Chapter 38 She went back with disgust

   Mrs. Xiao heard Xiao Hanzheng shouting so.

   frowned, "What kind of daughter-in-law are you marrying, and you have been ruined."

  The grandson must have learned from that dead girl.

   Xiao Hanzheng's face lightened a bit again, "My daughter-in-law is very good, so I don't need to worry about grandma."

   He said again: "Just say what you mean."

   Mrs. Xiao walked over and sat down, "I heard you woke up, come and see you."

   Xiao Hanzheng did not speak, waiting for the next paragraph.

   Mrs. Xiao looked left and right in the yard, "Have you finished changing your tofu?"

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "It's over."

   Mrs. Xiao was very unhappy when she saw Xiao Hanzheng's indifferent attitude.

   But thinking of the purpose of coming here today, she still resisted the urge to lose her temper.

   "I just heard that a carriage brought you a lot of stuff?"

   Xiao Hanzheng raised his eyebrows, "Did you give it away? Does it have anything to do with you?"

   "If I remember correctly, we have broken up and separated, no matter what happened to our family, it has nothing to do with you."

   He paused and said, "When I was in a coma before, my mother went to the old house to ask for help. This is also what you said."

   In the old house, because he had been studying all the time, although the money was mainly supported by his grandfather and the money he copied from the books, these people were not happy.

   As if he took advantage of the family, he has been scolding him in various ways since he was a child.

   The more he is like this, the more he wants to change his destiny and protect his mother and brother and sister.

  After he was admitted to Tongsheng, the attitude of these people in Lao Zhai changed a lot.

   So as long as he is at home, he can win some benefits for the three of them.

   When he was admitted as a scholar, the attitude of these people became better again, and even started to hold him.

   Just to let him put the land given to the Lao Xiao family under his name for tax exemption, so that they can enjoy the glory of the talents and have more face when they go out.

   He knew what the virtues of these people were, so he was not fooled.

   Sure enough, as soon as his scumbag came back and knew that the other party had become a general, all the relatives in these old houses started to hold the scumbag's stinky feet.

   After knowing that the scumbag loved that woman, these people began to target him in various ways, just to please the woman.

  The scumbag threatened him with divorce, and these people also supported him.

   It was only later that he took his mother and three to break up and split up.

   Of course, thanks to their snobbery, he was able to separate out as he wished.

   Mrs. Xiao's face changed, "You really want to be so cruel? If you're having a better life, don't you care about grandma?"

   She said meaningfully: "Don't forget, you are a scholar, and you have to continue to take the imperial examinations."

   Xiao Hanzheng narrowed his eyes, "So grandma wants to threaten me with this?"

   Old lady Xiao said: "It's not a threat, it's just telling the truth."

  Xiao Hanzheng's eyes filled with coldness, and he even showed a hint of hostility, "Then go and sue me for being unfilial and see if I can continue to take the imperial examinations."

  Waking up in a previous life, my mother and my younger siblings were all dead.

  He wanted revenge, and the only way he could go at the beginning was the imperial examination.

   But it was his biological grandmother. After listening to Xinghong's instigation, when he was going to the county school, he went to the county school to make trouble, saying that he was not filial.

   also said that he dragged and killed his own mother, younger siblings, etc.

   A teacher in the county school has always valued him very much, and because he had already broken up his family and separated his family, he was still enrolled.

  Who knew that the old lady was instigated again, and took Wang Shi and others to go to the county school every day to make trouble.

   At that time, I happened to meet a high-ranking member of the first grade and came to visit relatives in Nanxi County. By the way, I had to stay in the county for a while.

   In order not to affect the person's sense of the county school, and the other students were also very annoyed by the old lady and a few people going to make trouble every day, so the chief teacher of the county school could only persuade him to quit.

   These people abruptly cut off his road to the imperial examination, and let him embark on another road that climbed to a high position after overcoming obstacles and scars.

   Even because of the sequelae of taking medicine while in a coma, his health is getting worse and worse.

   But fortunately, in the end, before he died, he perished with the scumbag, the woman, and the best of the old house.

   Hearing that the old lady was threatening the future of the imperial examination again, he couldn't help but think of the past in his previous life, and his anger began to spread little by little.

  Suddenly, his hand was held.

   He glanced sideways, and met the worried and reassuring eyes of his little daughter-in-law.

   The coldness in his eyes quickly faded away, feeling the temperature in his hands, and his heart seemed to be warmed a bit.

   When Shi Qingluo heard the old lady's words, she wanted to spray.

   As soon as he was about to speak, he saw Xiao Xianggong's face getting colder and colder, and even the hostile anger he had just woken up came out.

  She then hurriedly held his hand and told him not to get mad at him because of these superb qualities.

   Mrs. Xiao really went too far, forcing people to break up relatives and separate families, she even wanted to use imperial examinations to threaten her for profit, and wanted to cut off Xiao Xianggong's future.

  The imperial examination was not only important to Xiao Hanzheng, but also to Shi Qingluo.

   She is still waiting to hug her thighs.

   Besides, Xiao Xianggong is her person, and no one outside wants to bully except her.

   So she continued to hold Xiao Hanzheng's hand, looked at Mrs. Xiao and said, "These words were encouraged by Xinghong outside, right?"

   If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was an elder or an old man, in this ancient times, the elders and the youngers were very high and low, and she would want to whip a whip.

   But since that woman asked Xinghong to provoke the old lady and others to disgust them, she went back to disgust.

   Old lady Xiao said with a cold face, "What if it is?"

   "If you want Zhenger to continue taking the imperial examination, hand over the tofu workshop to your uncle and third uncle."

   "Then let us pick out the things we brought back from the county seat today."

   She is here today for profit.

  Shi Qingluo laughed suddenly, "Old lady, I think you are very smart, why are you stupid at a critical moment?"

   Mrs. Xiao frowned, "What do you mean?"

   Shi Qingluo said: "We separated from the family. Even in front of the Holy Master, my husband has no reason to honor your family."

   "So we're really not afraid of what you threatened just now. As my husband said, if you want to sue, just go and sue, and see if the county magistrate will pay attention to you."

   "I will also send Shi Langzhong, who is seeing a doctor for Xianggong, to the cell today."

   "If you guys also want to live in for a while, I can help."

   Mrs. Xiao: "..." The ghost wanted to live in for a while.

   "Anyway, I'm your grandma." She bit her to death.

  This is what Xinghong taught her. Anyway, even if she breaks up, it will not change the fact that she is Xiao Hanzheng's grandmother.

   Shi Qingluo laughed, "Even if it's grandma, that's the ex-grandma."

   "So if we don't give you anything, whether you go to the patriarch or the county magistrate, they won't care. After all, we are two families now."

   "Severing relatives and separating families is not a joke, otherwise, what do you think of clans and laws?"

   Shi Qingluo then changed the conversation, "But when I said you were stupid, I didn't mean that."

   Mrs. Xiao said with a headache: "What do you mean? Just make it clear."

   She was about to be dizzy by this dead girl.

   (end of this chapter)

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