Chapter 419 Do you know his identity?

   Xiao Hanzheng didn't like Zhuo Zheng either.

   He said lightly: "I'm not familiar with you, you don't need to call me Brother Xiao."

   Zhuo Zheng wanted to curl his lips, but held back, "Then what should I call you?"

   Xiao Hanzheng said: "I am the magistrate of this county, you can call me Master Xiao in the future."

  Zhuozheng: "..." It's just a small county magistrate, so I hate it.

   But this is Xiao Hanzheng's territory, and he didn't want to arouse Shi Qingluo's disgust.

   So he smiled obediently, "Okay, Mr. Xiao."

   Xiao Hanzheng found that Zhuo Zheng was young, but his scheming was not weak.

   Then he looked at Yue Lu again, startled.

   He didn't show it on his face, "Who is this?"

   Shi Qingluo knew Xiao Xianggong very well, and she caught his momentary daze.

   shows that Xiaoxianggong should have known Yuelu in his previous life.

   She smiled and said, "This is Xi Rong's friend Yue Lu, who also came to Heyang County from Beicheng."

  Yue Lu is more interesting, he smiled and hugged Xiao Hanzheng, "Hello, Mr. Xiao!"

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded to Yue Lu, "Hello, Young Master Yue!"

   Then Shi Qingluo introduced Taoist Changqing to Xiao Hanzheng and greeted each other.

   Seeing many passers-by looking towards here, Xiao Hanzheng said, "Go back to the yard and talk."


   The group went to the county office, and the yard was almost renovated.

  This will wait until the living room has been put on new tables and chairs.

   Xiao Hanzheng brought people in and ordered the maid to serve tea.

   Everyone was tired from running all the way, so they drank tea for a while and then prepared to leave to rest.

   Xi Rong was still going to stay at the inn, so she naturally took Yue Lu to stay there.

   Daoist Changqing was considered an honored guest, so Shi Qingluo arranged for him to live in the newly renovated guest house of the county government.

   Zhuozheng smiled and asked, "Sister, do I also live in the hospital?"

   Shi Qingluo shook his head, "I just met you and I don't know you very well. Didn't you bring money, so you can go to the inn with Mr. Yue."

   Zhuozheng: "..." This woman is so cruel, she actually let him go to the inn.

  I knew long ago that I couldn’t bring a purse when I escaped.

   He looked at Shi Qingluo pitifully, "Sister, I'm afraid of staying in an inn, you can let me stay in an inn, and I'll pay for the accommodation."

   Shi Qingluo shook his head again, "This is not appropriate."

   "There are quite a lot of people in the inn. Besides, Mr. Yue doesn't also live in the inn, so you are not living in the inn alone."

   She is not going to keep Zhuo Zheng by her side. The county government has complicated personnel, and it is easy for Zhuo Zheng to take advantage of it.

   Seeing that Shi Qingluo was firmer, Zhuo Zheng could only smile reluctantly, "That's fine."

   Xiao Hanzheng was very neat, and directly asked the servant beside him to send Zhuo Zheng to the inn.

   Xiao Hanzheng still had things to do, so he sent Shi Qingluo back to the yard. He kissed her and went back to the front office.

   Shi Qingluo found that the bedroom was very similar to their layout in Xiaxi Village, and the furniture was brand new.

  There are also two toilets and bathrooms that are connected from the room, so Xiaoxiang shared his heart.

   She went to take a shower and went to bed when her hair was dry.

   The carriage was running all the way, and the road was particularly bumpy and difficult to walk. She was really tired.

  I don't know how long it took, but when she opened her eyes, she saw Xiao Hanzheng half lying beside her, looking at a ledger.

  Xiao Hanzheng saw his little daughter-in-law wake up, put down the account book and looked at her tenderly, "Awake?"

   Shi Qingluo sat up and saw that it was actually dark outside, "It's already so late!"

   "Why didn't you wake me up?"

   She has always been very alert, but she was used to Xiao Xianggong being around, so he woke up unprepared when he came in.

   Xiao Hanzheng said with a smile: "Seeing that you are sound asleep, I can't bear to wake you up."

   Shi Qingluo stretched, "I'm tired on the road."

   Xiao Hanzheng stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around her waist, "You should be tired later."

  Shi Qingluo glanced at him, "I can't hold back when I open the meat?"

  Xiao Xianggong's energy is not normal.

   Of course, she likes it.

   Xiao Hanzheng put his head on her shoulder, "Of course, who made my wife so beautiful and attractive."

   Shi Qingluo reached out and picked his chin, "Tsk tsk, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter."

   Speaking of sweet words, it is already a set.

   Xiao Hanzheng leaned over and kissed her, "Then you can taste it."

   Shi Qingluo refused the temptation of beauty, hugged him and responded.

   It was almost dawn when I woke up again.

   Shi Qingluo's whole body became weak and his stomach was very hungry.

   She reached out and pinched Xiao Hanzheng's waist.

   Xiao Hanzheng opened his eyes and asked with a light smile, "Hungry?"

   Shi Qingluo said angrily, "Nonsense, I didn't even eat dinner."

   Then someone ate it several times.

   Xiao Hanzheng got up and lit the candle, "I'm going to cook a bowl of noodles for you?"

   Shi Qing raised his eyebrows, "You still cook noodles?"

   Xiao Hanzheng said with a smile: "Of course, when I was down and out, if I wanted to live on my own, I naturally had to make food."

   "It's just that it hasn't moved now."

  After waking up, he had his mother and sister cooking in Xiaxi Village, and a cook in the capital and here, but he never entered the kitchen.

   "Do you want to taste the craftsmanship of being a husband?"

   Shi Qing put on his robe, "Of course I'll try it."

   "I'll accompany you to the kitchen and watch you do it."

   The heart is warm and sweet, it is not easy for a man to cook for his wife in this era.

   Sure enough, her little husband is the best.

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "Okay!"

  The two took a shower, and Xiao Hanzheng took Shi Qingluo's hand and went to the kitchen.

   It won't be dawn yet, so no one else in the yard has gotten up yet.

   Xiao Hanzheng found the flour and started kneading the dough, while Shi Qingluo stood by and watched.

   Seeing that he was relatively unfamiliar at first, but gradually he seemed to have found a feeling and became more and more proficient.

   She suddenly remembered and asked, "By the way, do you know that Yue Lu?"

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "I have seen it in Northern Xinjiang."

   Shi Qingluo knew that he was talking about the previous life, "What is his identity, do you know?"

   She went on to talk about how Yue Lu and Xi Rong met.

   Xiao Hanzheng just thought it was strange before, why Yue Lu would come back with Xi Rong, and after listening to it, I understood.

   "When I saw him once, he had disabled legs and was a military advisor in a bandit cottage."

   "At that time, I happened to be in charge of suppressing the bandits. Because of Yue Lu's strategy, we had a stalemate with that cottage for three months before we won it."

   "He is quite talented, but unfortunately, when the cottage was breached, he was killed by the boss."

  Otherwise, he still admired this man and wanted to subdue him for his own use.

   It’s just that the cottage was breached, and the big boss of the cottage couldn’t accept this fact. To vent his anger, he killed several other bosses at the time and the military advisor, Yue Lu.

   Shi Qingluo was stunned for a while, very surprised, "Ah, he used to hang out with bandits?"

   Then she thought of what Xiao Hanzheng said, "You mean his legs are disabled?"

   Does that mean that the carriage incident also happened in a previous life, but at that time there was no Xi Rong, so Yue Lu broke his leg.

   (end of this chapter)

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