Chapter 450 She has a crush on Zhuo Zheng

  Liang Mingmin was in such panic and despair for the first time.

   Suddenly being rescued and being treated gently, the fear and fear gradually faded away.

   The man who appeared was not too old, but he was very good-looking. He also had a small dimple and looked like a scholar.

   The key is that he is very gentle. Not only does he cover her exposed skin with a shawl, but he doesn't dislike her when he looks at her, only tenderness and concern.

  Liang Mingmin was touched immediately, as if a drowning person was rescued.

   Her face was a rare red, and she looked at him in a panic and helpless, "Thank you son for saving me."

   Zhuozheng is still very gentle, "It's just fine, girl."

   Then he asked with a worried look: "Where do you live? Do you want me to take you back?"

   Liang Mingmin would be very helpless. Hearing him say this, he suddenly felt inexplicably safe.

   She grabbed his arm, "Then thank you sir."

   Then he said firmly: "I will definitely repay the son."

   Zhuo Zheng thought, I save you, but I want you to repay.

   didn't show it on the face, but shook his head, very politely refused, "Lu Jian is not flat and draws a knife to help, I don't save the girl to repay."

   Hearing this, Liang Mingmin was even more moved.

   Those people in the past all came for her identity.

   And the man in front of him didn't know her identity. He saved her without asking for anything in return. This is a good character.

   The man that Liang Mingmin likes, in addition to being good-looking, has another requirement, that is, he must be motivated or have a good character.

   As a result, he had a great impression of the boy who saved him.

   "Anyway, you saved me."

   She said: "You don't want to repay, but I have to repay."

   Zhuo Zheng supported her, "Let's not talk about this, I'll take the girl back first."

  Liang Mingmin didn't want to be seen like this, "Can I trouble you and your people to turn your head around?"

   Zhuozheng turned around gracefully, and asked the guards to also turn around.

   Liang Mingmin quickly put on the clothes that were torn apart by the ugly man, and put on Zhuo Zheng's cloak.

   Her voice was a little soft, "Young Master, I'm fine."

   Hearing that, Zhuo Zheng had goose bumps all over his body. He didn't expect Liang Mingmin to be domineering in Beicheng, and this kind of virtue was behind his back.

   He thought about it for a while and asked Liang Mingmin, "How do you want to deal with these people, girl?"

   "Should I ask the guards to take them to the county office?"

   He knew that Liang Mingmin would never let him do this, so he could do another favor.

   Sure enough, Liang Mingmin immediately shook his head, "No."

   "These people bully me, I can't just let it go."

   "Also ask the young master to take me back, and then have your people **** them to where I live, and my people will naturally deal with them."

   If she was sent to the yamen, wouldn't that let Xiao Hanzheng know that she was insulted by this ugly man.

   She didn't want Xiao Hanzheng to know, and she didn't want Shi Qingluo to see her jokes.

   And this ugly man dared to treat her like that, she definitely wanted him to die rather than live.

   Zhuo Zheng thought about it, and seemed to be in a tangle.

   looked at Liang Mingmin again, showing a look that seemed to be good for her, and nodded reluctantly, "Okay, for the girl's sake, I won't send them to the county office."

   "The girl should see the disposal by herself." It seems that it violated his principle of being a gentleman.

   After all, those who have done bad things to these people should have been sent to the county government instead of being dealt with in private.

   Liang Mingmin naturally saw his entanglement, but in the end he was willing to make an exception for her.

   She couldn't help but feel a little happy in her heart, she really is attractive, so that such a young man who has just met, all pity and like to make exceptions.

   is even more heartwarming, this gentleman is really nice.

   She smiled, "Thank you sir!"

   Then Zhuo Zheng asked the guards to tie up the ugly men and put a sweat towel in his mouth, and then sent Liang Mingmin back.

   At this time, Liang Mingmin will almost recover.

  Because he has been with many faces, Liang Mingmin doesn't care about the chastity of women.

   is disgusting and disgusting, being bullied by such an ugly and poor man.

  I just want to hurry back and take a bath.

   Zhuozheng looked at Liang Mingmin's recovery so quickly, and felt contempt in his heart.

   This woman is so shameless. If it were another girl who was bullied like this, I would be afraid that I would not know what it was like to cry.

  The temperament is really strong, and maybe he wants to end himself.

   She was so shameless that she could talk and laugh with him.

   Of course, no matter how despised he was in his heart, what he showed was a graceful manner.

   On the way back, Liang Mingmin asked Zhuo Zheng's name and identity.

   Zhuo Zheng didn't hide it, "I'm from Beicheng, and my family wanted to force me to marry a cousin I didn't like, so I ran out."

   "I heard that the magistrate's wife in Heyang County is talented, and I happened to meet her in Beicheng, so I followed her to Heyang County."

   "I want to learn something, so I've been doing things with her recently."

  Liang Mingmin is the county owner. It is very simple to find out his identity and why he came to Heyang County.

   So he didn't hide it.

  Liang Mingmin's smile faded after listening to Zhuo Zheng's words, "So, do you admire Shi Qingluo so much?"

   Now what she hates most is Shi Qingluo.

   It's hard to hear people praising Shi Qingluo, not to mention Zhuo Zheng, who is particularly fond of him now.

   Zhuo Zheng is best at observing words and expressions, where he can't see Liang Mingmin's unhappiness.

   And, although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he heard about it a few days ago.

   Liang Mingmin would be surprised when he likes it.

   He has always known that this woman is cruel, and especially does not like beautiful and talented women.

  The famous women in Beicheng have all suffered from her poisonous hands.

  Since Liang Mingmin has already been saved, of course he will not lose her goodwill because of such a thing.

   So he showed an indescribable expression, "I don't think she deserves praise, but I think she's a bit unworthy of her name."

   "It's better to be famous than to meet."

   Liang Mingmin, who was originally unhappy, heard this and immediately turned to look at him, "You mean, do you think she's not really good?"

   Zhuo Zheng smiled, "I'm doing things with her now, so it's hard to say anything about her."

   Hearing these words in Liang Mingmin's ears, he admitted that he felt that Shi Qingluo was not very good.

   The original unhappiness disappeared.

   Sure enough, the man she saw was so different and had the same vision as hers.

   He must also be dissatisfied and unhappy with Shi Qingluo in his heart, but because he is still working under the other party, it is not easy to speak ill of the other party.

   Sure enough, there is a gentleman's style, which is getting closer and closer to her husband selection criteria.

   She decided to take a closer look. Originally, she wanted Zhuo Zheng to take over as the leader, but now she was a little impulsive and wanted him to be her son-in-law in the palace.

  Yes, she has a crush on Zhuo Zheng.

   She smiled, "Young master is a very upright gentleman."

   Zhuozheng also smiled back, "The girl praised me!"

   He also didn't know what Liang Mingmin was thinking, otherwise he would turn around and run away in fright.

   (end of this chapter)

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