Chapter 468 Why is this woman so funny

   Liang Yulin looked at her like this, not only was he not angry, but a strange feeling arose in his heart.

  Why is this woman so funny.

   He didn't want to be a concubine, even Zhengfei didn't want to be, so he dared to beat him.

  Thinking of her suspicion just now, the corner of his lips that had been hooked earlier dropped again.

   said helplessly: "I have no hidden illness, I am normal."

   "I didn't get a wife before because I didn't meet the right woman."

   "I don't like a mess in the backyard, so there are no other women."

   Ever since he was a child, he had been disgusted when he saw how his father treated his wife's mother like that, and he was disgusted with other concubines in addition to pampering the imperial concubine all day long.

   Because of this, there has always been some resistance to having a bunch of women around.

   Mother Xiao was not overjoyed to hear his explanation, "It doesn't matter to me if you have other women."

   "Just now, don't mention it again."

   "I saved you and helped you, but I just happened to meet, and I didn't even think about being a princess."

   then glared at him again, "I warn you, after you go out, don't ruin my reputation, or you will retaliate."

   Originally wanted to say "I'll blow your dog's head", but when she thought that this was the prince, not a dog man like Xiao Yuanshi, she swallowed it.

   Liang Yulin looked at her and felt amused, "Then I was last night!"

   Before he could finish speaking, Mother Xiao immediately reached out and covered his mouth, "There was no last night, nothing happened last night."

   Then she realized that her actions were over, she immediately let go and took two steps back.

   It was this unskilled prince who scared her.

   Liang Yulin couldn't help laughing, "You just don't want to be my princess?"

   Mother Xiao shook her head, "I'm not familiar with you, and I'm still a village woman I've left. How can I be your princess, don't mention it."

   Liang Yulin said: "I don't despise you and Li Kuo, and I don't care about your identity."

   If you want to care about your identity, he can still choose women from unmarried families in the capital.

  The queen mother and the royal brother once stuffed him all the portraits of the famous ladies and asked him to choose one.

   But he didn't look at any of his portraits, he was burned, and he had a bad reputation for other girls.

   Mother Xiao: "..." Why is this person so rogue.

   She said speechlessly: "I'm really not interested in being your princess. If you mention it again, I'll leave. You can fend for yourself here."

   Liang Yulin could see that she was really not interested in the position of her princess.

   This was a bit unexpected.

   He thought about it and nodded, "Okay, then I won't mention it."

  Looking at her appearance, she seemed to be frightened by what he said.

   So he didn't mention it for the time being, but he decided in his heart to be responsible for her.

   It is undeniable that he really has an unspeakable strange feeling towards her now.

  If you marry her as a princess, your future life should not be boring.

   Mother Xiao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard his agreement, "You have forgotten what happened last night."

   She emphasized again: "I've forgotten it anyway."

   Liang Yulin wanted to laugh at her appearance, but nodded in agreement, "Okay, I've forgotten."

   It seems that it is not easy to marry her.

   But it's okay, they are not very familiar now, he will find opportunities to get along with her more in the future.

   Mother Xiao smiled, "It's almost the same."

   Then he asked a little embarrassedly: "I didn't beat you just now, did you?"

   It was because he was so shameless just now that she couldn't hold back her hand.

   Liang Yulin didn't know whether to laugh or cry again, "It's okay, it doesn't hurt."

   She was slapping her uninjured shoulder, and the force was not too heavy, so it wasn't really painful.

   Mother Xiao was relieved. She was really afraid that she would break him and would have to carry him down the mountain again after a while.

   she suggested, "Let's go then."

   Liang Yulin nodded, "Okay!"

   Walking out of the cave, Liang Yulin seemed to be weak, and almost fell down with a stagger.

   When Mother Xiao saw this, she could only walk up to her fate and support him.

   She supported him and looked ahead seriously, so she didn't notice the triumphant smile in Liang Yulin's eyes.

  The two walked out for a while, and Liang Yulin, who seemed to be weak at first, showed a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

   took out the dagger that Mother Xiao gave him before, and instinctively reached out and pushed her behind him, making a protective gesture.

   Such a sudden action made Xiao mother very inexplicable.

   she asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

   Liang Yulin looked ahead defensively, "Someone is here, not one."

   He didn't know if it was a friend or King Jin's dead man, his whole body was tense, ready for a fight at any time.

   He said again: "If it is the people who are chasing them, I will hold them back, and you will take the opportunity to run quickly."

   Mother Xiao was protected by him, and when she heard his words again, she felt warm in her heart.

   It seems that this person was not saved in vain, not the kind of revenge for kindness.

   Besides her son, this is the first time she has been protected like this by a foreigner.

   Xiao Yuanshi used to be a talkative person, but he didn't really protect her.

   At this time, she also had mixed feelings in her heart. At this time, she gathered up her courage and said, "I want to run and run together. I saved you once, how can I let you die again."

   His hand reached into the purse that spanned diagonally, touched a porcelain bottle, and held it tightly.

   This is given by his son, saying that when the enemy is in close danger, he can open it and throw it towards the opponent.

   But the target is mainly one person, and it affects two people at most, and it is difficult to use this method if there are more.

   So she planned to be good. If there are really bad people, King Yi will deal with two, and she will help deal with one or two.

   Liang Yulin didn't know that she had a backer, and was more moved when she heard this.

  The most difficult thing in this world is to give charcoal in the snow and share life and death, and this Kong Shi has done it for him.

   He decided that as long as he could go back alive, he would marry her back no matter what, this was the only woman he was tempted by.

   If he had only one chance to survive, he would also give it to Kong.

   Just as the two of them were on their guard, a few goose calls suddenly sounded.

   Mother Xiao, who was standing behind Liang Yulin, was delighted, "My son is here, it's my son."

   As soon as she finished speaking, a rare dark green goose appeared in the sight of the two of them.

   Then Xiao Hanzheng appeared with his younger brother and sister, as well as a dozen people in strong suits.

  Xiao Hanzheng was relieved when he saw his mother, and hurriedly asked, "Mother, are you alright."

   It is true that his mother died on the mountain in his previous life, so he searched for it all night, and he was also anxious all night.

   Mother Xiao walked over, "It's okay, I'm okay."

   Looking at her son's rare haggard appearance, she said distressedly: "Don't worry, I haven't suffered any injuries."

   Xiao Hanzheng heard her talk and looked at her fresh appearance, the chill and fear in his heart gradually dissipated.

   He nodded, "It's fine!"

   Then he looked at King Yi who was standing not far away and saluted, "I have seen King Yi!"

  Liang Yulin smiled and quickly walked over to help Xiao Hanzheng, "Don't be too polite!"

   This time, his attitude towards Xiao Hanzheng was obviously more intimate.

   (end of this chapter)

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