After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 36: Feelings are waiting for him here

  Chapter 36 Feelings are waiting for him here

  Xiao Hanzheng stood up with a smile.

   "Just come back."

   As soon as I finished speaking, I saw two young men dressed as servants, one came in with a pot of purple chrysanthemum, and the other came in with a lot of messy things.

   Shi Qingluo introduced: "This is the servant of the young master Bai Xu in the Bai residence, helping them bring flowers to our house."

   Xiao Hanzheng asked inexplicably, "Send flowers to our house?"

   Shi Qingluo explained, "Young Master Bai's flower is ill, so I will treat it."

   Xiao Hanzheng was amazed, "You can still cure flowers?"

  Shi Qingluo smiled and said, "Not only can I cure flowers, I can also grow flowers."

   Xiao Hanzheng was just about to speak.

   Xiao Wu, who heard the conversation between the two, widened his eyes and said, "Young Master Xiao doesn't know that your wife can grow and manage flowers?"

   It's over, Master won't be fooled, right?

   Xiao Hanzheng smiled lightly, "My lady just married me not long ago, so I don't know."

   He said again: "I believe she will definitely be able to cure your son's flower."

  Although he didn't spend a long time with his daughter-in-law, he was able to understand some of her temperament.

   She should not do anything she is not sure about.

  Xiao Wu looked at Xiao Hanzheng with some sympathy, "Mr. Xiao, your wife and our young master signed the receipt."

   Xiao Hanzheng looked at him, "What document?"

   What does this sympathetic look mean?

  Xiao Wudao: "It's your wife who uses your Xiao Sanyuan's credit guarantee to cure my young master's flower."

   "If the flower dies, you will compensate my young master one hundred and sixty taels instead of her."

  Xiaowu coughed lightly, "Your mother also said that you should be the guarantee."

  Xiao Hanzheng: "..." So he was jointly sold by his wife and mother?

   No wonder the little daughter-in-law smiles so brightly, and feelings are waiting for him here.

   He turned his head to look at his little daughter-in-law and his own mother. Seeing that both of them looked at him with innocent eyes, he was suddenly amused and helpless.

   So he said to Xiao Wu: "My daughter-in-law can be my master, you go back and tell Young Master Bai, I will guarantee the flowers."

  Xiao Wu found that Xiao Xiucai was very indulgent towards this difficult woman, "That's good, our young master is also looking at Xiao Gongzi's face, so I believe that your wife can heal the flower."

   Xiao Hanzheng smiled, "I'm here to thank Young Master Bai for his trust."

   He knew Bai Xu, this man had average talent in school. After he was admitted to the scholar, he did not continue the test, but he was very business-minded and talented.

   In the future, the business will also be done in the capital.

   They were in different schools before, so they didn't communicate much.

   However, I heard that Bai Xu acts boldly and unrestrainedly, and his character should be okay.

  Xiaowu smiled: "Young Master Xiao is polite!"

   He turned to look at Shi Qingluo and asked, "Where are these flowers going to be placed?"

   Shi Qingluo said indifferently: "You can leave it as you like, and I'll deal with it in a while."

  Xiaowu: "..." It scared him so casually, why did he feel unreliable?

   He smiled shyly and said, "Can I see you deal with it?"

   Although he is not a gardener in the mansion, he is specially responsible for helping the young master take care of the flower house, so he knows a little bit.

   Shi Qingluo knew he was worried, "No problem."

   "Let's deal with it now."

   She will take out the tools brought by Xiao Wu from the Bai family.

   In front of Xiao Wu and Xiao Si, he began to remove the rotten rhizomes and leaves from the purple chrysanthemum.

  The movements are skilled and smooth, and the handling of the onset chrysanthemum is even more serious and focused.

   made Xiao Wu and the two, who had doubts about her at first, truly believe it.

  Xiao Hanzheng looked at Shi Qingluo who was concentrating on his work, and a smile appeared on his brows.

   The little daughter-in-law always brought him a sense of novelty and wanted him to explore.

   Shi Qingluo handled it carefully, and it took nearly half an hour to stop.

   "The problem area has been dealt with, and I will take care of this flower in the morning, noon and evening in the next few days."

   She said again: "But this is the secret skill of our Luoxia Temple, so you can't watch it."

   Xiao Hanzheng knew as soon as he heard it, the little daughter-in-law threw the pot to the old man again, and he was a little dumbfounded.

   But I have to say that the little daughter-in-law is very smart, and she throws everything on Laodao, and no one can verify the truth without proof.

  Xiaowu smiled and said, "Since it's a secret skill, we won't watch it."

   "Then let's go back first, and the young master will come to see the flowers in a few days."

  Xiao Si has already helped Shi Qingluo to buy all the things into the yard.

   Shi Qingluo waved his hand, "You two walk slowly."

   The two nodded, "Farewell!"

   After the two left, Xiao Hanzheng looked at Shi Qingluo, raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "You sold me, so happy?"

   Shi Qingluo glanced at him, "I believe you."

   She leaned over and pulled Xiao Hanzheng's sleeve with a smile, with a hint of coquettishness, "Xiao Hanhan, I knew you were the best."

   He cooperated very well in front of Xiao Wu and the two of them, which deserves praise.

   Xiao Hanzheng: "..." He became Xiao Hanhan again.

   This woman really made him not know what to say.

   But he didn't know why, not only was he not angry, but he felt inexplicably novel and pleasant in his heart.

   He asked with a smile on his face, "Will this be unfair?"

   Seeing the two talking so close, Mother Xiao called Xiaomei and Erlang to pack up the things they just bought, and put the chicks and ducklings in the backyard.

   Give two people a space to be alone.

   As soon as the three of them left, Shi Qingluo directly changed to hold Xiao Hanzheng's arm this time.

   also shook his arm and changed the subject, "Husband, I want to discuss something with you."

  Since it is a trial marriage, in Shi Qingluo's opinion, it is normal for two people to fall in love and coax her husband coquettishly.

   Xiao Hanzheng was shaken by a woman's arm for the first time, and his body froze at first.

   But he was not disgusted, he smiled thickly and looked down at her, "What's the matter?"

   When she alienates or wants to use him, he is the husband or husband.

   Shi Qingluo said: "I want to make paper, you help me."

   Xiao Hanzheng was surprised again, "You still make paper?"

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "Yes!"

   She added: "But the process is a bit complicated, and it's not convenient for me to do it alone."

   Xiao Hanzheng lowered his head and asked, "Why did you suddenly remember that you want to make paper?"

  Shi Qingluo smiled and said, "I went to buy paper for you today, and found that it was very expensive and the quality was not good."

   "If you make your own paper, not only the cost is very low, but the quality is still very good, which can save you a lot of money."

   then added, "And I don't want to use toilet chips anymore, I want to make toilet paper."

   Xiao Hanzheng wanted to help his forehead: "..." The last sentence is definitely the point.

   He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll accompany you to make it."

   What can my daughter-in-law do, I can only condone.

   Shi Qingluo hugged his hand and shook it again, "I knew you were the best husband."

  Xiao Xianggong is really good, not that kind of machismo.

   The key is to be able to keep up with her rhythm, and not to ask the root why she does these things.

   This is what she is most satisfied with.

  She said: "When your body is almost recovered, we will start making paper."

   "Okay, we should be able to start tomorrow."

   Xiao Hanzheng was holding his arm by her, and found that he did not resist such intimacy at all.

   In his last life, he really didn't like to be in contact with women.

  I didn't expect that when he woke up, not only did he have a daughter-in-law, but he also received such a high degree of acceptance.

   (end of this chapter)

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