Chapter 451 There is patience

When    arrived at the gate of the courtyard, Zhuo Jun said goodbye to Liang Mingmin.

  Liang Mingmin sneered at him, "Don't you ask my name and identity, Mr. Zhuo?"

   Zhuozheng was disgusted by this look of her.

   He smiled shyly, "The girl's boudoir name, of course I don't want to ask too much."

   Only in this way can he prove that he does not know her identity, and he saves her without asking for anything in return.

   Sure enough, Liang Mingmin felt that Zhuo Zheng was a good person. "Although the name of the girl is important, you are my savior, so you don't need to be so taboo."

   She took the initiative: "My name is Liang Mingmin, and I'm also from Beicheng."

   Zhuo Zheng nodded first, "Miss Liang!"

   Then he seemed to think of something, and looked at her in astonishment, "You won't be the Zhen Princess of King Jin's Mansion, will you?"

  Liang Mingmin is so famous in Beicheng, there are probably not many people who don't know her name.

   That's why he played this one.

   Because Zhuo Zheng's acting has no loopholes, he looks very sincere.

  Liang Mingmin didn't notice it, so he nodded with a somewhat arrogant smile, "Yes, I am the Princess Zhen."

   she asked: "How do you know me?"

   Zhuo Zheng raised his hand and clasped her fist, "I have seen the county master."

   "The name of the county lord is very famous in Beicheng, and it is also heard from below."

   Liang Mingmin asked curiously, "How do I become famous?"

   She has no doubts about this. After all, she is the daughter of King Jin, shouldn't she be famous?

   Zhuozheng naturally wouldn't say that the county lord Zhen is domineering, ruthless, and bullying others is commonplace, and his reputation in Beicheng is not good.

   He said with ignorance of his conscience: "It is said that the county owner has a noble status, is bright and beautiful, has a clear distinction between good and evil, and eliminates evil and helps the weak."

   He wanted to vomit when he said it himself, especially the latter two, which were actually the exact opposite.

   "So I really didn't expect to meet the princess one day."

  Although he is praising Liang Mingmin, he feels neither humble nor arrogant.

  Liang Mingmin was stunned for a while, then reached out and touched his face, "It turns out that in the hearts of everyone in Beicheng, I am so good!"

   She didn't think that Zhuo Zheng made it up to coax her, but thought it was true.

   Seeing her narcissistic appearance, Zhuo Zheng was even more disgusted and panicked.

   This woman is not only ruthless, but also has no self-knowledge.

   He continued to endure his disgust and said, "Yes, the county master is very good."

  Liang Mingmin gave him another look, "You really know how to talk, I hate it!"

   Zhuozheng: "..." He wanted to vomit.

   Really couldn't say anything to praise, he could only pull out a smile, "This is a fact, the county master has already arrived at the place where he lives, so I will leave now!"

   If he stayed any longer, he was afraid that he wouldn't even want to eat dinner.

  Liang Mingmin was a little reluctant, "I haven't repaid my son yet, why don't you go in and have a cup of tea."

   Zhuozheng: "..." I can thank you.

  This woman is really shameless. The man I met for the first time actually invited me into the house for tea, and didn't obey women's manners at all.

   He said apologetically, "The county lord is really sorry. I still have things to do. I will come back to the county lord to ask for a cup of tea when I have the opportunity."

  Liang Mingmin asked: "What's the matter with you?"

  What's more important than accompany her to drink tea with a princess?

   Zhuozheng showed a wry smile, "Just now Madam told me to go to the county government to deliver things to Mr. Xiao. I have already delayed a lot of time. If it is too late, I will not be able to explain it."

   Looking at Zhuo Zheng's helpless and wry smile, Liang Mingmin couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

   At the same time, I am also happy that there is finally a person in this county who is not on the side of Shi Qingluo that bitch.

   As expected of a man she liked.

   She thought for a while and said, "This county magistrate's wife is too domineering."

   "If that's the case, I won't keep you, and I'll visit you in person another day to thank you."

   She already knew which inn Zhuo Zheng was staying in, and was going to find him tomorrow.

  Today I have to be entangled all the time, and it is a bit awkward, for fear of scaring him.

   still take it slow, and let him obey her willingly.

   She has patience for this game of conquering men.

   Originally wanting to attack Xiao Hanzheng was also replaced by interest in Zhuo Zheng.

   She was going to win Zhuo Zheng's heart first.

   After all, he not only looks to her liking, but also appeared when she was most helpless and collapsed, rescued her, and illuminated her heart like a light.

  If she let him know that she also has thoughts about Xiao Hanzheng, she is afraid that he will be unhappy.

   So, let Zhuo Zheng get his hands first, and then get Xiao Hanzheng to her backyard in Beicheng.

   The reason why he didn't want to give up Xiao Hanzheng was that his appearance and temperament were all in her liking, and he was also the most beautiful man she had ever seen.

   Xiao Hanzheng's maintenance of Shi Qingluo also made her jealous.

  I want to get this man, and the person who will maintain it in the future becomes her.

   Zhuo Zheng didn't know that Liang Mingmin would want to step on two boats, so he continued to act, "The previous thing, the county owner doesn't need to worry about it, I don't ask for anything in return."

   He said again: "You go back to the yard to rest and sleep, I will say goodbye first!"

  Liang Mingmin found that Zhuo Zheng liked her more than her other faces, sweet-mouthed and caring, "Okay, see you another day!"

   Zhuozheng nodded without reluctance, "See you another day!"

   then turned around and left.

   This made Liang Mingmin take a high look, knowing her identity, and maintaining the attitude just now, which is rare.

   further explained that he did not come for her identity to save himself.

   As soon as Liang Mingmin arrived at the gate of the courtyard, he instructed the guards to bring the ugly man and others in.

   is now watching Zhuo Zheng leave until her back disappears, and she also turns around and enters the yard.

   The originally smiling face sank instantly, "Give me the most severe punishment for these people and find out their identities."

   She squinted her eyes again, "And then castrate them all!"

   "Yes!" The guard didn't know what happened before, but he also knew that the people who were brought in just now were miserable.

   Soon, there was a scream of a man in the yard.

  The guards tortured them and asked the identities of the ugly men.

  Liang Mingmin heard that these people turned out to be a gang of thieves. It was an accident to meet her today, and she was so disgusted that she panicked.

   At this time, several secret guards who had followed behind to protect Liang Mingmin also returned.

   As soon as he entered the door, he knelt down and begged her for forgiveness.

   They originally followed the county master, but who knew that a funeral procession suddenly blocked their way.

   After a short delay, they found out that the county master was gone, and panicked.

   Finally, it was found that the county owner was sent back to the yard by several people, so he hurried back.

  Liang Mingmin doesn't have many people available now, so although he wanted to kill these people, he still endured it.

   "Give you a chance to redeem your sins."

   "I have written to the king, asking him to send a team to suppress the bandits."

   She said fiercely with eyes full of sternness: "Now you should go look at the cottage first, and then go and slaughter all the bandits with the people sent by your father."

   "And that ugly man's family, I want none of you to stay."

   The dark guards were all relieved, and immediately nodded respectfully, "Yes!"

   Then, without stopping, he headed towards the location of the cottage where the guards interrogated.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~~Thank you for the methods you provided, I have saved all the screenshots, and I am ready to try them one by one.



   (end of this chapter)

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