After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 488: I'm going to use my identity to oppress you today

   Chapter 488 I'm going to use my identity to press you today

  Liang Mingmin listened to Shi Qingluo's nonsense before, and was really disdainful at that time.

   How can the county master be so easy to be, there are not many county masters in the entire Daliang.

  Why should Shiqing lose a village woman?

   But now, Shi Qingluo has become the princess so quickly and hit her in the face.

   The most unacceptable thing for her was that, besides Shi Qingluo becoming the county lord, she became the county lord Ping.

   She would find the word "ping" particularly ironic.

   She also scolded the emperor again, that old thing was too much, he helped a village woman regardless of her niece.

   Shi Qingluo looked at her unacceptable appearance.

   She asked with a light smile, "Ping County Lord, is this so difficult for you to accept?"

   "Don't you usually like to use your identity to make a fortune, this will be upside down, don't you want to taste the taste of being oppressed by your identity?"

  Liang Mingmin: "..." Of course she didn't want to.

   She was so angry, "Shi Qingluo, do you think it's great to be a county master?"

   Shi Qing hooked his lips, "Yes, I think it's amazing."

   "After all, this is the majesty and grace of the emperor, I am very happy."

   Then she approached Liang Mingmin, "Ping County Lord, what kind of etiquette should a county owner of yours see me as a county owner?"

   She will now let Liang Mingmin taste it and turn it around.

  Before, because she was not afraid of Liang Mingmin, she had a way to break the oppression of anti-identity. She also had the support of two friends, Xiao Xianggong, Xi Rong and Xi Rui, and the people protected each other, so she was not bullied by the other party.

  However, there are an unknown number of people who were bullied by Liang Mingmin with his identity, and even their lives were completely ruined.

   Liang Mingmin's face was ugly and looked at Shi Qingluo with a look of whether you are crazy, "Even if I am demoted to the county head, you are not qualified to let me salute."

   She said proudly: "My father is King Jin."

  Shi Qingluo smiled and asked, "I just wanted to ask, in this big beam, is it the emperor or your father Jin Wang?"

   This is the pit dug for Liang Mingmin.

   Liang Mingyu, who just arrived, felt bad when he heard this.

  Liang Mingmin certainly thought that her father was the biggest, but she couldn't say it outright.

   She said cleverly: "Northern Xinjiang is my father's fief, so my father has the final say."

   The entire northern Xinjiang belongs to her father, and in the future, this world may also belong to her father.

   Shi Qingluo raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean, your father's words are more effective than what the emperor said?"

   "And if I remember correctly, this Heyang County is not within King Jin's fief."

  Liang Mingmin choked, "Anyway, I'm a prince's daughter, and you, a village woman, can't be pressured by your identity."

   Shi Qingluo sneered, "Then I can only say sorry."

   She shrugged again, "I'm going to use my identity to oppress you today."

  Liang Mingmin's face was gloomy, "You dare!"

   Shi Qingluo turned his head to look at the **** who passed the order, "Father-in-law, should the county lord bow when he sees the county lord?"

  The **** is the emperor's person, and Shi Qingluo respected him along the way, and did not despise or despise him because he was an eunuch.

   So of course you have to stand and fall.

   He smiled and said, "Of course."

   said to Liang Mingmin again: "Ping County Lord, Fubao County Lord is the Yipin County Lord proclaimed by the emperor. You really need to salute when you see her."

  Liang Mingmin would feel very humiliated, "Don't think about it!"

   It is absolutely impossible for her to salute and bow her head to the most hated Shi Qing.

  Shi Qingluo knew that Liang Mingmin would not salute him, looked at the big **** with a smile and asked, "Father-in-law, does the county lord of Ping count as the following crime?"

   This is the favorite mantra of Princess Jin and Liang Mingmin.

   Whoever does not listen to their mother and daughter will be guilty of the following.

   Now she also lets Liang Mingmin experience it.

  The big **** nodded, "Forget it!"

   Shi Qingluo asked again: "What is the general punishment for the following crimes?"

  The **** thought for a while, "Kneeling, slapping the mouth or hitting the board."

   means that you can choose at any time.

   He also sighed inwardly, this Fubao County Master is really courageous.

   On King Jin's site, he actually wanted to directly rectify the Ping County Lord in public, which is awesome!

   But presumably the emperor is happy to see it, and he is also happy to do this favor.

   Hearing the conversation between the **** and Shi Qingluo, Liang Mingmin's expression changed.

   She glared at Shi Qingluo, "You dare!"

   She really didn't think Shi Qingluo dared to treat herself like this in public, but it was just to frighten her.

   So she's really not afraid.

   Shi Qingluo raised his eyebrows, "Why don't I dare, I'm the Lord of Fubao County, and you are just the Lord of Ping County!"

   After she finished speaking, she smiled and looked at the onlookers and asked, "How do you guys think this should be punished? What about the next offender, the county magistrate?"

   In fact, this so-called following crime is just an excuse for punishment.

   But it does work.

  The people were particularly disgusted with Liang Mingmin, and they even asked their opinions after meeting with his wife.

   They all smiled and suggested, "It's better to have a palm and a mouth."

   "Or play the board."

  No one suggested punishing kneeling, which shows how disgusting Liang Mingmin is.

   Zhuo Zheng came just now, and he couldn't help but say: "The county lord, this Ping county lord usually likes to bully the weak and hold other people's mouths. This time, it's better to let her experience it herself."

  Liang Mingmin, this woman dared to beat him before, she deserves to be rectified by Shi Qingluo.

  Liang Mingmin didn't expect Zhuo Zheng to jump out and encourage Shi Qing to slap his mouth.

   "Zhuo Zheng, who gave you the courage to do this to me."

   It's also in vain that she liked him so much before.

   This will make Zhuo Zheng want to get to the palace, but it is no longer the kind of liking to get it, but to make Zhuo Zheng kneel and beg her in the future.

   Zhuo Zheng swept Liang Mingmin in disgust, "I'm just telling the truth."

   Shi Qingluo was surprised to see that they were on the fence like this. I didn't expect the two to break up so quickly. Wasn't she alright before going to Beijing?

   She changed her mind and said in a bit of embarrassment: "I didn't want to punish the county magistrate at first, but what you said, Zhuo Zheng, is very reasonable."

   "Then it's up to you to applaud the county magistrate of Zhangzuiping, teach her to be respectful and inferior, and don't commit any more crimes in the future."

   The more I think about it, the more I feel that I am really a clever little ghost.

   Let King Jin's illegitimate son slap his mouth and his daughter, and the dog bites the dog's hair. Presumably, King Jin can't do anything to her except being angry.

   Otherwise, if she wants to let other people take action or take action herself, she really has to be afraid of King Jin's revenge, after all, they have to continue to mix in the northern border.

If    was changed to normal, Zhuo Zheng would definitely not take this job.

   But the humiliation of being beaten by Liang Mingmin before, and the disgust that the other party remembered, made him want to vent all the time.

   He saw Liang Mingmin looking at him just now, as if he hadn't given up on taking him to the palace, so he didn't refuse Shi Qingluo.

   He nodded with a smile, "Since the county master has entrusted me with such an important task, then I must do it well."

   Then he walked towards Liang Mingmin.

   He didn't believe that if he slapped Liang Mingmin in public, this woman could still like her.

   Even if the father knows, he is not afraid, just push it to Shi Qingluo, she asked him to beat him anyway.

   (end of this chapter)

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