Chapter 477 The truth behind petting

   Liang Yujun glanced at Liang Mingyu coldly.

   "The mother and daughter have been arrogant for so long, and it's almost the same."

   Outsiders really think that he really loves the princess, actually hehe.

   For a woman who has other men in her heart, he will be insane and humble and loving.

   He is not the idiot of the third prince, he will be led by a woman by the nose.

   Although Ruan Songling helped him at the beginning, it was not a life-saving grace.

   was hiding in Zhuangzi's room where she was, avoiding the pursuers.

   And she was forced to, so he could see it naturally.

   Originally, he thought that no matter what, she helped him once and sent something to pass.

   Who would have thought that Ruan Songling would actually use this help and want to use his power to go home.

   aroused his interest at the time. He didn't like soft women, but rather snarky and thorny ones.

   So he helped her along.

   Then she also used his power to successfully bring her mother back home and clean up her father's favored concubine.

   At that time, he just happened to be lacking a ruthless and capable princess, so he felt that she was more suitable.

   Her attitude towards herself was also cold and cold, which made him feel a little bit of a desire to conquer.

   He had secretly checked the candidates given by his mother concubine before, and they were either not too gentle or too cookie-cutter, which really made him uninterested.

   For Ruan Songling, he really liked it a little at that time.

   also proposed to marry her as a concubine, just to paralyze the other brothers.

   At that time, the Ruan family was very happy to know this, and Ruan Songling did not object.

  But after marrying someone, he realized that Ruan Songling had been thinking about Liang Yulin's sick son.

   I have been inquiring about Liang Yulin behind the scenes.

   Before marrying him, he also thought about marrying Liang Yulin.

   This made him suddenly feel that there was an extra green hat on his head.

   In addition to this incident, she thought that he would not marry her unless he wanted to, and he loved her to the bone, and he kept taking Joe.

   The most important thing is that after marrying into the palace, she gradually became no different from those women in the backyard.

   He thought that she would take advantage of her own power to take good care of her father and family, and it would be best to suppress them completely.

  Who knows, not only did she not do this, but she also asked him to help support her family.

   is to go back to her mother's house every time she goes to show, and let her father hold her obediently.

   did not take revenge on the brothers and sisters who had bullied her.

   On the contrary, those people only asked in a low voice, and she helped.

   The same goes for the outside world. With the status of a princess, she is mainly used to show off her power and use her status to suppress those who once looked down on her.

   But I didn't see any splashes, and it wasn't as ruthless and scheming as he showed in front of him at first.

   So he really missed the point.

   He still appreciates Shi Qingluo's temperament.

  As long as you are bullied, no matter who you are, you must fight back.

  Whether it is the third prince concubine, Xiao Yuanshi's husband and wife, those relatives of her mother's family, or the third-rank Beijing official who mocked her in public, whoever provokes will be unlucky.

   He originally thought that Ruan Songling was also such a person, who knows...

   also made him unhappy, very unhappy.

   came up with this trick.

  Let Ruan Songling think that he really loves her and responds to her requests, so that she has a special face both outside and at her parents' house.

  The backyard of the palace also seems to have all the real power in her hands.

  Why would he support Concubine Hua Fang to manage the palace and socialize with the outside world.

   In fact, he didn't want Ruan Songling to represent King Jin's mansion, he thought she was unworthy.

   Because of this, she actually doesn't like the daughter she gave birth to.

   In particular, she still felt a lot of regrets and wanted to make up for it on her daughter.

   When he said a few words, she was not happy to refute it, and was determined to condone her only daughter.

   OK, then he will let them keep doing it.

   In the entire Beicheng, he knew that when he secretly mentioned the princess and Princess Zhen, everyone had a bad impression, and it was them who were ruthless, vicious and arrogant.

   He hated the emperor the most, and he also hated the emperor's younger brother, King Yi.

   Ruan Songling married himself, but he was thinking of King Yi, which completely stepped on his scales.

   So he was going to hold her to the highest level, and then pull her down into the abyss.

  Let her take a good look. After she fell into the quagmire, her family's attitude changed, and she could experience the downfall and ridicule of those who once held her outside.

   Only when you gain and then lose, there will be pain and remorse.

   Let her know that without him King Jin, she is nothing.

   If she dared to have two hearts towards him, and dared to take Joe in front of him, she would have to suffer the consequences of being cleaned up by him.

   Originally, he thought that when the rebellion was successful, he ascended the throne and let her be a queen for a while, and after enjoying the highest honor of a woman in this world, he would be deposed and put into the cold palace.

   Let her taste the warmth and warmth of the world, and let her return to the life she once supported herself on Zhuangzi.

   But her recent actions are really disgusting to him.

   His mother-in-law had endured enough and let him execute the plan ahead of time.

   So after thinking deeply, he decided to use the waste.

   It is quite worthwhile to use a princess whom he loves to the extreme in exchange for the surrender of Shi Qingluo and his wife.

   The reason why he agreed with Liang Mingmin to go to Heyang County before, he also guessed that this daughter would not be safe, and would definitely be disgusted with the famous Shi Qingluo, and he also fell in love with the good-looking and capable Xiao Hanzheng.

   Waiting for that idiot to jump around in front of Shi Qingluo and his wife enough to bully people, Shi Qingluo should take the initiative to come to him, he will give her face, and clean up the most favored daughter-in-law for the sake of talent.

   Therefore, he has been waiting for Shi Qingluo to take the initiative to come to the door, so that he can take the lead in recruiting her and negotiate the terms.

   I really didn't expect that the daughter-in-law, who had always been arrogant and wanton in Beicheng and bullied everyone in every direction, would be defeated by Shi Qingluo.

   was so reorganized that he could barely stay in Heyang County.

   is simply humiliating to the extreme.

  I didn't expect that Shi Qingluo would play cards unreasonably, and directly made potatoes, and then sent them to the capital in person, so that the emperor would slap her in the face.

   His plans were all disrupted.

   So he can only send his "favored" princess.

  Especially he just got the news recently.

  Because Liang Yulin was rescued by Xiao Hanzheng's mother Kong, he has been following people behind his back recently.

   It seems that he has taken a fancy to Kong.

   This made him completely incomprehensible. Liang Yulin, who has been a monk for more than 30 years, actually likes this...

   The key Kong Clan didn't pay much attention to Liang Yulin.

   It is impossible for him to fall in love with the Kong family. As soon as he gets married, he will have so many sons and daughters. I don't know if Liang Yulin's mind is broken...

   But he was happy to see it happen.

   This can properly stimulate the self-righteous Ruan Songling, so that she can't help but act like a demon.

   Then he had no choice but to kill his relatives righteously, not only to give an explanation to Shi Qingluo and his wife, but also to let the people from Daliang in northern Xinjiang reverse the bad reputation that Liang Mingmin had brought him as a demon before.

   (end of this chapter)

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