he helped Mrs Wang back to the old house, and if she was not ready, she let the old lady go out.

   She didn't believe that Shi Qingluo dared to beat and scold the old lady, no matter whether she broke up the relationship or not, beating the elders was a crime.

   Shi Qingluo waited for the two to leave, his originally cold face was covered in a smile, "Let's change, who's it?"

   The person who was originally the tofu changer came to his senses, stepped forward and said with a smile, "It's my turn."

   After a while, the rest of the tofu was replaced.

   Shi Qingluo smiled at everyone, "Today's tofu is gone, everyone, come back tomorrow."

   Shi Qingluo has returned to her gentle and harmless appearance, but today everyone's impression of her has been completely subverted.

  Before, I thought Dalang's wife was a little stupid, so she came to congratulate a person who didn't know if she could wake up.

   Married and looked thin and gentle, and thought it was a temperament similar to Xiao's mother.

  Who would have thought, where the same, it is completely the opposite.

   Today's Shi Qingluo will give you the greatest feeling and impression, so don't mess with it.

   She is articulate and articulate, and if she doesn't agree, she will get started directly. There is really no second daughter-in-law like this in the village.

  No wonder I heard that the Xiao family is now the master of Shi Qingluo.

   "Okay, let's come back tomorrow." Many people were more polite.

   An eight or nine-year-old boy couldn't hold back, looked at Shi Qingluo and asked, "Sister, are you good at martial arts?"

   Everyone is actually curious about the boy's question.

   After all, when I saw Shi Qing beat someone over the table just now, it was called a slip.

  Shi Qingluo smiled and said, "I know a little bit. When I was in Taoist temple, my master taught us self-defense."

  The Taoist priest who has passed away: "..." I am the man who takes the blame.

   As soon as everyone heard it, it was clear that it was taught by an old immortal. No wonder Shi Qingluo saw that his skills were not bad.

   During the big explosion, the Taoist temple burned for a long time, and the villagers in several nearby villages saw the fire blazing into the sky.

  Because I didn't know there were explosives in this world, it was the first time I saw this kind of scene, so some people said that the old fairy had ascended, and everyone believed it.

  Therefore, the acceptance of Shi Qingluo meeting martial arts is extremely high.

   An old woman asked with a smile: "The old **** is really amazing, I heard that he taught you to make this tofu?"

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "Yes, the master taught me to read and practice martial arts, and also taught me a lot of things."

  Translation: So I will have a lot of things in the future, you don’t have to be surprised.

   Then her eyes turned red instantly, "It's a pity that the old man passed away."

   She found that if she went to the entertainment industry to develop, maybe she could still get along.

   "So it is, no wonder you are so good."

   "As expected of the apprentice of the old god."

   "Don't be sad, Dalang's daughter-in-law, the old fairy has risen to immortality. You have to be happy for his old man."

   "Yes, the old **** must also want to see you happy for him."

   "Although the old fairy has soared, he will definitely protect you."

   "Look at your marriage, Dalang is awakened by you, you are lucky."

   Looking at Shi Qing's eyes that were so red that he was about to cry, everyone said something to comfort me.

   The more you think about it, the more everyone thinks that this is the case. Dalang's daughter-in-law is protected by an old fairy.

   Shi Qingluo then raised his hand and wiped his eyes, "Well, you are right, Master, his old man has gone to be an immortal, I want to be happy for him."

   The old name is really easy to use.

   "That's right." Everyone nodded.

After the    tofu was replaced, the villagers also left one after another.

   Shi Qingluo and Mother Xiao moved the table and other items back to the yard.

   Shi Qingluo put away her things, turned her head and looked at Mother Xiao, with a look of adoration.

   Not only her, but Xiaomei and Erlang also looked at Shi Qingluo with admiration.

I finished the old article last night. I slept a little late. I am not in a good mood today. Now I have eaten and went to sleep. I will continue. The next chapter will be around 17:00~~ I should be able to post two chapters together tomorrow. ~~



   (end of this chapter)

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