Chapter 30 He's Finished

   Whether ancient or modern, most people like to gossip and join in the fun.

   Therefore, almost all of the people present agreed to go to the county seat with them.

  Especially for those who have grasped the medicine well, they also asked Shi Qingluo to help them find the medicine.

  I'm going to take it to the county seat and ask other clerks to look at the prescription and the medicine. Is there any problem?

   Then a dozen people took Shi Langzhong and his apprentice together and walked towards the county town together.

   When they met people on the road, everyone saw Shi Langzhong being bound and dragged away by a little girl, and they couldn't help but come up and ask curiously.

   Shi Qingluo publicized what Shi Langzhong had done.

  The people in the town couldn't believe that Shi Langzhong was so black-hearted and deliberately harming others.

   It took about forty minutes to walk from the town to the county seat, so many people couldn't hold back and went along to join in the fun.

   On the way to the county seat, when someone asks me again, I don’t need to repeat it when I don’t have to, and the people who follow me talk about it again and again.

   Then the team to the county town continued to expand.

   By the time we got to the county seat, more than 40 people had already followed.

   In front of the yamen, the yamen saw a little girl dragging two bound people over, followed by a group of people, and couldn't help but be stunned.

   One of the yamen came forward and asked, "What are you doing?"

   Shi Qingluo replied, "We are here to report to the officials."

   "This is a man in our town who deliberately used contradictory medicines to give my husband to eat, almost killing my husband."

   After she finished speaking, she took out the form sheet that Xiao Hanzheng had written last night from the back basket, "This is the form sheet written by my husband, Xiao Xiucai, please submit it to the magistrate."

  The yamen listened to her that she was a family member of Xiucai, and took it seriously.

   took the paper and said, "You guys wait a moment."

   In the main hall of the yamen, a stern-looking young man wearing a seventh-grade official uniform is looking through the documents of Nanxi County in recent years.

  The yamen came in and presented the paper, "Sir, there is a little woman who wants to report to the official. This is the paper written by his husband Xiao Xiucai."

  Mo Qingling took it over and looked at it, "Bring people up."

   "Yes!" The yamen respectfully retired.

   Then he brought Shi Qingluo and others into the court.

   Shi Qingluo was a little puzzled when he saw the young and stern man sitting above him. Didn't he say that the magistrate was an old man in his fifties?

   "I have seen the magistrate." Shi Qingluo didn't bow down, just bowed.

   Mo Qingling was surprised when he saw the girl who looked fifteen or sixteen years old, tied and dragged two men to the court.

   He asked: "The person you are binding and pulling is the Shi Langzhong you want to sue?"

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "Yes, they resisted before and didn't want to follow. I was afraid that they would run away, so I tied people and pulled them here."

   "I also know that the county adults will send people to go to arrest people."

  Mo Qingling: "..." This is the first time I have seen such an officer.

   He asked again: "I have read the paper, you said that Shi Langzhong deliberately poisoned your husband, is there any evidence?"

   Shi Qingluo handed the old medicine dregs in the back basket, the medicine that had not been boiled last time, the medicine prescribed this time, and all the prescriptions to the yamen.

   "These are the proofs."

  Mo Qingling took the prescription and looked at it, and ordered someone to go behind the county government office and call the doctor in his yard.

   Hearing that he was going to call the government doctor, Shi Langzhong's expression changed again.

   Shi Qingluo, because of this, judged that this young magistrate might not have a simple identity background, otherwise there would be no dedicated medical doctor.

   Soon, an old man came in with the yamen.

  Mo Qingling pointed to the dregs and prescriptions on the table.

   "Let's see if the prescription, the dregs and the new medicine can be matched, and then see if there is any problem with the prescription."

   The doctor said respectfully: "Yes."

   He walked over, quickly picked up the corresponding prescription, reached out and pulled out the dregs and new medicine bag.

After    finished, his face darkened, "Report to your lord, the person who prescribed this medicine has bad intentions, and he wants to kill people."

   "The previous recipe will cause people to have high fever repeatedly, and after falling into a coma, if they continue to drink this medicine, they will not be able to wake up."

   "The prescription at the back looks to be a tonic on the surface, but there are two countermeasures."

   "After drinking it, your body will become weaker and weaker, and it is estimated that you will have to lie in bed for the rest of your life."

   Mo Qingling knocked on the table, "Is it possible that I caught it wrong?"

   The government doctor replied truthfully: "It's impossible to see the prescription's medication, and once it's an accident, it can't be an accident if there are all problems."

  Mo Qingling nodded, "I think so too."

   Shi Qingluo pointed to the opened package of new medicine again, "Shi Langzhong also said that the whiskers in the package are ginseng whiskers."

The   fu doctor was stunned, picked it up, looked at it carefully, and smelled it.

   "This is not ginseng whiskers, but a wild medicine. Eating it will not only not replenish the body, but will cause dizziness."

  Shi Qingluo took the opportunity and said, "Sir, I will not only sue Shi Langzhong for deliberately murdering my husband, but also sue him for selling fake medicines to harm others."

   People who went to Shilang Chinese Medicine Hall to see a doctor and buy medicines panicked after hearing what the doctor said.

   A middle-aged man asked, "Sir, can you ask this old gentleman to help us see if there is any problem with the medicine we just caught."

  Mo Qingling nodded: "Yes!"

   The prefectural doctor began to look at the prescriptions and medicines for the dozen people who followed Shi Qing.

   After reading it, he said: "More than half of the people's medicines are fine, but the amount of medicines is not so accurate. It is obvious that they want to delay the time when they get better."

   "For example, you can get better by taking three medicines, but you have to take five or six medicines."

  The government doctor paused and said: "There are still a small number of people who have problems with their medicines. Either they are adulterated with counterfeit medicines, or the medicines are not symptomatic."

   As soon as the government doctor finished speaking, the people who followed were anxious.

   "It's no wonder that every time I go to Shi Langzhong to get medicine, I have to take it for a long time to get better. It turns out that he dragged it on purpose."

   "I have a relative who went to him to get medicine to see a doctor, but he died within a few days. I suspect that he did it on purpose, or that there were fake medicines in it."

   "The medicines in the Shijia Pharmacy Hall are cheaper than those in the county seat. It turns out that the trick is in the fake medicines."

   "Shi Langzhong is simply out of his mind, this kind of money is earned."

   Everyone can't help but scold you every word and every word.

   Shi Langzhong's face was pale, and he sat limply on the ground. He was finished.

  Mo Qingling asked the yamen to remove the cloth stuffed in Shi Langzhong's mouth, "Shi Langzhong, now that the evidence is conclusive, what else do you have to say?"

   Shi Langzhong shook his head, "There is nothing to say."

  The evidence is in front of him, and he has to admit it even if he doesn’t recognize it. If he doesn’t recognize it, he might even be punished.

  Shi Qingluo said: "Sir, my husband and Shi Langzhong have no grudges. It stands to reason that he has no reason to harm my husband, so I suspect that there is someone behind him."

  Mo Qingling looked at Shi Langzhong, "Say, did someone instruct you to do it?"

   He also suspected that someone was instructing him, even if the little woman didn't say it, he would have asked.

  Shi Langzhong swallowed, and after thinking about it, he said, "Someone really ordered me to do it, but I don't know that person."

   "He suddenly appeared in the middle of the night two weeks ago, and then gave me 100 taels of silver to give me the medicine Xiao Xiucai prescribed."

   "And promised to give me another two hundred taels after it's done."

   "I only know it's a masked man, but I haven't seen the other party's true face."

   (end of this chapter)

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