Chapter 59 Be His Little Sweetheart

  When the third child really had nothing to do with the dead girl.

  The old lady and the old man came, and the dead girl threatened to beat the fourth child, which made the old couple feel distressed and had to give in.

   When they became parents, she would go to the old fairy to cut off their children and grandchildren.

   When the fourth child comes, she will go to school to ruin the fourth child's reputation.

  The big room and the second room will not be the opponents of this dead girl.

   They also heard that the people of the old Xiao family are going to sell their houses and go to Beijing.

   They suspected that it was the ghost of the dead girl.

  After all, before she got married, the old Xiao family stayed in the village peacefully, but they didn't say they wanted to go to Beijing.

   The dead girl is full of bad water, and she is ruthless and poisonous, I can't afford it!

   At least you can't provoke them on the surface, every time you make a move, they lose, and they are so aggrieved that they want to vomit blood, so angry!

   Shi Qingluo shook his head, "Wrong, it's not that you don't want it, it's that you are not qualified to."

   She said again: "In the future, let's do more good deeds and accumulate more merits, so that we can have a chance to give birth to a son."

   When the third child was taken aback, he took the initiative to ask, "Really?"

   Shi Qingluo said nonsense in a serious manner, "Really! My master told us to do more good deeds to accumulate merit, and then we will have good things in the future."

   If the best quality can be corrected because of this, it is also a merit.

When   , the third child touched his chin, thoughtfully.

After   , try asking: "Then I will trust you once?"

  Hey, if he could have a son, he would be willing to do something good.

   Shi Qingluo nodded irresponsibly, "Yes, trust me."

   She has no guarantees that she will give birth to a son if she does good deeds.

   But there is also a chance to be born, right?

  If you have another daughter, it means that the scum father and scum mother have not done enough good deeds.

Right, that is it.

   When the third child knew what she was thinking, he would definitely vomit blood on the spot with anger.

   When the fourth brother saw that his third brother actually believed it, he suddenly had a black line.

   "Third brother, let's go back."

   If you stay any longer, you will be crippled by the dead girl.

   Shi Qingluo also waved his hand in disgust, "Yes, it's all right, you all hurry back, my time is precious, don't delay me."

  Shi, the fourth and fourth children: "..." You don't take the top spot, so don't waste your time, why don't you go to heaven?

   "Then let's go." But one of the two was in a hurry to go back, and the other had something on his mind, so he stood up.

   Shi Qingluo was too lazy to get up and give it away, and let them go by themselves.

   Let the third child of Shi, the father, be angry again, this dead girl is getting more and more unfilial and arrogant.

   After the two left, Xiao Hanzheng looked at Shi Qingluo and said with a smile, "Is it true or false to give birth to a son?"

   Shi Qingluo glanced at him, "Of course it's fake, I'm talking nonsense, so he believes it."

   Xiao Hanzheng couldn't help laughing, "You!"

   He guessed that the little daughter-in-law was also fooling around.

   Shi Qingluo approached him and asked in a dangerous tone, "Why, you don't like me like this?"

   If he dares to despise himself, he will die.

   Xiao Hanzheng was full of desire to survive, without any hesitation, "How come, I like you like this."

   Little daughter-in-law's temperament, he really likes it.

  If the little daughter-in-law is gentle and deceitful, since she is married to him, he will still be responsible, but he will not be tempted, and treat each other as a guest.

   But the current little daughter-in-law makes him more and more unable to keep his heart.

   Living with her like this made him feel very novel, and he felt that life was interesting, and he was full of hope for the future.

  Especially he who has experienced the loneliness and stagnant water in the past life, prefers such a fresh and lively her.

   Hearing what he said, Shi Qing frowned, took his arm, leaned over and rubbed his head.

   "I knew you liked me the most."

   She said that she is so good, and she has already been married for a trial marriage. Xiao Xianggong should not dislike her.

   is so confident, hehe.

   Xiao Hanzheng's eyes were filled with a smile that she couldn't do anything about.

   and the doting and helpless tone that he hadn't noticed himself, "Yes, I like you the most."

   Shi Qingluo reached out and pulled Xiao Hanzheng, "Go, buy land and build a house."

   "With the six hundred taels sent by Shijia Jipin, we don't have to think about the source of the money, we can just tell the outside world directly."

   Otherwise, people may misunderstand that their tofu is so profitable, and they are jealous of tofu workshops.

   Xiao Hanzheng stood up and took her hand, "Okay, let's go to the patriarch now."

   "Since I used this money to buy that piece of bamboo forest to build a house, I'll use it to buy the back hill of the old house for farming when the profit from my book is down."

   He has to make money soon, and he can't let the little daughter-in-law bear it all alone.

  Especially before, he also said that he wrote a script, and that he went to the doctor a month later to earn money to build a new house.

  Since she made money first, he wouldn't have to rush with her to build a new house, it would be too detached, they are husband and wife.

   Shi Qingluo looked at him with trust and brilliance in his eyes.

   She smiled and nodded, "I believe that Brother Zheng's words will definitely sell well, I'll just wait to spend the money you earn."

  It is a good thing for a man to have a sense of responsibility, especially a man who is willing to spend money on his wife.

   And for his own man, he should boast if he should, and coax if he should.

   To be his little sweetheart.

   Sure enough, the smile in Xiao Hanzheng's eyes thickened again, "Okay, I will give you the money I earn in the future, and you can spend it as you like."

   Such a sweet little daughter-in-law really made him unable to refuse.

   Shi Qingluo cheered and kissed Xiao Hanzheng's profile again, "Brother Zheng is mighty, I like you the most!"

   She has never been in love, but she is still very good at acting like a spoiled child.

   In the past, my grandfather and grandfather often acted like a spoiled child because of her, and in the end, they couldn't help her, and they helped her suppress her parents, so that she could choose to do what she likes.

   Of course, she is not alienated from her parents, she acts like a spoiled child when she sees people, and makes video calls to make them happy when she sees no one.

   also made her parents feel helpless to her. Except for being obsessed with wanting her to take over the business, she was almost responsive to everything else.

   So although the other party was busy with work and didn't meet her too much time, her relationship with the two was not bad.

  Thinking of this, she couldn't help but miss her family.

   I don't know what happened to her twin brothers, did she follow her parents' plan, or was she just as maverick?

  Hey, when I come here, I can't even watch a good show.

   Feeling the happy little daughter-in-law, her mood suddenly fell.

   Xiao Hanzheng couldn't help but asked with concern, "Why are you suddenly unhappy?"

   He didn't offend her, did he?

   Shi Qingluo sighed without covering it up, and said truthfully, "I miss my family."

   Xiao Hanzheng couldn't help holding her hand tightly, and even hugged her sideways.

   "You have us now." He was a little scared, what would happen to him if his little daughter-in-law suddenly disappeared.

   Shi Qingluo leaned his head on his shoulder and rubbed it again, "Well, I have only you now."

   Fortunately, there are Xiao's mother and Xiao Xianggong, otherwise she would not know whether she would still live with such great enthusiasm.

   "Well, I won't leave you." Xiao Hanzheng grabbed her hand and said.

   Shi Qingluo's emotions come and go quickly.

   "Let's go, let's go to the patriarch's house."

   As soon as it comes, be safe.

  I comforted myself even more, maybe she died here in the future and could go back.

   Today's update is over, thank you for tipping and voting dear~~



   (end of this chapter)

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