Chapter 487 Come back and slap the face

  Liang Mingmin covered his beaten face in disbelief.

  She widened her eyes, "How dare you hit me."

   Zhuo Zheng's face was gloomy, "It's you, a mad woman who was beaten."

   "I'm not something you can worry about, get out!"

   When he thought that Liang Mingmin actually fell in love with him, he would feel terribly disgusted, and even had the urge to vomit.

   He is really not afraid of Liang Mingmin.

  If King Father knew that this woman had such a dirty mind towards him, he would not believe that King Father would condone this mad woman.

   And annoyed him, he used the forces of the previous dynasty to clean up her.

   He would regret saving Liang Mingmin that day, so he was entangled by her.

   Originally wanted to use her, who would have thought that she would be so shameless.

   Liang Mingmin also had a gloomy face, "Zhuo Zheng, you dare to treat me like this, you wait for me."

   "Jin Wang Mansion, you have to enter if you don't want to. Don't kneel and beg me in the future, let's see."

   Zhuo Zheng dared to live up to the sincerity of trampling on her, but she still did not let him go.

   I was still hesitating whether to choose him as my son-in-law, but now I decided it was him.

   He dared to beat her, and he still looked very virtuous, so she insisted on taking him to the palace to see him kneel and beg her later.

   Zhuo Zheng was also so disgusted that he didn't want to lie to her any more, "Let's see!"

   Liang Mingmin glared at Zhuo Zheng, opened the door and left.

   When the people sent by her father arrived, she asked them to take Zhuo Zheng back to Beicheng.

   Zhuo Zheng immediately went to wash his face and kept rubbing.

   Xiao Hanzheng soon received the news that the two had a falling out.

   His people also broke into the yard where Princess Jin and Liang Mingmin lived, so he knew that Princess Jin wanted to set them on fire.

   All are kept in account for Princess Jin and Liang Mingmin.

   A few days later, King Jin received a letter from Liang Mingmin.

   Seeing that she actually wanted him to send an army to slaughter Heyang County, Liang Yujun couldn't help but have a headache, and even felt that this daughter-in-law was too cruel and vicious.

  How could he do such a thing.

   If he really sent people to massacre the city, the spittle of the people in Daliang would drown him in the future.

   also ignored it.

   A few days later, I received an urgent letter from my son.

   When I opened it, I had a headache again, because the princess wanted to let her son set fire to Xiao Hanzheng's mother and son, she was simply mad.

   Who is to be killed shouldn't it be done in secret? If you want to be known to everyone, do you think your reputation is not bad enough?

   When Liang Yujun was thinking about what to do, it didn't take long before he received the imperial decree from the emperor, which shortened the time by nearly half.

   Not only accused him of what the princess had done, but also criticized him severely and told him to take care of his family, otherwise he would withdraw from the clan.

   Liang Yujun was furious, but he couldn't help it.

   Who asked that idiot Ruan Songling to give people a handle as soon as he left.

   To Xiao Hanzheng, he was also angry.

  This man is really courageous, and he joined Liang Yulin to plot against his princess on his territory.

   After he recruited people and used it almost, he insisted on making Xiao Hanzheng look good.

   No matter how much he scolded the emperor, Xiao Hanzheng and Liang Yulin, Liang Yujun did not show any strangeness in accepting the imperial decree.

   also said that the person who passed the decree would go back and tell the emperor that he would definitely give an explanation to King Yi and Xiao Hanzheng's mother and son.

   He also decided that it was time to go to Dayi to kill his relatives.

   When Shi Qingluo returned to Heyang County the next day, King Jin also took people to Heyang County.

   When Shi Qing went to the capital, he was alone and one goose, but now he came back with more than a dozen carriages, protected by thousands of royal guards.

   A group of people entered the county town mightily, which also attracted people to watch.

  Everyone was still wondering who this is, this battle is too big.

   Then, after entering the city, he jumped out of the carriage and deliberately wanted to show off, walking beside the Ma Ma carriage.

   "Isn't that dumb?"

   "Oh, I'm really dumb."

   "The lady should be in the carriage."

   "I heard that the madam went to the capital before, and she came back with such a big fight. Does the emperor want to support the madam?"

   "It's very possible, after all, our wife is dedicated to benefiting the people, and that Princess Zhen is dedicated to harming the people."

   "There's a gold chain hanging on it, it looks really mighty."

   "As expected of our goose king, this is too powerful."

   Hearing the compliments from the people, Dian Dian even held his head high, and walked with great momentum at a pace that he did not recognize.

   From time to time, the people who praise it will shout in approval.

   Everyone likes to be dumb, so they chased all the way and followed to the gate of the county government.

  Shi Qingluo was dressed in a special dress made by the queen, and the palace attire of the county master level got off the carriage.

   She was accompanied by her father-in-law who came to announce the decree.

   As soon as he entered the city, he sent someone to call Liang Mingmin to the county government to listen to the decree.

  The speed of the carriage is not fast, which attracts people in the county who have nothing to do and like to join in the fun.

   Therefore, when he arrived at the gate of the county office, Liang Mingmin arrived first.

   Seeing that Shi Qingluo was wearing a palace uniform representing the level of the county master, and a palace maid helped him get off the carriage, Liang Mingmin's face changed.

  The emperor knew that Shi Qingluo was going to slap in the face, so this time not only did he send thousands of royal guards to **** him, but he also asked the queen to select a group of maids and palace maids who could take care of others to follow Shi Qingluo, the county master.

   This is more in line with her identity.

   Shi Qingluo naturally wouldn't refuse the emperor and the queen's kindness to support her, so she brought these people along.

   Being helped out of the carriage by the palace maid, Shi Qingluo saw Liang Mingmin who was standing not far away with a look of disbelief.

   She walked over slowly and raised her eyebrows with a chuckle, "President Zhen, we meet again."

   "I said that I would get a county lord Dangdang, and now it has been achieved. Didn't you say it was absolutely impossible before?"

   "Does your face hurt now?"

  Liang Mingmin really didn't expect Shi Qingluo to come back with such a big fight, and he really became the princess.

  According to the palace dress Shi Qingluo was wearing, even if she didn't want to admit it, she knew that it was really only for the princess.

   Hearing Shi Qingluo's words, his face was ugly and gloomy, "Even if you are named the county lord, I am also the county lord. My father is still King Jin, and your father is just a muddy scumbag."

  So in terms of identity, she still beat this bitch.

  Shi Qingluo chuckled lightly, which seemed to remember that he had said something wrong just now, "Oh, I almost forgot, you are not the Princess Zhen Zhen now, but the Ping County Lord."

   "You are one level lower than me, a village woman."

   hooked his lips and said meaningfully: "So it's useless for your father to be a prince."

   Liang Mingmin's face changed, "You are talking nonsense."

   Shi Qingluo turned to look at the **** who was following, "Father-in-law, since people are here, why don't you declare the decree?"

  The big **** said with a smile: "The county master said yes."

   then held out the imperial edict.

   All the people present knelt down and listened to the decree, even if Liang Mingmin didn't want to, he could only kneel down with him.

The **** announced the decree, which roughly meant that the emperor was grateful to Shi Qingluo and Danny for finding high-yield food for the benefit of the people, so he made Shiqingluo the Lord of Fubao County and Dian Dian as the Goose King, and gave the Goose King a gold medal to save him from death. pieces.

   And the county lord Zhen used his power to bully others, oppress the people, etc., and was not qualified to be the county lord again, so he was demoted to the county lord of Ping from now on.

   After listening to the imperial decree, Liang Mingmin's eyes were full of disbelief, and there was an unspeakable embarrassment, his face was burning.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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