After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 32: It's falling a bit fast today

  Chapter 32 The day is falling a bit fast

   Another homemaker, Ding Xiaosi, listened.

   suddenly asked curiously: "Isn't the young master who bought that purple chrysanthemum from the capital?"

   He just came back from out of town today, so I don't know.

  Xiaowu smiled bitterly, "It's the purple chrysanthemum, the young master bought it for hundreds of taels."

   "Not only is the color not as purple as before, but there are still signs of withering, which makes the young master feel bad."

  Xiao Si couldn't help but said: "Then why don't you look for someone who bought it?"

  Xiaowu said helplessly: "I was already ill. It would take about half a month to travel from Nanxi County to the capital, even by water. No matter how bumpy the road is, I'm guessing that I will die on the road before reaching the capital."

   "I asked all the gardeners I could find in the county to see them, but they couldn't do anything about it. They also told the young master to get ready."

  Xiao Si asked: "What should I do? The gardeners in the county are not good at it. Who do you go to?"

  Xiaowu sighed and said, "That's why it's too difficult for me. The young master said that if he can't find a gardener who can cure it, he will deduct my monthly monthly for two months."

  Xiao Si shook his head, "Unless there is a gardener from the sky, you are going to deduct the monthly fee."

   He comforted again, "It's always been you who took care of the young master's flower house. If something goes wrong, it's good that only your monthly bill will be deducted."

   "I heard that in some powerful families, a flower is more important than the life of a servant. If there is a problem, they will be killed directly."

  Xiaowu sighed again, "That's all I can think of, unless there is a gardener in heaven."

  Suddenly, a clear and pleasant voice sounded beside the two of them.

   "I am good at growing and treating flowers."

   The two turned their heads together, and saw a little girl holding a woman, standing not far away.

   Two people: "..." The sky is falling a bit fast.

  Xiaowu looked at Shi Qingluo suspiciously and asked, "Are you really good at medicine?"

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "Of course it is."

   "You know Ziju?" Xiaowu asked again.

   This is a chrysanthemum that has only recently become popular in Beijing, and this color has never been seen before.

   Their young master bought a plant at a high price to raise, and now it is the first one in the county.

   This dress looks like a village girl from the countryside, how could she know Ziju.

   Shi Qingluo knew the other party's doubts, "My master is the Taoist priest Wuchen. I learned from him how to grow and medical flowers, not to mention the treatment of purple chrysanthemum, I can still cultivate purple chrysanthemum."

  It is not difficult to cultivate purple chrysanthemum artificially. She is very good at the cultivation, transplantation and grafting of various famous flowers.

  Who made her have a grandfather who is fascinated by flowers.

   At the beginning, she was able to go to the Agricultural University successfully because she promised her grandfather that he would help him with flowers after he completed his studies, and he helped her to completely settle her parents who insisted on her being in business.

  Xiao Si and Xiao Wu have one face, are you kidding us?

   Shi Qingluo looked at the two of them and said, "Is it true that you can heal your young master's flowers? You will know if you go there. Can you find other gardeners besides me?"

  Xiao Wuyi is right, it is better than not asking anyone to go back.

   "Okay, then you can go home with me and try."

   He said with a bit of warning: "But don't try to deceive people. My family is Baifu, and my young master is not only a scholar, but also an uncle who is an official in the capital."

   Shi Qingluo laughed: "My husband is also a scholar. For his reputation, I can't lie to you."

   Xiao Si was surprised, "Your husband is also a scholar? What's his name?"

   There are not many scholars in Nanxi County, and he basically knows them all.

   Shi Qingluo didn't hide it, "Xiao Hanzheng."

   Xiao Si's surprise was even stronger, "Ah! Are you the little daughter-in-law of Mr. Xiao's bliss?"

   This will ask back, "You know my husband?"

  Xiao Si smiled and said, "Of course I do, Mr. Xiao is a famous person in the county."

   "Previously, the county exam, the prefectural exam, and the hospital exam were all desk leaders, so what about Xiaosanyuan?"

   It will be Shi Qingluo's turn to be surprised, it turns out that her little husband is so powerful.

   She smiled and said, "So, I'm the daughter-in-law of a little three-year-old scholar, is there no need to lie to you?"

  Xiao Si and Xiao Wu have really reduced their doubts about Shi Qingluo because Shi Qingluo is Xiao Hanzheng's daughter-in-law.

   Several people walked and chatted all the way.

   Shi Qingluo asked: "Your Bai family is very powerful in the county town?"

   Hearing the tone of the two just now, it seems that the Bai family can rank first in the county seat.

   Yuanshen had never been to the county seat, so she was smeared in her eyes.

   Xiaosi said proudly: "Our Bai family is a first-class family in the county. My wife's sister is a family member of a fourth-rank official in the capital."

   Shi Qingluo thought, "Is your Bai family more powerful than the Wu family?"

  Xiao Si Sansan smiled: "That's not even more powerful, our Bai family is similar to the Wu family."

   He added: "But our Bai family's character is definitely better than that of the Wu family."

   Shi Qing said in a cliché, "Listen to your tone, it seems that your relationship with the Wu family is not very good?"

  Xiao Si nodded, "It's not just bad, it's a competitor that is incompatible with fire and water."

   The whole county knew about this, so he would say it outright.

   He asked suspiciously, "Don't you even know this?"

   Shi Qingluo replied, "I used to follow my master to practice at a Taoist temple on the mountain, so I don't know much about worldly affairs."

Xiao Wu next to    asked, "The Taoist temple you're talking about is the one from Shangxi Village? Has your master really ascended to immortality?"

   They also heard that there was a very powerful Taoist priest in Shangxi Village, who had risen to immortality not long ago, and many people saw the vision.

   Shi Qing Luohao nodded without a guilty conscience, "Yes, my master has been promoted to immortal, so I will marry Xiao Hanzheng."

   The noble temperament developed in the previous life is naturally revealed, if it is not for the appearance of yellow face and thin skin, it will give people a feeling of high man.

  Xiao Wu and the two also felt it, so they looked at Shi Qingluo and believed a little more, "No wonder you will treat Hua, it turns out to be the apprentice of the old fairy."

  Shi Qingluo: "..." Co-authoring her credibility as a living person, it can't compare to a dead person.

  However, in ancient times, there were more feudal superstitions, especially the ascension of the old Taoist was preached to be magical, so there were many people who believed in it.

   Even if you don’t believe it very much in your heart, you will always be in awe.

  Shi Qingluo smiled confidently, "That's right, my master knows a lot, it's just a trivial matter to cultivate and manage flowers."

   Then she changed the topic and asked, "By the way, has the county seat changed to a new county magistrate?"

  Xiaowu replied: "Yes, I just changed it a few days ago."

   "The old magistrate came to work in advance, and the new magistrate came from the capital."

   Shi Qingluo asked tentatively again: "I heard that the new county magistrate has a background?"

  Since the Bai family is one of the best in the county, they should have an understanding of the new county magistrate.

  Looking at Xiao Si's appearance and conversation, in all likelihood, he is the servant who waits for that young master Bai.

   Sure enough, Xiao Si knew, "That's not a background, but a big background."

   Shi Qingluo asked curiously, "What background?"

  Xiao Si did not hide it, but his voice was a little quieter, "The nephew of the Empress, the son-in-law of the Hou Mansion, is this a big name?"

   (end of this chapter)

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