Chapter 267 Really have you

   Qi Yiyang had no choice but to take the cloak and put it on his head.

   After he put it on, he said to Shi Qingluo: "I'll go to fulfill the bet now, you are not allowed to go to Fucheng and the capital to talk nonsense."

   Shi Qingluo waved his hand, "I've kept my promise the most, don't worry."

   She added: "But you can't scream like a mosquito, you have to shout it out, otherwise it doesn't count."

  Qi Yiyang: "..."

   He gritted his teeth again, "Okay!"

   Then he closed his eyes, opened them and ran towards the Peach Blossom Forest.

   then shouted: "I am a flower thief!"

   Shi Qing fell behind and made the appearance of a trumpet with his hand, "It's too quiet, no way."

   Qi Yiyang is going crazy, "I'm a flower thief."

   "Be louder!" Shi Qingluo's voice came from behind again.

   Qi Yiyang: "..." I beg you to be a person.

After shouting    twice, he let go of it completely, and while running, he shouted, "I'm a flower thief!"

   With a cloak anyway, no one knows who he is.

   From the first time he shouted, he deliberately shouted so loudly that no acquaintance could tell it was him.

   With such a shout, the people in the peach blossom forest also focused all their attention on him.

  The women are all on guard, how come there is a flower thief here.

  The men are a little confused, now the flower thief is so bold?

   Qi Yiyang continued to run and shout, "I'm a flower thief!"

   Several women and girls couldn't help screaming in fright, "Ahhhh, the flower thief is here, help!"

   It's true that Qi Yiyang wears a hat that covers his face, and he really doesn't look like a good person.

   And in ancient times, this kind of mischief basically did not occur.

   So in everyone's eyes, this is a flower thief.

   When Shi Qingluo heard the scream, she rolled her eyes and shouted, "Ah, ah, the flower thief is here, everyone, fight the flower thief."

   Liang Hengyu standing beside him: "..." Too bad.

   Cousin won't be beaten, right?

   He immediately looked over and saw quite a few men standing. After hearing Shi Qingluo's shout, they rushed towards Qi Yiyang with righteous indignation rolling up their sleeves.

   "Kill you shameless flower thief."

   "Everyone, come and fight the flower thief, don't let him succeed."

   "Hit him, beat him."

   Qi Yiyang, who was surrounded by people: "..." He would want to tear Shi Qingluo's heart apart.

   This woman is simply not human.

   "I'm not, I don't."

   He immediately said: "I just made a bet with my friends and shouted to play."

   Shi Qingluo's voice sounded again, "Don't let the flower picker run away, hit him."

  The besiegers also thought it was a flower picker who deliberately misled them, so one person started, and everyone followed suit.

  Qi Yiyang has martial arts skills, although he avoided a lot of fists and slaps.

   But it was also very embarrassing.

   The key is that he has been holding the hat covering his face with one hand to prevent it from falling.

   Otherwise, if people see his appearance, he is really going to be embarrassed.

   In particular, he just saw two acquaintances who also came here from the capital for the rural exam. No matter what, they couldn't let them see him.

   He didn't ask his followers to help either, but ran down the mountain while hiding under his hat.

   If you want to ask your relatives to help, the two will definitely recognize them.

   Soon, Qi Yiyang ran out of sight.

   Liang Hengyu was stunned when he saw his cousin's frantic escape.

   This is definitely the first time his cousin has been so embarrassed since he grew up, and it is also the biggest stain.

   He looked at Shi Qingluo without words, and finally said, "Shi Qingluo, I really belong to you."

   His cousin loves face so much, he must have a grudge against Shi Qingluo for losing such a big face today.

   Shi Qingluo smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment!"

   If Qi Yiyang wants to plot against her sister-in-law, she must be prepared to be attacked.

   She is not afraid of offending the second prince, let alone Qi Yiyang.

   Before Liang Hengyu could react, she suddenly said, "Does your cousin want to take my aunt as a concubine?"

   Therefore, Liang Hengyu instinctively asked in surprise, "How did you know?"

After    rhetorically, he knew that he had been fooled.

   This woman is so shameless that she deliberately deceived him.

   Shi Qingluo raised his eyebrows, "A fool can see that he has bad intentions."

   "Tell him, let him hurry back to wash and sleep, what a sweet dream you want my aunt to be his concubine."

   "If he thinks about my aunt again, don't blame me for being rude."

  Liang Hengyu: "..." You are not being polite now!

   Shi Qingluo said to him again: "Why are you still standing here? Aren't you afraid that your cousin will be beaten to death?"

  Liang Hengyu: "..."

   He was afraid of this woman, "Farewell!"

   was also worried about the safety of his cousin, so he hurriedly took someone to chase down the mountain.

After    and the others left, Xiao Baili couldn't help laughing.

   "Sister-in-law, you are too good."

   That Dengzi was miserable by her sister-in-law this time, he deserves it!

   Shi Qing hooked his lips, "Who made him have a bad mind, and made your mind."

   "If you see such a disciple in the future, don't give face, just clean up."

   "Even if you don't smoke him, you will kill him."

  I believe that after today, Qi Yiyang will never make a aunt's idea again.

   Xiao Baili nodded thoughtfully, "Okay, I'll learn from my sister-in-law."

   It turns out that you can still play like this when dealing with people with bad mental skills.

   On the other side, Qi Yiyang spent a lot of energy before avoiding the man who was chasing him.

   almost ran all the way to the foot of the mountain.

   was resting against a tree, and when he heard footsteps, he couldn't help looking over nervously.

   Seeing that it was Liang Hengyu and others, he was relieved.

  Liang Hengyu looked at his cousin's wrinkled clothes and embarrassed appearance, and felt a little sympathy again.

   He asked with concern: "Cousin, are you all right?"

   Qi Yiyang took off the hat on his head, "It's okay."

   He said again: "Let's go back first."

  Today was the most humiliating day of his life.

  Liang Hengyu nodded, "Okay, I'll have someone come over with a carriage."

   Immediately two people went to set up the carriage.

  Qi Yiyang thought for a while and asked, "That Shi Qingluo didn't say my name?"

  Liang Hengyu replied, "That's not true."

   When Qi Yiyang breathed a sigh of relief again, he couldn't help but grit his teeth with a dark face: "Shi Qingluo, I remember her."

   This woman is so shameless and so bad, to actually treat him like that.

   Liang Hengyu knew that he must have a grudge against Shi Qingluo.

   But if it were him, he would definitely not be able to hold back the grudge, after all, it was too embarrassing.

   He asked curiously: "Cousin, do you still want to go out in person?"

  Qi Yiyang didn't react, "What are you going to do?"

   Liang Hengyu reminded, "Xiao Baili!"

  Qi Yiyang: "..." Which pot can't be opened and lifted.

   His face darkened again, "No."

  It's all like this, and he's making a fool of himself, he can't afford to lose that person.

   Then he couldn't help but said, "What kind of daughter-in-law is Xiao Hanzheng marrying? He can actually stand it."

  Liang Hengyu smiled, "Not only can he bear it, but I heard that he likes it very hard."

   Besides, Shi Qingluo didn't make Xiao Hanzheng...

   Qi Yiyang shuddered, "Xiao Hanzheng's taste is really unique."

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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