Chapter 280 You are such a good person

   Hearing Qi Yiyang's words, Xi Rui pouted and didn't order any more dishes.

   "It's so stingy, no wonder you can't play with us."

  Qi Yiyang: "..." It wasn't because he was stingy that he couldn't play a piece, but because he was not a playboy.

  Xi Rui and others are really ignorant.

   Order a good meal, and a few people sit and talk.

   After talking, Qi Yiyang took the initiative to look at Shi Qingluo and said, "The things you asked me to do may have to be delayed."

   "My mother said that I want to hold a flower viewing banquet, and I have to wait until I finish this Enke exam."

   He went home and encouraged his mother to hold a flower viewing banquet, and then invited the ladies of the fourth-rank officials and above in the capital.

   But his mother said that he has to prepare for a test recently, and it is not appropriate to hold a flower viewing banquet.

   Wait until he finishes the exam.

   Shi Qingluo was not so anxious, "You just need to take what I said to heart and do it well, it doesn't matter if the time is delayed."

   After finishing the Enke exam, after her family's Xiaoxianggong passed the Jinshi exam, the scum father regretted breaking up with this son.

   Taoliu's provocation, the scumbag will definitely have more resentment towards Ge Chunru.

   Then the affair between Ge Chunru and Zheng Tongfeng broke out, and the scumbag would probably regret it even worse.

   That kind of timing is also good.

   Qi Yiyang immediately assured, "Don't worry, I will definitely help you do it."

   He just waited for Xi Rui to ask what was going on and why he was going to help Shi Qingluo.

   He had already thought about it. Instead of being afraid that Shi Qingluo would sell the matter, it would be better to stab it in front of Xi Rui and the others.

   Of course, things about the back mountain will naturally not be said, but replaced with other things.

   Sure enough, Xi Rui and the others were curious after listening to the conversation between the two.

  Xi Rui asked: "What do you want him to do? Why didn't you ask us to come?"

   Shi Qingluo didn't hide it, and told Ge Chunru and Zheng Tongfeng's design of her sister-in-law, as well as the little things about Zheng Tongfeng's family.

   also said that he directly asked Qi Yiyang to do it.

   They are friends with her and believable.

  Xi Rui and the others were amazed, obviously they did not expect Ge Chunru to be so vicious, and that Zheng Tongfeng was not a good thing.

  Liang Youxiao looked at Qi Yiyang, and then at Shi Qingluo, "How could this guy agree to do such a thing for you?"

   Qi Yiyang and they are not in the same circle. They belong to the group of inspirational people in the family, and they have to rely on their own imperial examinations to get into the official career.

   They are pure scumbags.

  Qi Yiyang used to be in the capital, but he likes to pretend, how could he possibly agree to do such a thing.

   can only show that Shi Qingluo has the handle of this guy in his hand, and he is very curious about what it is.

   Before Shi Qingluo could answer, Qi Yiyang immediately said, "Miss Shi saved me before, and I owe her a big favor, so I agreed to help her with this."

   "After this matter is done, she and I will be settled."

  Liang Youxiao didn't believe it, looked at Shi Qingluo suspiciously, "Is what he said true?"

  Since Shi Qingluo promised Qi Yiyang not to say anything, he naturally wouldn't lose his trust, and said perfunctorily, "Well."

   "He owes me his life, so it's normal for me to do this for me."

  Qi Yiyang: "..."

   He just said it, this woman really regarded herself as a savior.

   Climb the first person along the pole.

   He smiled and said: "Yes, I have to thank you!"

  Shi Qingluo smiled and said, "Don't be so polite, just invite us to have a few more meals in the future."

  Xi Rui and the others also followed, "Yes, yes, just treat more guests in the future."

   Qi Yiyang: "..." Shameless.

   Next, Xi Rui and the others began to discuss with great interest, how to design Ge Chunru and Zheng Tongfeng.

   also came up with several solutions.

   opened the eyes of Liang Hengyu and Qi Yiyang, it turns out that these dudes are so good at playing.

   Of course, the worst thing was Shi Qingluo. The final decision was her idea, and they all had to accept it.

   After drinking some wine, Xi Rui and Liang Youxiao took Qi Yiyang to brainwash them.

   At the same time, Qi Yiyang was poured a lot of wine, and in the end it was rare to talk to two people who didn't deal with him.

  Liang Hengyu saw this: "..." I didn't know, I thought my cousin had a good relationship with these two dudes.

   He still remembered that several people met each other two days ago, and they were sarcastic with each other.

   Shi Qingluo saw Liang Hengyu sitting beside him drinking.

   She said with a smile, "Five princes, how is your little sister-in-law? I heard that your second brother is very fond of you!"

  Liang Hengyu paused with his hand holding the wine glass, then smiled shyly, "My second brother is just teasing her, it's not much petting."

   "And it's just a side concubine, how can you be called a little sister-in-law."

   Always feel that Shi Qingluo is uneasy and kind.

  Shi Qingluo said with a smile, "I've even heard about it, it's not a favor!"

   "I heard that the second prince, this side concubine, is a great beauty of national beauty and beauty. When the second prince met, he was shocked, and then she didn't marry."

   "I really want to meet and see what kind of angel."

  Liang Hengyu: "..." What the **** is a fairy.

   He also thought that Ge Chunyi was so beautiful before, and that's what he saw at his second brother's house that day.

   He looked at Shi Qingluo without words and said, "I saw you once, and I think you are more beautiful than her."

   Shi Qingluo not only was not embarrassed, but also smiled and said, "Really? Although I knew I was beautiful, I didn't expect to be able to compete with Tianxian."

   "Then I want to see you even more."

  Liang Hengyu: "..." It was the first time he saw a woman who praised him so much, and he had learned a lot.

   Seeing Shi Qingluo's bright eyes, he could only bite the bullet and say, "I have the opportunity to let my second brother bring it out for you to see."

   Shi Qingluo's smile deepened, "Okay! Fifth Prince, you are such a good person."

   Yesterday, Xiao Xianggong's people sent new news.

  Ge Chunru went to the Second Prince's Mansion to find Ge Chunyi, concerned about whether Ge Chunyi was involved in the previous affairs.

Only then did Ge Chunyi know that Ge Chunru's calculations had failed.

   Then Ge Chunru kept complaining to Ge Chunyi, saying that because their husband and wife sent Taoliu to the general's house to be a concubine, they provoked their relationship and robbed her of her housekeeping rights.

   hated their couple and wanted revenge.

   So Ge Chunyi gave Ge Chunru an idea to ask her sister to find another son of an aristocratic family to seduce Xiao Baili.

   But this time, don't come forward by yourself, but find someone to guide the young master and take the initiative to approach Xiao Baili.

   also provides a candidate.

   The son I was looking for this time, not only does not have a concubine in the outer room, but also is not close to women, and there is no connecting room beside him.

   thinks that such a person should be able to enter Xiao Baili's eyes.

   The key point is that this candidate is the second prince's backyard, and he often targets the younger brother of Ge Chunyi's other side concubine.

   And that person's younger brother is really not good at women, but he is masculine, and the little servants around the house are all male pets.

   It was only because of the pressure at home that he didn’t go outside to make trouble, and people outside didn’t know about it.

   Therefore, the family needs to find a woman to let their son marry and enter the door to cover.

   By the way, give birth to a son to pass on the lineage.

   The procrastination is gone, the remaining 2 chapters are around 18:00~



   (end of this chapter)

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