After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 281: This bad daughter-in-law doesn't know what's wrong

   Chapter 281 This bad daughter-in-law doesn't know what to do

  Ge Chunyi also accidentally knew this when she wanted to find the handle of that side concubine.

   So came up with the idea of ​​killing two birds with one stone.

   If Xiao Baili successfully married into that concubine's family in the future, Xiao Hanzheng would definitely not ignore it, and he would definitely take revenge.

  In this way, Xiao Hanzheng's hand can be borrowed to deal with that side concubine's family.

   That side concubine relied on her family background, so she often pressed Ge Chunyi.

  If there is no family background, Ge Chunyi thinks that the other party is not her opponent.

  Because the person arranged by Xiao Hanzheng seized the handle of a trusted servant girl next to Ge Chunyi, and made a bribe.

   So the conversation between the two sisters was passed on as is.

   After knowing the news, Shi Qingluo was angry again, this Ge family sister is poisonous.

   So when I saw the fifth prince today, Shi Qingluo suddenly felt that he had to help Ge Chunyi.

   made her more favored, and made her more "like a duck to water" in the second prince's backyard.

  If the second prince not only went to Ge Chunyi's yard for dinner every day, but also brought him out to meet his younger brother or friends, the group of women in the backyard would probably be jealous and crazy.

   Liang Hengyu, who was issued a good person card: "..." I really thank you.

   Apparently, Shi Qingluo did not let the good fifth prince go, "I'll invite the second prince to dinner another day, you remember to ask him to bring Tianxian out to have a look."

   Xi Rong also said with a smile: "What kind of beauty, let the second cousin bring it out and let's meet, don't hide it."

  Xi Rui joined in the fun, "That's right, I've never seen an angel before."

   This time, even Qi Yiyang, who drank too much, raised his head and said, "It's really so beautiful? I want to see it too."

   Liang Hengyu had a headache, "I'll ask my second brother first."

   He also felt that he didn't read the almanac when he went out today.

   And cousin, what's the fun with, how many people did you agree with Xi Rui not to deal with?

   After drinking for a while, Liang Hengyu took the drunk Qi Yiyang and left first.

   Shi Qingluo and his wife drank with Xi Rui for a while before they ended.

   That night, the second prince had something to call the fifth prince to his house.

   He asked the fifth prince to fight for an errand in Jiangnan if he had a chance.

  The fifth prince was not very willing in his heart, but for the sake of his brother's great cause, he still agreed.

   Of course, he was not sure whether he could win it in the end.

   After talking about the business, Liang Hengyu recounted what happened in the restaurant.

   "Second brother, Shi Qingluo said he wanted to invite you to dinner, so you must take Concubine Ge."

  Liang Hengshao was stunned, "She is so interested in my concubine?"

  Liang Hengyu shrugged, "I don't know, do you really want to compare her and Concubine Ge, who is more like a fairy?"

   He always felt that Shi Qingluo had bad intentions, but he couldn't see her purpose.

  Liang Hengshao rubbed his chin and smiled and said, "Could it be that Shi Qingluo is also interested in me? So I heard that I dote on Ge Chunyi?"

  Liang Hengyu: "..." You can pull it down.

   "I think she wants to rectify Ge Chunyi, and it's not possible."

   Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng have a good relationship, even he can see that his second brother really thinks too much.

  The second prince smiled, "Okay, it will be as she wishes."

   "Go and make an appointment with her, and I'll take Ge Chunyi to the banquet."

   Shi Qingluo is still a bit special to him.

   And he also wanted to see what she was doing.

  Liang Hengyu didn't admit it, he wanted to see a good show himself, "Okay, I'll ask tomorrow."

   He didn't go back to his home that night, and stayed in the Second Prince's Mansion.

   The next day, let someone go to Xiao Mansion to ask.

   Shi Qingluo didn't set a time immediately, but went to ask Xiao Hanzheng, and the two would meet at that restaurant three days later.

   Liang Hengyu went to tell Liang Hengshao again.

  Liang Hengshao had something to do, but he pushed it out in order to make an appointment.

  Three days later, Shi Qingluo's family went out.

   Xiao Hanzheng heard that the best silver building in Kyoto was going to have new jewelry today, so he called his daughter-in-law to go shopping with his mother, younger siblings.

   Going to give them some jewelry. The restaurant and the silver building are on the same street.

   It's still early. After picking out the jewelry, you can just go to the restaurant to make an appointment.

   Just walked to the gate of the silver building, but by coincidence, he met Xiao Yuanshi and brought Ge Chunru from not far away.

   This time it was really not calculated, but a pure coincidence.

   Seeing Xiao Hanzheng and the others, Xiao Yuanshi and his wife were also stunned, obviously surprised.

  Today is Ge Chunru's birthday, and she just heard that there will be new jewelry in Yinlou today.

   In order to show her difference in Xiao Yuanshi in front of Taoliu, he asked Xiao Yuanshi to accompany her to choose jewelry.

   This was something Xiao Yuanshi used to do, and she took it for granted.

  Although Xiao Yuanshi has been indifferent to Ge Chunru recently, he still has each other in his heart. In addition, he has been deprived of his stewardship and wanted to compensate one or two, so he agreed.

   So I went directly to the Silver House to pick out jewelry, and then went to a restaurant not far away for lunch.

   Xiao Yuanshi did not expect to meet his ex-wife and three children.

   I saw Kong, who looked much younger and seemed to have a different temperament.

   There is also a daughter and a young son who look very different from a year ago, and he is a bit complicated.

   When Shi Qingluo saw the two scumbags, he cursed inwardly.

   I don't know if my mother-in-law is ready to meet the scumbag.

   She turned her head to look, and sure enough, her mother-in-law's eyes were dull, and her whole body was tense.

   But since you have encountered it, you can't pretend not to see it.

   Shi Qingluo took the initiative to show a smile, raised his hand to say hello, "Long time no see, my ex-father-in-law!"

   Xiao Yuanshi: "..." He was the most annoying to hear the words "former father-in-law".

  Here is on the street, and he is not good at shaming.

   He said coldly: "Long time no see!"

   Shi Qing's eyes fell on Ge Chunru, and asked curiously, "Is this your ex-father-in-law, your high-ranking wife, or your confidante outside?"

   Xiao Yuanshi: "..." This bad daughter-in-law doesn't know what's wrong with her.

  Ge Chunru also saw Shi Qingluo for the first time.

   Originally, she was unhappy when she saw Kong who became young and beautiful.

   Hearing Shi Qingluo's words suddenly, his face turned red.

   is not shy, but angry.

   "You are Zheng'er's newly married daughter-in-law?"

   She couldn't hold back and wanted to take the elder's money, "Is that what you said when you met your husband's father? What about your etiquette?"

   She also learned from Mrs. Xiao, so let's talk about her identity first.

  If Shi Qingluo contradicts, it is disrespectful to the elders, which will affect his reputation.

   Maybe it will also affect Xiao Hanzheng's test.

  So this time, she was looking forward to it, and Shi Qingluo contradicted them.

   She then publicly accused Shi Qingluo of being unfilial.

   Shi Qingluo couldn't see Ge Chunru's plan.

   But since the other party has come to the door, she is not satisfied, isn't she too sorry for this woman.

   (end of this chapter)

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