Chapter 268 Can't swallow this breath

   On the other side, Xiao Hanzheng came to the Taoist temple to pick up Shiqingluo them.

   As soon as he entered the door and sat down, he saw the look of admiration and admiration in his sister's eyes, and said what happened to them before.

After    finished speaking, Xiao Baili gave up the space to the two of them and went to find Mother Xiao himself.

   Xiao Hanzheng was stunned for a while, then looked at Shi Qingluo and laughed: "So you made the flower thief!"

   Shi Qingluo blinked, "Why do you know the flower thief?"

   Xiao Hanzheng said with a smile: "I came all the way and heard from many people that there was a flower thief in the Peach Blossom Forest in Houshan here, who wanted to do bad things to women and girls, and was beaten away."

   "Also alerted the government, the government has already sent someone here to catch the flower-pickers."

   Recently, waiting for the results of the township examination, many candidates will come here to see the peach blossoms when they have nothing to do.

   There are also the ladies and ladies of some big clans in the Fucheng, so the Fuya still attaches great importance to it.

   He heard the rumors before and felt that something was wrong. Which flower thief would openly call himself a "flower thief" in broad daylight? Unless the brain is broken.

  I didn't expect it was made by his little daughter-in-law.

   Shi Qingluo couldn't help laughing, "I wonder if that Qi Yiyang would be so angry that he wanted to vomit blood when he found out, and then he didn't dare to go out these days."

  Xiao Hanzheng naturally knew about Qi Yiyang, and the smile in his eyes became thicker, "He loves face very much, and he will probably know it."

  How can the little daughter-in-law be so bad and lovely!

   Shi Qingluo said: "Deserved, who let him hit our Baili's idea."

   She pouted again, "You still want to take Baili as a concubine, don't you want to look at his weak chicken?"

   Xiao Hanzheng said with a smile: "Of course he can't be allowed to succeed."

   "But nine times out of ten, he was improvised."

   Qi Yiyang was not trying to win over them, but would force himself.

   He should have heard something, and after seeing his sister, he became interested, which is why he took the initiative to bring people into the mansion.

   Shi Qingluo reacted as soon as he heard it, "You mean, in fact, the other young master's hero to save the beauty before may have something to do with them?"

   Xiao Hanzheng replied: "It should have something to do with the second prince."

   "After I found out that the second prince and the scumbag had two secret meetings, Ge Chunru took the initiative to walk around frequently with the family of a fourth-rank military chief. The bad idea of ​​a hero to save the beauty must have been conceived by Ge Chunru."

   "The son who jumped out before should be from the Zheng family."

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "This kind of old-fashioned idea without a pattern really looks like Ge Chunru's work."

   But although it is old-fashioned, in ancient times, heroes who saved beauty would really make many rescued women trapped.

   After all, there are few opportunities to contact foreign men, and they cannot fall in love freely.

   In particular, there are many such bridges in the storybook, and they all become good stories in the end.

   Fortunately, her Baili is no longer the silly Baitian she used to be.

  If he is still weak and bullying, and is suddenly rescued by a handsome son, he may really lose his heart.

   She squinted her eyes, "That woman will definitely not have any good intentions."

   "Is there something wrong with this son of the Zheng family?"

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "Master Zheng likes a brothel woman, so marrying a wife is just to cope with the family, and the real purpose is to take a concubine."

   The reason why I had an impression of a fourth-rank official's son in my previous life was because Zheng Tongfeng's wife was killed, and her mother's family reported directly to the emperor.

   "If there was no Baili, Zheng Tongfeng would have married a sixth-rank official's daughter at the request of the Zheng family's parents."

   "Not long after the wife got married and entered the door, she would bring her pregnant true love into the door and directly get a concubine's eldest son out."

   "In order for the eldest son to become the eldest son, Zheng Tongfeng will also kill his pregnant wife with his concubine."

   "It's just that they didn't expect that even though the woman's father was only a sixth-rank official, he loved his daughter very much."

   "When I was in the great dynasty, I risked my life to report to the emperor directly, so that the Zheng family didn't really succeed. They were also severely punished by the emperor."

   He was also in court at the time.

   This incident was outrageous, so it was exposed by the mother's family of the wife, and the capital was discussing it for several days.

  Because the little daughter-in-law knew that he had a previous life, he said it very bluntly.

   Shi Qingluo got angry, "Ge Chunru and the Zheng family are really too much."

   This woman, Ge Chunru, was extremely vicious.

   Before that, Xinghong had encouraged the old Xiao family to sell Baili to the Wu family to be buried with him.

   It didn't work, but I came up with this idea again.

   On the surface, the eldest son married to a fourth-rank official is a high-ranking white pear, but how could outsiders think that the Zheng family has such a disgusting and dirty side.

  The Zheng family must also know that Zheng Tongfeng is infatuated with the outside brothel woman, but it is impossible for him to marry him as his wife.

   So under the instigation of Ge Chunru, it hit it off.

   Not only won her family's young husband, but also felt that a scholar is easy to handle.

   I think that even if Zheng Tongfeng will marry Bai Li in the future and get a concubine of true love to go home, the Zheng family will be able to hold back.

   As Xiao Xianggong said, in his lifetime, the Zheng family married Zheng Tongfeng a woman with a much lower status as his wife, in order to be easy to handle.

   "This Zheng family is so disgusting, we must not let them succeed."

   Come to calculate her family's white pear, even if it doesn't work, she is not ready to do it.

   In particular, an innocent woman may be involved. Now that you know it, you can’t just sit back and ignore it.

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "I really can't let Zheng Tongfeng and the Zheng family go."

   has been counted on them, do you really think they are soft persimmons?

   Shi Qingluo became angrier the more she thought about it, "No, I can't take this breath towards Ge Chunru."

   Every time it was the woman who took the initiative to demonize them.

  Although they all fought back, but this time she didn't take the initiative to cheat Ge Chunru, she felt uncomfortable.

   Xiao Hanzheng's face did not look like Shi Qingluo's anger, but he was angry in his heart.

   After all, he had personally experienced that his sister was killed by Ge Chunru.

   "Then we don't have to swallow this breath."

   He said, "It's good to take the initiative."

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "I think about how to get her."

   After a while, she snapped her fingers, "Yes."

   "Ge Chunru, that bad woman wants to harm Baili's marriage and future, and calculate Baili's innocence."

   "Since this is the case, then let's let Ge Chunru not have a clean reputation."

  Ge Chunru's reputation in the capital has long been stinky. Everyone knows that disrespecting her mother-in-law and calculating her husband's biological children.

  Then let's add another red apricot to her now.

   "Since she values ​​Zheng Tongfeng so much, we can fulfill them."

  The son of a fourth-rank official boldly ran to meet the general's wife privately, how exciting.

   The daughter of a good family can no longer marry the Zheng family.

   Then Zheng Tongfeng will be fine, marry his true love concubine and go back and lock him up.

   By the way, you can also be a scumbag.

   In the face of Ge Chunru's innocent wife, even if it's just her reputation, it's hard to see if he can continue to love her so much.

   At noon, my friends have an appointment to go out for dinner, and I can only write the rest when I come back after eating. It is expected to be around 18:00~~



   (end of this chapter)

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