Chapter 478 Do you want to see me?

   Liang Mingyu opened his eyes in disbelief when he heard the words "their mother and daughter have been arrogant for so long."

   So they were all deceived by their father?

   That father, the king, had been holding and doting on the princess before, and he was so arrogant and doting on Liang Mingmin, what was it for?

   He couldn't figure it out at all.

   He asked again uncertainly: "Father, do you mean to give up the princess and the county magistrate?"

   Liang Yujun glanced at him, "If your comprehension ability is so poor, you should abdicate and be a good person."

   "As the heir of King Jin's Mansion, no matter what happens, you should not be surprised."

   He is also very dissatisfied with Liang Mingyu's son.

  There is no harm without comparison, and I thought it could be cultivated before.

   But after comparing Xiao Hanzheng, he felt that this son was too far away and could not be reused.

   Obviously he is the heir to the palace, but he has to endure Liang Mingmin's influence on his head.

  If he can't help him like this, he has to replace him.

  Liang Mingyu was startled, and immediately said: "Father, I understand, I know what to do."

   I scolded the princess and Liang Mingmin again in my heart, these two scourges are really harmful.

   He almost lost his throne because of them.

  Liang Yujun reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "You have to remember that you are the heir of King Jin's mansion. Apart from this king and your grandmother, you are the biggest, so don't be afraid of anyone."

   This hint is very obvious. If Liang Mingyu can't support the wall, he will really have to change people. Anyway, he has more sons.

  Liang Mingyu swallowed and stabilized his mind, "Yes, my son understands."

  Liang Yujun waved his hand, "Okay, go down and have a rest. Tomorrow, hurry back to Heyang County and take good care of the road repaired there."

  Liang Mingyu nodded, "Yes!"

   came out of the study, he was in a mess, and he didn't know what to do.

   Walking unconsciously, I arrived at the yard of the concubine Hua.

  Flower side concubine was holding a pair of scissors to trim flower branches. When her son came in, she handed the scissors to the maid.

   She asked with a light smile, "Why did the prince come?"

  Liang Mingyu came back to his senses and smiled bitterly: "There is something I can't figure out, so I just walked and walked here."

  Concubine Hua pointed to a pavilion in the middle of the lake in front, "Where shall we go to sit?"

  Liang Mingyu nodded, "Okay!"

   was talking there, and no one could overhear.

  Flower side concubine asked people to make tea and let everyone back down.

   She handed Liang Mingyu a cup of tea, "Tell me, what's wrong?"

   Liang Mingyu took the tea, the cup was very hot, but he felt a little chills all over his body.

   From childhood to the big princess, he didn't want to see them close to his biological mother, so he was not close to the concubine Hua.

   They can't be called "mothers" either, they are called "concubine of a certain side" or "concubine of such and such".

   But every time he encounters something, he always thinks of her for the first time.

   She also takes good care of herself in secret.

   So he repeated what his father said in the study.

  Flower Side Concubine was a little surprised, and felt that it was the case.

   "Your father's intention is to let you no longer have to worry about your identity as a princess, and you can do whatever you want."

   "When you arrive in Heyang County, if the princess and the county owner act as demons and confront Shi Qingluo and his wife, you not only don't have to stop it, you can also push it."

   Liang Mingyu looked at her with dark eyes, "What does the concubine mean, does the father really want to give up the princess and the mother and daughter?"

   "What is the petting and pampering of the past?"

  Concubine Hua showed a sarcastic arc, "Have you heard of slaughter? It seems that this is what your father and king played with their mother and daughter."

   "We are all knives in the hands of your father."

   She added: "If you want to get out of that muddy pool safely, you can do the opposite."

   "It's still being handled by the princess and the county head, and it's showing that it can't be reused. It's worth noting the position of the prince."

   As a mother, she didn't actually think about making her son the heir of the palace, and she was constantly subjected to overt and secret calculations.

   As long as you step back now, there is still hope to get rid of it.

   What's more, who knows how long this King Jin Mansion can exist?

   She just wants her son to live in peace, that's enough.

   But this expectation that is not difficult for ordinary people to achieve is difficult to achieve here.

   Sure enough, Liang Mingyu's face changed when he heard this, "Is it easy for me to get to where I am today? I was originally the prince, why should I give up?"

   He really didn't expect his mother to let him give up, she really has no ambitions.

   It is no wonder that he clearly represents the entertainment and housekeeper of King Jin's mansion, but he has never really grasped the right to seize the back house.

   Seeing her son's disappointed eyes, Concubine Hua was also disappointed.

   She sighed, "Then according to what I told you at the beginning, you can do whatever you want, and don't be afraid to offend anyone."

   Persuasion is useless, and if he doesn't listen, it will be as he wishes.

   The big deal is a dead word in the end.

   Anyway, if one day this King Jin Mansion does not exist, they will all have to die.

   She thought about it and reminded her, "Don't provoke Shi Qingluo and his wife, it's unrealistic and impossible to win, but don't be evil."

   "I like that girl, Shi Qingluo."

   Lives with such a distinct personality, dares to resist fate, is not afraid of strong enemies, but does not lose his original heart, which is really enviable and liked!

   Liang Mingyu thought for a moment before nodding: "I understand."

   This time I really understand.

   After a while, he hesitated and asked, "Concubine Side, do you think that if the royal father is dissatisfied with me, will I really abolish my position as the heir?"

  Concubine Hua nodded without hesitation, "Yes."

   "Your father's heart is cold, and vengeance and power are above all else."

   "So don't expect how much real father-son love he will have for you."

   Although it is cruel, it is time for my son to wake up.

  Liang Mingyu's face turned pale and tremblingly said: "No, it won't."

  Hua Side Concubine stopped talking, just looked at him quietly.

   Liang Mingyu was very uncomfortable with the calm eyes, stood up and said, "I still have something to do, I'll go first."

   Then hurriedly left.

   There was a trace of sadness in the eyes of Hua Side Concubine, but she quickly returned to calm.

  Heyang County.

   Xiao Hanzheng also received the news that his little daughter-in-law was in the capital, and his eyes were full of smiles and tenderness.

   The little daughter-in-law really can be lively wherever she goes.

   Just after he read the news, he knocked on the door and walked in.

   "Master, Princess Jin is at the door, saying she wants to visit the old lady."

  Although Xiao's mother is not very old, the people in the county government all call Mrs. Shi Qingluo, and call her the old lady, the old lady of the seniority.

   Xiao Hanzheng frowned, "This mother and daughter are really annoying."

   "I'll go ask first if my mother wants to see you."

   This kind of thing is still up to the mother to decide, he will not interfere.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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