Chapter 31 Dare To Think

  Mo Qingling frowned.

   Looking at Shi Langzhong's appearance, it doesn't seem like he's lying.

   He turned to look at Shi Qingluo and asked, "Has your husband been enmity with anyone recently?"

   Shi Qingluo replied without hesitation: "There is no enmity, but exactly half a month ago, my husband's general's father favored his concubine and killed his wife. In order to turn an outer chamber into a normal one, he wanted to demote his wife as a concubine."

   "Xianggong's mother disagreed, and the two divorced."

   "Then the father-in-law wants to let the father-in-law leave his mother. Regardless of the younger siblings, if the father-in-law does not agree, the father-in-law asks him to break up with him and separate the family."

   "The outer room framed my mother-in-law before, and asked my father-in-law to demote his wife as a concubine, so she could change herself. This forced my mother-in-law to have no way to divorce, and she was even more uncomfortable with my brother-in-law and sister."

   "Among the people my husband knows in Nanxi County, who can buy Shi Langzhong with three hundred taels of silver, only the outer chamber can get it."

   Although the woman must have moved, it was difficult to find her.

   But it doesn't hinder Shi Qingluo, first disgust the woman and the scumbag.

   Today's matter and her words will be recorded in the master book, and in the future, when you are confronted with those two people, you can turn over these old accounts.

  Mo Qingling was surprised, "Which general is your husband's biological father?"

   He already had a guess in his heart. Now there is only one general named Xiao in the court. He heard that his wife is a dozen years younger.

   Shi Qing fell back and said, "General Xiao Yuanshi."

   Mo Qingling thought that it was Xiao Yuanshi.

   But he didn't expect that Xiao Yuanshi, who looked at him with a bold temperament and acted upright, was secretly a scumbag who wanted to demote his wife as a concubine for the sake of the outer chamber.

   The key is that for a woman, he actually broke up his own children and separated the family. This is too bastard.

   As for whether the mastermind behind the scenes is the woman, he thinks it is very likely.

   After all, he had personally experienced the wicked and vicious means to women in the back house.

   Of course, these things have to be investigated, and no conclusions can be drawn.

   After all, what this little woman said is not necessarily true.

   "This officer will investigate this matter thoroughly."

  Mo Qingling instructed the yamen, "Take Shi Langzhong and his apprentice into the prison first, and sentence them after this officer has found out all the charges."

   "Yes, my lord!" The yamen dragged the two down.

  Mo Qingling looked at Shi Qingluo again and said, "I will investigate what you said, and try to dig out the mastermind behind Shi Lang's assassination of your husband, and let someone go to your house to inform you when there is a result."

   Shi Qingluo smiled and saluted again, "Thank you sir."

   Seeing the expression on this man's face, she knew the scumbag, and she further concluded that the magistrate's identity must not be simple.

   Even if you can't find the evidence that the woman killed Xiao Hanzheng, you can definitely find the disgusting things that the scumbag did.

   Maybe through this magistrate, we can spread those things to the capital, and let everyone see the real face of the scumbag first.

   Incidentally, it can also put some pressure on the scumbag and that woman, think about it before acting as a demon, if something happened to Xiao Hanzheng, can they get rid of their relationship.

   This is an era of imperial supremacy, and there is a big gap between the powerful and the commoners.

  The scumbag is a great general, and Xiao Hanzheng is still only a scholar.

  If you don't make trouble, I'm afraid that the scumbag will unite with that woman and directly want to kill Xiao Hanzheng again, or find a way to prevent him from growing up.

   Now if there is such a tight curse, it is impossible for the scumbag to do things with that woman as much as before.

   After the opening of the hall, Shi Qingluo left the county office with the help of Xiao's mother, who was a little weak.

   This incident also began to spread through people who joined in the fun.

   Not only the evil deeds of Shi Langzhong, but also the gossip that the generals of the dynasty favored concubines and exterminated their wives, wanted to demote their wives to concubines for the sake of the outer chamber, and finally divorced directly, and even took the initiative to separate their children and cut off their relatives.

   The latter one is more exciting, and it can better satisfy the people's gossip heart for watching powerful and good dramas, so it spreads faster.

   Mother Xiao walked for a while before feeling that her body was not so soft.

   "Qingluo, you are really amazing."

  What the daughter-in-law did today was linked together, not only sent Shi Langzhong to the cell, but also led out the pair of scumbags and scumbags.

   The key is that in front of the county magistrate, the daughter-in-law looked calm and talked casually, and she really admired it.

If    was replaced by her, it must be very nervous to speak in front of the county magistrate.

   Shi Qingluo supported her and said, "Mother, you can actually do it, as long as you have the courage to take the first step."

   "Scum dad and bitch, then treat you and Xiao Hanzheng brothers and sisters. If there is a chance in the future, you must give them a good look."

   "It's better for one person to blow their mouths a few times before letting them lose their reputation."

If    is replaced by her, first blow up the scumbag's head, and then beat the scumbag to death.

   Incidentally, the two were embarrassed in the capital.

   Today, she didn't say anything about the chaotic relationship between that woman and the scumbag. Apart from the lack of evidence, she also wanted to go to the capital to let Xiao Hanzheng clean up in the future.

   After all, the status and strength of the enemy and the enemy are very different now, so it is better not to force the other side to jump over the wall.

   Mother Xiao couldn't help laughing, "I really want to slap the two of them."

   may feel unrealistic!

   Shi Qingluo said firmly: "Don't worry, mother, there will be opportunities. Even if there is no chance, Xiao Hanzheng and I will create opportunities for you."

   Mother Xiao pursed her lips and took a deep breath, "Okay, if I have a chance, I'll try it."

   She tried her best to change herself and not let her daughter-in-law and son down.

   Shi Qingluo patted her hand gently to encourage, "That's right, anyway, there are us behind you, don't be afraid."

   Mother Xiao nodded, "Well, not afraid."

   Those who do evil things and have a guilty conscience should be the pair of dogs and men.

   Next, Shi Qingluo accompanied Xiao's mother to the embroidery workshop to sell purses, and then went to the bookstore to exchange the books previously copied by Xiao Hanzheng.

  The bookstore also sold paper, pen and inkstone, and Shi Qingluo helped Xiao Hanzheng buy some paper.

   She looked at the low-quality paper and felt that it was very expensive. A knife was a hundred cents.

   A better one costs a few hundred dollars, or even more than one or two silvers.

   It's no wonder that in ancient times, it was difficult for a poor family to have a noble child. Just buying paper was a lot of money, and the poor family couldn't afford it.

   Shi Qingluo thought about it and asked Xiao Er, "Do you have toilet paper here?"

   When she came here, the most painful thing was not being poor, but going to the toilet.

   Now, instead of toilet paper, what she uses to go to the toilet is called toilet chips, which are actually shavings of wood or bamboo. She is really mad and can't stand it.

   Little Er is a little inexplicable, "What is toilet paper?"

   Shi Qingluo coughed dryly, "Paper for toilet."

  Little Er: "..." This woman really dared to think.

   "I've never heard of such paper, how could it be used for toilets if it's so expensive."

   This time it was Shi Qingluo's turn: "..."

   This is to force her to make paper, she really can't stand it.

   She has never made paper, and the specific process is not clear.

   But she has the "Crossing Book" made by her cousin, which contains the detailed manufacturing process of several kinds of paper.

   After returning to the village, she took Xiao Hanzheng to try.

If    is built, it will not only solve the problem of going to the toilet, but Xiao Hanzheng will no longer need to buy paper in the future.

After    came out of the bookstore, Shi Qingluo took Xiao's mother to stroll around several main streets of the county, looking for good business opportunities.

   was walking on the road, when suddenly two people dressed as servants were talking.

   One of them frowned and said, "Master's favorite flower is about to die. He asked me to find a gardener to solve it. Where can I find such a person?"

   Today's update is over, thank you for tipping and voting dear~~



   (end of this chapter)

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