After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 39: old lady, i really don't deserve you

  Chapter 39 Old lady, I really don't deserve you

   Shi Qingluo approached Mrs. Xiao.

   "Whether tofu will sell well in the future, can you always be sure?"

   "Anyway, we can't be sure. After all, we haven't sold it yet. The people in the village come to exchange it these days, but it's actually a new idea."

   Old lady Xiao thought for a while and said, "Even if you're not sure, you can let your uncle and third uncle take care of it first."

  If it doesn't last long, then leave, they won't lose anyway.

   Shi Qingluo looked like you were so stupid, looked at the old lady, "Is this my focus? Why do you react so slowly."

   Mrs. Xiao: "..." Is it still her fault?

   Shi Qingluo showed an angry look again.

   "I mean, there is obviously a golden mountain in front of you, you don't dig it, you have to listen to people's instigation, come and stare at our family's tofu workshop that is not sure if it can make money, is it interesting?"

   Old lady Xiao also reacted, "You mean my second son?"

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "Yes! He took the outer chamber to the capital to enjoy happiness, but left you all to suffer in the village. This is called unfilial piety."

   "Old lady, you were coaxed by that woman and left a maid to serve you. In fact, what can you get?"

   "The power and money of the General's Mansion are controlled by that woman alone."

   She continued: "Old lady, I really don't deserve you."

   "You have raised a son who is a general, and you are so cheap to others. Obviously you should be the old lady of the general's house, and you should take care of that family."

   "Our family still owes a dozen taels of foreign debt. What's the point of you staring at us?"

   "Even if we were rich, it would not be our grandson's turn to be filial to our grandparents."

   "Not to mention, let's break up our family and share our books, but we can go to the government to stamp it."

   "We have to pay back more than a dozen taels of silver to pay for breakfast, night and night, but they are in the General's Mansion, and there is more than this amount of money for a meal."

   Old lady Xiao was stunned, "How could I eat so much in one meal?"

   Shi Qingluo's face was speechless, "Why is it impossible? People eat sea cucumber, abalone, bird's nest and shark fin. This meal is more than a dozen or so."

   She pointed to the flowers lying on the ground not far away, "Did you see that pot of purple chrysanthemum?"

   "I see, this color is quite special." Old lady Xiao saw purple chrysanthemums for the first time.

   Shi Qingluo emphasized, "Does this look at the color? This looks at the price."

   "This is the flower of the master of the Bai family, a big family in the county. It was specially bought from the capital. It cost hundreds of taels."

   Mrs. Xiao said in disbelief: "What, a few hundred taels of flowers in a pot? Just talk nonsense."

   Wang and Wu also didn't believe it, "How can a pot of broken flowers be hundreds of taels."

   Shi Qingluo rolled his eyes, "So you don't understand, your vision is too small."

   "If you go to the county and ask around, you will know that Bai Shao bought hundreds of taels of purple chrysanthemum. It's not necessary for me to lie to you, and it will be exposed as soon as you ask."

   At this moment, a young man behind Mrs. Xiao said, "Honey, I heard someone say this when I went to the county last time, and it really happened."

   At the time, he felt unbelievable, and lamented that these big families really know how to play and have extravagance.

   Mrs. Xiao's eyes widened, "This pot of broken flowers can't be eaten as food, why do you need a few hundred taels?"

   Shi Qingluo said: "Because of face! People play with status and show off."

   "You think the Bai family is just a merchant in the county town. A pot of flowers costs a few hundred taels. Your second son is a general. What is a dozen taels of silver for a meal?"

   Old lady Xiao thought it made sense, "They are so extravagant in the capital? They complained to me before."

   They originally wanted to go to the capital with them, but the second son said it would be difficult for him to be in the capital.

   Don’t look at it as the General’s Mansion, but the expenses are very high, and you often have to cut down on food and clothing.

   Shi Qingluo looked like he couldn't believe it, "You actually believe this."

   "I asked Mr. Bai's family. He said that the higher the status in the capital, the more luxurious life will be."

   "Wears of silk and satin, and eats delicacies from the mountains and seas. There are crowds of servants."

   She sighed, "Look at you guys, what are you wearing? The material that no one in the general's mansion wears, you are actually happily dressed."

   "General Xiao was brought up by you. Why is it that after he has status and endless money, it is someone else who sits and enjoys it?"

   Wang and Wu particularly agreed: "Yes, why!"

  Why does that little hoof eat a dozen taels of silver for a meal?

   And it's too much to make clothes with materials that their servants don't even wear.

   Mrs. Xiao's face was also a lot ugly, and she obviously felt disgusted. She was obviously the son she raised, how could she become that little hoof for enjoying it?

   When Shi Qingluo saw this, he continued to fudge and provoked, "We broke up with the old house and separated, but General Xiao and the old house have not separated."

   "So he should support his parents and take care of his siblings and nephews."

   "He's just running away like that now, he's not filial. If you go to sue, you'll be right."

   Old lady Xiao asked unhappily, "You want me to sue my son?"

   Shi Qing dropped a black line, the old lady's brain circuit is really a bit short, no wonder she has been fooled by that Xinghong.

   "I'm not asking you to sue him, but to let you go directly to the General's Mansion in the capital."

   "If he and the woman disagree, you threaten to sue them for being unfilial."

   "The way you treated my husband just now, you will treat your son the same way after that. It's definitely not wrong."

   "And safekeeping is more useful. After all, he has to honor you, but my husband doesn't."

   Mrs. Xiao is still hesitating, after all, she is a little bit afraid of that son who is full of evil spirits.

   Shi Qingluo saw that she was moved, and continued to say: "Old lady, even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about your grandchildren!"

   "They are not as smart and talented as my husband. Since there is a second uncle and second uncle who are high officials, why not use them?"

   "Could it be that you want to be a mud leg for the rest of your life?"

  Xiao Dalang and Xiao Erlang: "..." There is connotation, they are obviously smart, but they don't like reading.

   But when I heard the second sentence, I didn't care about the rest, "Milk, we don't want to be mud legs."

   These two people are Dalang and Erlang of the old house. Xiao Hanzheng was originally Saburo. After the separation of the family, he took the initiative to let the villagers call him Dalang and Xiaoyi Erlang.

   is also to deliberately separate from the old house.

   Mrs. Xiao was stunned, yes, how can her precious grandson be a muddaughter?

   "With the current status of General Xiao, it is absolutely easy to arrange errands for your two sons and a few grandsons."

   "They haven't married yet. If they have a good job after going to the capital, and they still rely on the general's mansion, what kind of city girl can't marry? Why stay in the village and marry a village girl?"

   "Besides, my mother was filial to you at the time, and she has always been caring for you."

   "Why doesn't that woman serve your mother-in-law after entering the door? Who does she look down on?"

   "What if you become the general's wife, you are still the general's mother."

   "The sage today proposes to rule the world with filial piety. As long as there is no separation of relatives and families, they must honor you and your ex-grandfather."

  The woman left Xinghong, besides wanting to kill Xiao Xianggong's family, she must also be thinking of fooling the best who can stabilize the old house not to go to the capital to seek refuge.

  Since this is the case, she will pack these superb items as gifts for each other.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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