Chapter 467 I will be responsible for you

   Mother Xiao was relieved to see him falling asleep gradually.

   took the hand he was holding onto himself.

  But as soon as he took it away, he frowned and hugged it again.

   Mother Xiao: "..." If she wasn't sure that this guy wasn't pretending, she would have wanted to blow his dog's head off.

   touched his hot forehead, she could only accept her fate.

   Everyone was saved, but he couldn't make his condition worse.

   She poured some more water on the handkerchief to wet it, and put it on his forehead.

   wanted to go out and pick up some firewood to keep him warm, but he hugged her tightly and wouldn't let go. She had a hard time breaking free, so she could only take the initiative to rub his cold hands with her hands to add some warmth to him.

   felt that he slept more peacefully, the temperature on his head didn't seem to be so hot, and she fell asleep in a daze.

   The next day, the sky was slightly brighter.

   Liang Yulin woke up leisurely, and found himself hugging Mother Xiao tightly with both hands, with his forehead resting on her shoulders.

   He widened his eyes and immediately let go as if his hands were hot.

   The handkerchief on his forehead fell to his body.

   He also remembered in a trance. He suddenly felt so cold last night, and he kept looking for the heat source.

   After he felt hugging something very warm, fragrant and soft, he was not willing to let go and kept holding on tightly.

   He always thought he was dreaming, but he didn't expect that he would take the initiative to hug Xiao Hanzheng's mother.

   He also remembered that in his sleep, someone kept rubbing his hands for him and putting a cold handkerchief on his forehead, which made him feel comfortable, so he could sleep peacefully.

   It seems that she was taking care of him last night.

   Liang Yulin has never been taken care of like this since he was a child, especially when he is still running for his life.

   Looking at Mother Xiao's quiet sleeping face, he was fascinated by it.

   She gave him the impression that she was not very courageous, but she always made unexpected actions.

  For example, in the capital, when I first saw Xiao Yuanshi, I could tell that she was nervous, and even a little scared.

   But under the leadership of Shi Qingluo's daughter-in-law, she suddenly had the courage, not only boldly hit Xiao Yuanshi, but also scolded the other party.

   And that day in the woods, she hated the appearance of Xiao Yuanshi being angry, it was funny.

   What surprised him even more was what happened after he met her here.

   She kept running away behind his back, even though she might be chased by those dead men and killed together, she didn't give up on him.

   If it were another woman, he would have left him unconscious and ran away.

   But she didn't. She endured fear and nervousness and took him to escape, always relying on strong perseverance.

   In fact, when she put him down to look for water, he found that her legs were shaking a little when she walked, indicating that it was still very difficult to run behind him.

   He will have mixed feelings in his heart.

   In particular, he actually took advantage of the savior.

   Remembering the soft and warm feeling yesterday, the tips of his ears turned red again.

   At this moment, it may be that someone has been watching, and Xiao's mother also opened her eyes and woke up.

   Seeing King Yi staring at him, Mother Xiao's face flushed red.

  It was mainly a man and a widow who were alone in the cave. Last night, he hugged her tightly again, making her a little embarrassed.

   She was the first to ask: "You had a fever last night, are you feeling better now?"

   Last night he hugged her, she wasn't going to say it, so as not to be more embarrassed.

  Although last night was excusable, she was a divorced woman, and her reputation for each other was not very good.

   She just pretended it didn't happen.

  If it had been, Mother Xiao would definitely be helpless and lose her innocence, maybe she would want to die.

   But after so long of Shi Qingluo's brainwashing and subtle influence, Mother Xiao didn't have much thought, she just thought it was good to be alive.

   Liang Yulin smiled slightly, "It's still a little hot, but it's much better."

   The wound and the heat behind him actually made him feel a little weak.

   Mother Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, "It's just better."

   "Take a break, let's continue to find the way down the mountain, my son should have brought someone to find us."

   So those who were chasing may have left.

   Even if she didn't leave, she wouldn't feel terrible if her son brought someone to look for her.

   She trusts her eldest son and daughter-in-law with all her heart and feels that they are so powerful that they cannot defeat anything.

   Liang Yulin nodded, "Okay!"

   Mother Xiao stood up and moved her numb body.

   Liang Yulin thought for a while and said, "What, I will be responsible for you."

   Mother Xiao stiffened and was speechless.

   She pretended not to know, how could this person take the initiative to mention it.

   She turned her head to look at King Yi and said: "Although I saved your life, you don't have to marry your body."

   Liang Yulin was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "I'm not talking about saving lives, but last night."

   He said firmly: "We have skin-to-skin relationship, so I will be responsible for you."

   He didn't dislike Mother Xiao, but he still found it interesting. When he was with her, there was a kind of leisurely and comfortable feeling.

   So he did not reject her as a princess.

   It happened that the mother and the emperor had been urging marriage, so he had better bring a princess back from the northern Xinjiang, and he could just bring it back this time.

   Mother Xiao's face changed when she heard this.

   Not only did he not feel joy and happiness, but he couldn't help but stretch out his hand to Liang Yulin's shoulder just a few times.

   She panicked and said fiercely, "I saved you, but you actually wanted to harm me, why are you so bad!"

   She never thought of remarrying. If it was rumored that she had a skin-to-skin relationship with King Yi, then he would be responsible for herself, and her reputation would be ruined.

   She doesn't care about these things now, but she is afraid of harming the reputation of her son and daughter.

   Liang Yulin was stunned by her beating. The woman who used to be so gentle like a rabbit suddenly turned into a tigress.

   I thought that the little bunny would really bite people if he was in a hurry.

   He immediately explained, "I didn't hurt you, I just wanted to be responsible."

   Mother Xiao glared at him, "I don't want to be held accountable by you, let alone be your concubine."

  What is King Yi's identity? To be responsible for her, that's not just carrying a sedan chair into the backyard to be a concubine.

   She is no longer chained to the backyard, she is doing fine now.

  Liang Yulin saw that she had misunderstood, "I'm not a concubine, but marrying you as a concubine."

   "I don't have a mistress in my backyard."

   After thinking about it, he consciously added, "Neither the concubine nor the concubine."

   Mother Xiao was stunned for a while, obviously not expecting that King Yi was a prince, not only did he not have a princess, but there were no other women in the backyard.

   She thought that there would be nothing wrong with this prince, right?

   also blurted out: "Do you have a hidden disease?"

   Liang Yulin's face darkened immediately, "Whether I have a hidden illness, you won't know after you marry me."

   When Mother Xiao heard this, her face turned red and she was angry and ashamed.

   couldn't hold back and reached out to him a few times, "You are shameless, who is going to marry you."

After    finished speaking, he glared at him fiercely, "Shut up for me, don't mention this again."

   Princess she is not uncommon, who wants to marry him, hum!

   (end of this chapter)

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