Chapter 420 The big guy is the big guy

   Xiao Hanzheng knew Shi Qingluo very well, so when he heard her question, he knew what she meant.

   He nodded, "He had disabled legs at the time."

   "And the reason why this bandit cottage was so taken seriously at the beginning and wanted to be wiped out from above was also because there was a powerful family in Beicheng who were on their way back to Beicheng to worship their ancestors, and all their masters died."

   "I later found out that the family was Yue Lu's family, and the dead were his grandmother, biological father, stepmother, and the younger brothers and sisters born to the stepmother."

   "It seems now that he was persecuted by his family. After he broke his legs, he wanted to take revenge.

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "If that's the case, it makes sense."

   She asked: "Then why does he rely on Xi Rong now?"

  Xiao Hanzheng said while kneading his face: "He should know Xi Rong's identity. On the one hand, he is really repaying his gratitude. On the other hand, he may want to use Xi Rong to take revenge on the family."

   Shi Qingluo was right when he heard it, "Then his identity shouldn't be a problem, right?"

  Xiao Hanzheng thought for a while and said, "It should be fine in this way, but I can't say for sure. After all, what I knew before has changed now."

   Xi Rong did not come to Beicheng in his previous life, and the scumbag was still in the capital, and he and his young daughter-in-law didn't come to Heyang County, so King Jin or the people from the previous dynasty didn't make any decisions.

   Now because of these changes, whether Yue Lu will be instructed to stay by Xi Rong's side in the end, this has to be verified.

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "Well, be careful and nothing bad."

   There must be something to check and something to guard against.

   Xiao Hanzheng thought for a while and asked, "That Zhuo Zheng, what are you going to do with it?"

   Shi Qingluo said: "I don't know why he came to Heyang County with him. I'm going to find something to do for him, and by the way, explore his purpose."

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "This is a solution, I think he may be waiting for a few workshops for canning."

   "I found here that the people from the previous dynasty had close contacts with the royal family of Ge Guo."

   "The country of Ge is a prairie people. Whether it is canned meat, candles and soaps made of suet, and wool made of wool, they are all valuable to them."

   "The last thing they need is sheep."

  The goods in the country of Ge are scarce, and people on the side of Daliang often exchange sheep for some necessities of life.

   But if you just sell it, the price will not be high.

   Therefore, if people from the country of Ge can learn these recipes and open up a few large workshops, whether they are sold in their own country or sold to Daliang, it will definitely be a huge profit.

   Shi Qingluo was stunned, "You mean, Zhuo Zheng is mainly here to steal canned food and other workshop recipes?"

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "I'm so suspicious."

   "The treasure of the previous dynasty was not found, and it was stared at by several people. It is not easy for them to get it."

   "In order to build a country, money is urgently needed, so if they can cooperate with Ge Guo to do business, they will not only be able to cheat, but also get a lot of money to operate in private."

   People from the previous life and the previous dynasty stole a lot of things from Daliang and sold them to Ge Guo, or cooperated in secret, such as improved weapon blueprints, brewing recipes, etc.

   That's why he was so suspicious.

   Shi Qingluo thought deeply, "You said this is really possible."

   "I can't think of why Zhuo Zheng came to Heyang County."

   "I guessed before, did he want to inquire about some new recipes from me and bring them back to let the people from the previous dynasty make them themselves."

   "I didn't think that he wanted to open a few new workshops in Heyang County, so the defense against him in this regard would not be heavy."

   "In this case, maybe it is really possible for him to succeed."

   "These people from the previous dynasty are quite calculating."

   Shi Qingluo realized that he really couldn't underestimate anyone.

   Of course, her family's little husband is even more advanced in chess, and it is easy to analyze these corners.

  The big guy is the big guy.

   "But they are enough for the sake of restoring the country. Even if they colluded with King Jin to rebel, it can be said to be a turmoil in their own country, and they even colluded with the enemy country."

   "It's no wonder that the previous dynasty was about to perish. They didn't have any family or people in their hearts."

  The previous dynasty was overthrown because of tyranny, and the policy towards Ge Guo was not as tough as the current Daliang.

  The previous dynasty sent a large amount of materials to the country of Ge to appease each year, so there was no fight, but in the end, these materials were not collected from the people.

   The former dynasties had frequent corvée and extortionate taxes, and 30 or 40 percent of them were donated to the country of Ge, just so that the country of Ge would not send troops to fight.

  When winter arrives in the northern Xinjiang, people from the country of Ge will come to the cities and villages in Daliang to burn, kill and loot, but the court of the previous dynasty seemed to be blind and deaf, unable to see or hear.

  It was the royal family and officials of the previous dynasty who had fun, but the common people suffered.

   After the establishment of Daliang, the military defense line on the northern side of the border was strengthened, and there were fewer incidents of being burned, killed and looted by Ge Guo.

   The life of the people here is better than before.

   Shi Qingluo is very disgusted with this kind of traitor.

  The people of the previous dynasty lost their country and wanted to get it back, and they also figured out infighting, but no matter what, they should not collude with the enemy country to cause evil harm.

   If the previous dynasty really overthrew Daliang, then the life of the common people would definitely be far worse than it is now.

  Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "Yes, they only have interests and hatred in their hearts, so how can they care about the lives of the people."

   "If they accumulate enough strength to send troops, they will definitely collude with Ge Guo to send troops together."

   "If you really win, then the half of the world under the beam will probably belong to the country of Ge."

   This is also one of the things that he dislikes from those people in the past.

   Shi Qingluo narrowed his eyes, "Since Zhuo Zheng wants to steal the recipe, then I'll give him a chance."

   Just in time to test if Zhuo Zheng wants to enter the workshop.

   If he is sure he wants to, see she doesn't make him die, but he still has to support.

   She hooked Xiao Hanzheng, "I have a way to deal with him, you let him..."

   Xiao Hanzheng had a smile on his brows after listening to his little daughter-in-law's words.

   The little daughter-in-law is really bad, but he likes it.

   "Okay, tomorrow's words are a bit awkward. After he settles down in two days, I'll ask someone to do it."

   "Then you test to see if he wants to go to the workshop."

   To rectify Zhuozheng's little daughter-in-law, he approves of it with both hands, and the boy looks disgusting.

   And it looks like he wants to seduce his little daughter-in-law.

   He didn't go back to look in the mirror, just like that little white face pretending to be clever, would his little daughter-in-law be interested?

   Even if he was crying, no one sympathized.

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "Well, just do it."

   She asked, "How many workshops are open?"

  Only in this way, people from the previous dynasty will find out and make up their minds.

  Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "It's on, the emperor has sent a batch of rubber over here, waiting for you to teach you how to make canned food."

   "Recently, my people were in the workshop and found a lot of spies from all sides."

   That's why he was so suspicious of Zhuo Zheng's intentions.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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