After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 37: What's wrong with your ex-grandma?

  Chapter 37 Ex-grandma has something to do?

   As soon as Xiao Hanzheng agreed, Shi Qingluo let go of his arm.

   made him very helpless, this woman really lost it when she used up.

   "Are you sure you can cure that purple chrysanthemum? I'm dying looking at this flower."

   Shi Qingluo raised his eyebrows, "You don't believe I can cure it?"

   Xiao Hanzheng shook his head and explained, "No, I'm afraid you will be deceived by Bai Xu."

  Bai Xu is a businessman who is afraid of fooling his little daughter-in-law.

   When Shi Qingluo heard what he said, his smile became brighter again, "It's almost the same."

   "But just like him, he can't fool me."

   "Don't worry, I can cure this flower."

  Xiao Hanzheng saw her so confident and said with a smile, "Well, it's good that you have an idea."

   "You paid him first?" Otherwise, it would be impossible to buy so many things back.

   Shi Qingluo replied: "First, I received a deposit of fifty taels."

   Then he pouted, "It's still for your own sake, otherwise he won't believe me."

   Xiao Hanzheng chuckled and said, "We are one husband and wife. Trusting me means trusting you."

  Shi Qingluo looked up at his handsome face with a smile, which was particularly good-looking, and couldn't help pinching his profile.

   "The husband can still speak."

   Xiao Hanzheng held her little hand that was messing up on his face.

  It was warm and soft, and his heart seemed to warm up a little, "I'm telling the truth."

   Shi Qingluo smiled, "Then I like to hear you tell the truth."

  Xiao Hanzheng: "..." This little daughter-in-law's mouth is not only snarky, but also coaxing people in a way, it's very sweet.

   There was a sudden knock on the door, breaking the warm atmosphere of the two chatting.

   Xiao Hanzheng and Shi Qingluo said at the same time, "I/your grandma is here."

   After saying that, the two of them looked at each other and smiled in unison.

   Shi Qingluo said: "I'll open the door, you go and sit."

   Xiao Hanzheng let go of her hand, "Okay!"

   Shi Qingluo walked over to open the door, and saw an old lady who looked a bit mean-spirited standing at the door.

   A young woman dressed as a maid next to her supported her.

   Behind her were not only the Wu family and the Wang family, but also two young men who were bigger than Xiao Hanzheng.

   Shi Qingluo pretended not to know, "Who are you?"

   Old lady Xiao snorted coldly, "I'm Xiao Hanzheng's grandmother, who do you think I am?"

   Only then did Shi Qingluo make a sudden realization, "It turns out that the ex-grandmother is here, why are you doing it?"

   Mrs. Xiao has heard the two daughters-in-law say a lot about Shi Qingluo.

   She said displeasedly: "What are you talking about?"

   "The elder came to your junior's house in person, and you didn't invite me in to sit?"

   She looked at Shi Qingluo with the look of you that is so outrageous.

   Shi Qingluo looked surprised, "Didn't we break up and split up? Are you not your ex-grandmother? Old lady Xiao?"

   "You!" Old lady Xiao choked.

   But it's a fact, and she can't deny it.

   She snorted coldly, "Even if I break up and separate my family, it won't change the fact that I am Xiao Hanzheng's grandmother."

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "It's true that we can't change the blood relationship, but we have been recorded in the clan and the yamen, but we are already two families, so you are still the ex-grandmother."

   Mrs. Xiao: "..." The daughter-in-law that Xiao Hanzheng was looking for was simply too unflattering.

   She said with a sullen face: "I'll come and see Zheng'er."

   Shi Qingluo looked terrified as if he had seen a ghost, "You finally remembered to see your ex-grandson?"

   Mrs. Xiao: "..." Don't think I didn't hear you being sarcastic.

   Shi Qingluo deserves a lot of disgust for Mrs. Xiao like this.

   "Where's Mr. Kong? Let her come to see me."

   She still prefers to deal with Kong.

  Shi Qingluo opened the door, "My mother went to the backyard to do some errands. If you have anything to do, you can just find me. Now I am the master of this family."

   Mrs. Xiao's face was even more ugly, "You really have a big tone."

   Seeing the door opened, she rudely went in.

The maid next to    was stopped by Shi Qingluo.

   Shi Qingluo said bluntly: "Our family does not welcome the maid in the outer room."

   Xinghong's complexion changed slightly, she looked aggrievedly at Mrs. Xiao, "Old Mrs., I..."

   Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Shi Qingluo, "It's useless to call anyone, I don't welcome you in my family."

   Old lady Xiao said unhappily, "She is my maid now."

   Shi Qingluo looked at her facelessly and said, "If you want to take her with you, then don't enter."

   She looked at the two men, clenched her hands into fists and squeezed, "Although I don't beat old people, I can beat my peers."

  Wu and Wang have met them personally, and even experienced the outdated Qing Luo's force value.

   Wang Shi immediately said: "Mother, since this is the case, let Xinghong wait for us outside the door, or go back to the old house first."

   She absolutely believes that this dead girl will take action against her son.

   Wu Shi was also afraid that Shi Qingluo would attack her son, and persuaded: "Mother, let's go in and see Zheng'er, Xinghong is really not good."

   She was sure that if the old lady had to bring Xinghong, the dead girl would never let her in.

  Old lady: "..." These two daughters-in-law, who have always been sturdy, are so embarrassed.

  Xinghong: "..." Who is she bothering?

   Old Mrs. Xiao didn't quite believe that Shi Qingluo would make a move, but after thinking about it, she turned her head to Xinghong and said, "Go back first."

  Xinghong is really wronged this time, "Old lady, I want to serve you."

   Shi Qingluo inserted a knife from the side, "Serving is fake, is it true that you want to spy on the old lady?"

   She said to the old lady again: "Ex-grandma, the master of the family is the one from the capital. I won't listen to you."

   Old Mrs. Xiao also understands that this dead girl is blatantly provoking.

   But she felt uncomfortable because of this, so she looked at Xinghong with a sullen face, "If you don't listen to what I say, go back to the capital to find your master."

   Don't think she's a fool, this maid serves her, but she doesn't respect her in her heart.

   Being disobedient in front of this dead girl is just taking her face and making her very unhappy.

   These words made Xinghong successfully change her face, and she bent her knees, "Yes!"

   She gave Shi Qingluo a cold look and was forced to withdraw from the courtyard, but she did not return to the old house.

   Shi Qingluo also gave her a cold look, "The servant must have the consciousness of the servant, don't think that the master will fly to the branch and become a sparrow, and you will be able to follow the arrogance."

After    finished speaking, he stopped paying attention to Xinghong, and made a gesture of invitation to Mrs. Xiao, "Ex-grandma, please!"

   Old Mrs. Xiao snorted and walked into the yard with the help of Mrs Wu.

   When Shi Qingluo looked at her, she was strong and healthy. This nondescript looks like she was going to be an old lady.

   Put Wang Shi and the two young men in, Shi Qingluo closed the door, and at the same time blocked Xinghong's angry and exasperated eyes.

   As soon as Mrs. Xiao entered the door, she saw Xiao Hanzheng sitting in the courtyard calmly, with a little more complexity in her eyes.

   Seeing Xiao Hanzheng, the two young men shrank their necks unconsciously, obviously a little scared of him.

  Xiao Hanzheng stood up with a cold attitude, "Is there something wrong with the ex-grandma?"

   This title is from Shi Qing's schooling, and he thinks it fits well.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~~ I will go back and correct the typos after I post it~



   (end of this chapter)

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