Chapter 27 I'm optimistic about you

   Xiao's mother and Xiao sister were in the old house, and they were often bullied by Wang and Wu.

   Erlang will also be bullied by their sons.

   Now seeing the two of them so devastated and forced to leave, they realized that the two of them were not so difficult to deal with.

   Shi Qingluo looked at them and said with a smile: "The wicked are not scary, like the Wang family who bully the good and fear the evil."

   "As long as you are more evil than her, she will be cowardly."

   Mother Xiao thought it made sense, "Yes, I was too soft before, so they liked to bully me."

   The less you resist, the harder you will be bullied.

  Wang is so splashy, so he can't bully Wu who is also splashing.

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "Yes, so mother and younger sister have to stand up by themselves."

   "If you are so cruel that you are afraid of yourself, no one will dare to bully you."

  Xiao Xiaomei thought for a while, "Did they cut them with a knife, so they would be afraid?"

   Just now, my sister-in-law hit my aunt, and she looked so cool.

When    pressed it against her aunt's neck, she found that her legs were shaking, obviously scared.

   Shi Qingluo was afraid that the aunt would go astray, and immediately said: "No, I'm just trying to scare her with the knife, but I won't really wipe her neck."

   "Otherwise she dies, and I have to go to jail or behead her to be buried with me. It's not worth it."

   She sighed: "Nothing is better than living."

   When he dies, there is nothing left.

   Shi Qingluo said again: "But you have to be imposing when you scare you, you have to make them think you will be real."

   Mother Xiao and Little Sister Xiao nodded in understanding, but Erlang's focus was on another aspect.

   "Sister-in-law, can you teach me how to practice martial arts?" Seeing that his sister-in-law was so powerful, he admired her very much.

  Shi Qingluo smiled and said, "Yes, my little sister can also practice with me."

   "Mother can actually practice if she wants to."

   She believes that the family will get better and better in the future, so she wants to let the three of Xiao's mother learn to be self-reliant.

   In the future, even if she and Xiao Hanzheng are not at home, Mother Xiao and the others will not be bullied like that.

   Xiaomei was stunned for a while, with surprise in her eyes, "I can also be as powerful as my sister-in-law?"

"of course."

  Shi Qingluo said with a smile: "After you get married, if your husband dares to bully you, you will beat him to the point where he can't get out of bed, let's see if he dares."

   "If anyone in the husband's family bullies you, you will beat them all over the place, or like me today, after you beat them, make up reasons so that everyone can't blame them."

  Xiao Xiaomei's temperament is too soft, so she is easy to be bullied.

   She felt that she could make a good makeover.

  Xiao Xiaomei's eyes were astonishingly bright, "Sister-in-law, can I really do it?"

   In the old house, the elder brother was protecting them.

  But the eldest brother is going to study in the county, so they can have a better life only when he is at home.

  The eldest brother is not here, even if the aunt and the third aunt are warned, they will still bully them and leave everything to them.

   Big brother came back and said a few times, and told them not to be afraid, let alone do everything.

   But she and her mother didn't stand up like their sister-in-law said, so they continued to be bullied as soon as the eldest brother left.

   Shi Qingluo nodded decisively, "It's definitely possible, trust me."

   Xiao Hanzheng just came out of the house when he heard Shi Qingluo teach his sister how to beat her husband and her husband...

   He walked over with a black line.

   He didn't think he would be beaten by his daughter-in-law in the future, after all, he was sure that he would not bully her.

   But he couldn't help but light a wax for his future brother-in-law.

   As for correction, he didn't think about it.

   The little girl is indeed too soft. It would be nice if she could be as tough as a little daughter-in-law.

   Seeing that his mother was also on the verge of moving, he wanted to hold his forehead.

   In the future, the Xiao family's painting style, I don't know what it will be like.

   He raised his hand to his lips and coughed, "Cough!"

  Shi Qingluo turned his head and said with a smile, "Old Xiao, I found that your decision to separate the family and cut off the family was absolutely correct."

   "Otherwise, I can't solve it so easily today. The two best products of your old house."

  Xiao Hanzheng: "..." He has become old Xiao again.

  When he found that his daughter-in-law was more distant or external, he would call him husband.

  When I got to know each other, I just shouted, Brother Zheng, Lao Xiao…

   He walked over and smiled slightly, "I knew the character of the old man before, that's why I broke up the family so thoroughly."

  After the separation of the family, no matter where he goes in the future, he has nothing to do with the people in the old house.

   He reminded, "But we still have to be prepared. Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wu returned without success. Next time, my grandma should go out in person."

   "After all, she is an elder, so you can't deal with her the same way you deal with the Wang family."

   Unless the Xiao family loses their reputation, and he does not continue the scientific examination, he absolutely cannot do it.

  The emperor proposed to govern the world by filial piety. Although he and the old house were separated from each other, he and the old house belonged to two families.

   Shi Qingluo nodded with a look of understanding, "Understood, and besides, I won't shoot the old man."

   "Don't worry, I actually have a way to deal with your grandma, and the best of the old house."

   She confidently said again: "Keep them obedient."

   Xiao Hanzheng asked curiously, "What do you want to do?"

  Shi Qingluo blinked, "I won't tell you first, you can just watch when your superb grandma comes."

   Xiao Hanzheng laughed: "Okay, then I'll wait to see you."

   He said again: "I guess, if you go to town tomorrow to get medicine and send that man to prison, my ex-grandma will almost come."

   Shi Qingluo looked at him and asked, "Does it mean that the old lady knows what the husband wants to harm you?"

   Xiao Hanzheng shook his head, "No, that woman won't let the people in the old house know."

   This kind of handle, how could that smart woman be sent to the hands of these greedy masters in the old house.

   "But that woman left a maid to serve the old lady, and it is estimated that she will be encouraged to see my situation."

   In the last life, his family was destroyed. That woman was the mastermind behind the scenes, and that maid was a helper who was specially responsible for instigating the old house master to do bad things.

  Shi Qingluo understood in seconds, "Understood, that maid is also bad enough to ooze pus."

   "Don't worry, just leave it to me."

  Xiao Hanzheng has never heard anyone say "Leave it to me" in his two lifetimes, and no one has taken the initiative to protect him.

   This experience is very novel, he said with a smile: "Okay."

   "I'll be your backing, you can do whatever you want." He said again.

   Originally, he was going to deal with the old lady himself, but since the little daughter-in-law wants to protect him, he will let her protect him.

   He said to Shi Qingluo again, "I've helped you to boil the bath water. Go and wash it."

   He found that after his little daughter-in-law finished her work, she liked to take a bath.

   He is too weak to help make and sell tofu. He can still help to boil some water.

   Shi Qingluo found out that Xiao Hanzheng was really good. There were very few men in ancient times who would help their wives to boil water, not to mention that he was a scholar.

  In the memory of the original body, her fourth uncle was just a boy. When he entered the kitchen, he said that it was insulting and should not be made by a man.

   Not to mention boiling water for the daughter-in-law to take a bath.

   She got up and walked in front of Xiao Hanzheng, patted him on the shoulder, "Old Xiao, you are very good, I am optimistic about you."

   So she went to take a bath first, Xiao Hanzheng looked at her back with a smile in his eyes.

   I'm sorry, I came back late from a trip, and I was delayed for 20 minutes~ Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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