After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 49: The little daughter-in-law thinks, then satisfy her

   Chapter 49 The little daughter-in-law thinks, so please satisfy her

After more than a dozen rounds, Shi Qingluo was cut off by Xiao Hanzheng.

   He leaned forward, leaned into Shi Qingluo's ear and said, "Miss, you lost."

   Just now, the more he fought, the more frightened he became. He didn't expect that the little daughter-in-law's skills were so good.

The    moves are not gorgeous, but the moves are the key points, as if they were trained in the military camp.

   Shi Qingluo's body has always been a little empty, and she will be exhausted and out of breath.

   "I didn't see it, Lao Xiao, your force value is so high!"

   Now she can't keep up with her moves because of her weak body, but she can be sure that even in her heyday in her previous life, she couldn't beat Xiao Xianggong.

   She looked sideways at him with bright eyes and asked, "Are you going to be light-hearted, like flying over the eaves and walking the walls?"

   Xiao Hanzheng laughed, "There is no such exaggerated Qinggong, it will be easy to climb over the wall, but it is impossible to fly over the wall."

   "Of course, if you use tools, you can."

  Shi Qingluo stepped forward immediately, took out his handkerchief and attentively helped Xiao Hanzheng wipe off the sweat.

   "Brother Zheng, then teach me Qinggong, I want to learn it too."

  Although you can't jump over the eaves and walk the walls, it's not bad to climb over the walls.

  Xiao Hanzheng watched her wipe her face with a handkerchief, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Okay, I'll teach you."

   When the little daughter-in-law wants to work with him, she will play good and attentive.

   will also change from Lao Xiao to Brother Zheng.

   "Hey, Brother Zheng, you are so nice, I like you the most!" Shi Qingluo smiled with a crooked smile.

   If it wasn't for the wrong place, she would want to give him a big one.

   Hearing what Shi Qingluo said, the corners of Xiao Hanzheng's lips rose. It turns out that the little daughter-in-law likes him so much, very good!

   He said: "I will practice martial arts with you in the morning, and teach you Qinggong by the way."

  If you want to protect your relatives and daughter-in-law well, you have to pick up the martial arts from the previous life as soon as possible.

   Shi Qingluo nodded: "This is a good feeling."

   In the early morning of the next day, Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng got up and helped make tofu.

   After ordering the tofu, Mother Xiao asked the two to go back to the room to rest, and she came to guard.

  Because there are two women making tofu, there is no gossip.

   Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng are also relieved, they can just exercise their mother Xiao.

  The two were preparing to go up the mountain during the day, so they went to rest.

   When the two got up, the tofu was almost sold out.

   Mother Xiao and sister Xiao are also working hard to learn and change.

   After eating breakfast prepared by Xiaomei, Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng went up the mountain with a basket on their backs.

   What they went to was not the mountain behind the courtyard of the residence, but the largest and most primitive mountain between the two villages.

  There will be wild beasts on the mountain, so the villagers are afraid to go deep.

  Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng had a high level of force and were not afraid of encountering beasts, so they went straight to the depths.

   Shi Qingluo found that Xiao Hanzheng was very familiar with Shenshan, "Have you been here before?"

   Xiao Hanzheng took her hand, "I have been here many times, and I have found ginseng for a hundred years in the deep mountains."

   In his previous life, his mother and younger siblings passed away, and the family owed money, so he had to continue to live.

   Therefore, he was forced to go into the mountains to get food, or catch hares and pheasants, and dig some herbs to sell.

  I was chased by wild boars and lost my way, and accidentally found a 100-year-old ginseng.

After    took it out and sold it, he was entangled and left Xiaxi Village to study medicine and martial arts.

   Shi Qingluo clenched Xiao Hanzheng's hand tightly, the former Xiao Xianggong must have suffered a lot, and I feel a little distressed!

   she asked: "Do you remember where ginseng is?"

   Xiao Hanzheng replied: "I still have an impression, but there are wolves and wild boars over there. If we have physical strength now, it will be troublesome."

   "When the opportunity is ripe, let's look for it again."

   At least you must be able to protect yourself.

   Shi Qingluo is not an impulsive person, "Well, it's a pity that the century-old ginseng is sold. We will keep it for ourselves when we find it."

   Xiao Hanzheng squeezed her hand, "Okay!"

  The two strolled around for a while, and Shi Qingluo stood under a tall tree.

   "Hey, there is a sumac here."

   Xiao Hanzheng didn't understand this, "What does the sumac tree do?"

   "The raw lacquer is cut from the phloem of the tree trunk. The seeds can be used to extract oil. The dried lacquer has medicinal value, and has the functions of clearing the menstruation, repelling insects and antitussive."

   "The seed oil can also be used to make ink and soap, and the peel can be used as wax for candles and wax paper. The leaves can be used to extract tannin gum. The leaves and roots can be used as soil pesticides.

   "The whole body is full of treasures."

   "This large area is full of lacquer trees, and a lot of lacquer can be cut out."

  This era paint has been used in architectural paint and furniture.

   Xiao Hanzheng did not expect that the paint sold outside actually came from this kind of tree.

   "The price of paint is not low, we can find someone to cut the paint of this piece."

   "Seeds etc. can also be used."

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "Indeed, it would be too laborious and inefficient if we cut it ourselves."

   "When we make some money, we can open another paint workshop, not only selling paint, but also soap, candles, wax paper, etc."

   Xiao Hanzheng supported, "This is fine."

   Shi Qingluo said again: "But what I want most is to make money first, rebuild a yard, and improve the hut and bathing place."

   She really can't stand going to the toilet and bathing in ancient times.

   If she could build a new house, she would have to build a separate toilet and bathroom.

   Then get a toilet that flushes, and a bathroom where you can stand up.

   Xiao Hanzheng found that his daughter-in-law had a deep resentment in this regard.

   But the little daughter-in-law thinks, so please satisfy her.

   So he said: "Then build a house first, then buy a mountain for breeding and start a paint workshop."

   "I'll go to the county seat tomorrow to see if I can sell it at a higher price. If it's okay, I'll speed up and write more."

   It is not difficult for him to make money.

   He added: "Actually, I will still see a doctor. I will go out next month to help a person see a doctor, and the pay should not be low."

   With the money, the little daughter-in-law's idea of ​​building a house should be satisfied within two months.

   Although Shi Qingluo can make money and build a house by himself, he is very happy to hear that Xiao Xianggong has a sense of responsibility and takes care of her.

   In this era, men rarely do things at will with their daughter-in-law. They are all very macho. After all, it is the ancient times when men were superior to women.

   So she has a really good eye, and she fell in love with Xiao Xianggong at first sight.

   She leaned over and kissed Xiao Hanzheng's profile, "Brother Zheng, you did a good job, reward one."

  's warm lips fell on his face, Xiao Hanzheng was stunned, he didn't expect his little daughter-in-law to kiss him.

   He looked down and saw that the little daughter-in-law had stars in her eyes, and her smile was as bright as a little sun.

   His heart beat faster, and the tips of his ears instantly turned red.

   The little daughter-in-law is really not shy.

   But this feeling seems to be pretty good.

   When Shi Qing finished kissing Xiao Hanzheng, the tips of his ears also turned red.

  Oh, it was the first time she kissed a man.

   So he pulled Xiao Hanzheng to mark the lacquer forest, and she and he both memorized the directions, and then came to cut the lacquer.

   After walking for a while, Shi Qingluo looked at the plants in front of her, her eyes lit up again.

   "There's a wild beet in front of me. It's a good harvest today."

   Xiao Hanzheng asked: "What can this wild beet do?"

  Shi Qingluo replied with a smile, "Making sugar."

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~~ Next, I will focus on the career line~~



   (end of this chapter)

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