Chapter 50 Fortunately, she is stronger

   Xiao Hanzheng knew that sugar cane could be used to make sugar.

   "This beet can also make sugar?"

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "Of course, except for sugar cane, beets are good for making sugar."

  The raw materials for modern sugar making are mainly these two.

   "Let's dig some to go home and make some sugar first."

   "Then hire people to dig all these sugar beets back, and then let the villagers open up some land to plant sugar beets. We can pay for them and open a sugar workshop."

  Shi Qingluo himself is an expert on agriculture.

   "Opening a few more workshops can also drive the development of our village and nearby villages, so that everyone can live a good life and tie our interests to us."

  It is very important to have a good reputation in ancient times, to unite all interests that can be united, and don’t underestimate the power of the people.

   For example, not many people know about you, and no one will care when someone dies.

   But if the whole county knew about you, and the interests of most people were tied together by you.

  If something happens to you, even if these people are not harmed for their own interests, they must speak up and reach out to help.

   Xiao Hanzheng understood the meaning of the little daughter-in-law as soon as he heard it.

   This is very good, I made money myself, and also led other people to make money and develop together.

  It is necessary to open various workshops without hiring people.

   Lele alone is not as good as everyone, so it is not easy to be envied by everyone, or be regarded as a thorn in the flesh by jealousy.

   On the contrary, because everyone's interests are tied together, they can maintain a good relationship.

   He nodded and smiled: "Okay!"

  Whether it’s paint or sugar, it’s expensive, and it’s still very profitable to open a workshop.

   The two of them dug beets together and filled the baskets before returning down the mountain.

   Xiao Hanzheng took the initiative to lead Shi Qingluo away, "Where do you want to build a house?"

   "I suggest that it is better to set up a workshop in the old house. We can choose another place to build a new house."

  The memory of the old house left him is not very good.

  Shi Qingluo said with a smile: "I've been optimistic about a place, not only the environment is good, but also good for our papermaking."

   "Isn't there a wild bamboo forest near the river? We can buy all that, and the new house will be built in the open space in the middle of the bamboo forest."

   "Being in a bamboo forest, the environment is also very elegant. A small paper workshop is built next to it, and the materials are also around, so that others don't know that we use bamboo as a material for papermaking."

   "The chopped bamboo can be replanted. It's better to buy all that hillside and plant it all with bamboo."

  Xiao Hanzheng is a scholar, even if he learned martial arts and killed the enemy in his previous life, he still prefers elegant things.

   Therefore, I support Shi Qingluo's proposal, "Okay, the new house surrounded by bamboo forests is very artistic."

   Shi Qingluo said: "The mountain behind the old house, let's buy it for farming."

   She said again: "After talking like this, we are quite short of money."

   is the lack of upfront investment money.

  If the farming mountain and these workshops are built and operated, there is no need to worry about making money.

   Xiao Hanzheng said with a smile, "Just take it slow, let's build a house first."

   He now wants to give his daughter-in-law, mother, younger siblings a comfortable living environment and life.

   Shi Qingluo agreed, "Old Xiao, we can always think of it together."

   Xiao Hanzheng chuckled: "Who made us husband and wife?"

   Shi Qing frowned and smiled, "That's right, husband and wife work together to cut the money."

   She thought about it and asked, "Are you going to study in the county town in the future?"

  Learning at home is behind closed doors. Even if you are a genius, it is not easy to excel in the exam.

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "I'm going to report to the county school next month."

   "Soon there will be a high-ranking first-rank official, a former champion, to visit relatives in the county town."

   "And I will go to the county school for a while. I want to see if I can take him as my teacher."

   "It's not difficult for me to test people, but it's not easy to go further. My knowledge is still a lot worse."

   In his previous life, because he missed the way to continue taking the imperial examinations, he later became a high-ranking officer, but he read the examination questions every year after his suspension.

   He used these test questions to write articles and show them to others, but the evaluations he got were all lacking.

   What he lacks is the guidance of famous teachers, whether it is to go to the county school to have teaching and class guidance, or to worship a talented teacher in the belly.

   Shi Qingluo agreed, "It would be better if I could worship the other party as a teacher."

  The guidance of famous teachers is also very important in modern times, otherwise why would everyone go to a famous school?

   The first-rank officer of Zhishi knows the court very well, and he is also the number one scholar and the first, and he must be very knowledgeable.

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded: "Well, I'll try hard."

  It is naturally the best to be able to worship the other party as a teacher.

   Shi Qingluo raised his hand and made a gesture of encouragement to him, "I support you!"

   Xiao Hanzheng held her hand tightly, "Thank you lady!"

   In this life, he is finally no longer fighting alone. It feels so good.

   Today, more people in the village sell tofu, but they are all sold out.

  The three brothers of Xiao Dashu’s family also borrowed a donkey cart and rushed to the county town to sell.

  The people in the county are more willing to eat, so the sixty catties of tofu were sold out at noon.

   This made them even more excited, and as soon as they returned to the village to publicize, more people were tempted.

  More people want to buy it and resell it, so more people order tofu today.

   Xiao Dashu's three brothers set an additional 100 jin this time.

  People in the nearby villages also heard about tofu as a food, and some people came to exchange tofu early the next morning, or bought it for resale.

   The workload of the few people who came to make tofu has increased greatly, and some people want to sell tofu or sell it to their family after finishing their work.

   Shi Qingluo wanted to increase their enthusiasm for work. After all, selling tofu is obviously easier to make money than making tofu.

   Therefore, they promised that as long as their family members came to get tofu, they would pay three cents if they bought more than ten pounds.

   That is, if they sell tofu, they can earn two cents more per pound than others.

   But you need to work in the workshop all the time. If you leave, this benefit will be cancelled.

   There were still a few people who wanted to sell tofu, but now they no longer hesitate, and of course they continue to do it.

  Because tofu is easy to sell, all the tofu made in the morning were sold out, and some people didn’t get it.

   Everyone kept telling Mother Xiao to let her bring people to do more tomorrow.

   Xiao's mother agreed leisurely. The business of the tofu workshop was getting better day by day, which made her more motivated.

Xiao Hanzheng and Shi Qingluo went to the county seat not long after the tofu was sold.

   The two of them went by ox cart. There is a person in the next village who specially pulls the ox cart into the county town to make a living.

   It takes about an hour to walk to the county seat. It doesn’t save much time by riding an ox cart, but you don’t have to walk.

   After getting off the bus at the county seat, Shi Qingluo rubbed his numb waist, "When we have money, let's go buy a carriage."

   It takes 20 to 30 minutes for the carriage to travel to and from the county seat.

  If it wasn't in a crowded place in the county seat, Xiao Hanzheng would have reached out and rubbed his little daughter-in-law's waist, "Okay, buy it!"

   When Shi Qingluo heard his arrogant words, he was overjoyed.

  Fortunately, she made the first move, and there is no one who is cheap.

   (end of this chapter)

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