Chapter 60 Can’t Just Forget It

   Xiao Hanzheng took Shi Qingluo's hand and walked from the house to the patriarch's house.

  When you meet people in the village along the way, you will greet them politely.

  Because he was admitted as a scholar, he did not change his attitude towards everyone and became arrogant, so he had a good reputation in the village.

   Everyone doesn't feel that Xiao Hanzheng is very distant, and they are very happy to talk to him.

   After the two walked away, the villagers gathered together to talk.

   "Don't say it, Xiao Xiucai and his daughter-in-law have a really good relationship."

   "His daughter-in-law looked like she was capable, and she woke him up with joy as soon as she arrived at their house, and she took their family to make tofu for a living. I like this lucky girl to come to my house."

   "The key is to stand up, not afraid of being bullied by the old Xiao family, like Kong, Xiao Xiucai is not at ease when going to school and taking exams."

   "After all, he is the apprentice of the old god, how could he be caught by the people of the Xiao family's old house."

   "Xiao Xiucai is also very lucky, to be able to find such a daughter-in-law, it looks like the two are a good match."

   The impression of Shi Qingluo and the villagers is also very good.

  Especially the one who made money selling tofu these days, all his good things were said about her.

On the other side, Xiao Hanzheng dragged Shi Qing into the patriarch's house.

   The patriarch smiled and asked his daughter-in-law to serve tea to the two of them.

   Looking at Xiao Hanzheng's recovery, he was very happy.

   He asked with concern: "What are you going to do next?"

   Xiao Hanzheng replied with a smile: "I want to go to the county school to continue studying, and try it out in a year."

   The patriarch is very optimistic about Xiao Hanzheng, "I support this."

   "You go to the county school, and other clan elders and I will take care of your home."

  The Xiao clan also had scholars and officials in the previous dynasty, but unfortunately after the establishment of the new dynasty, there were only two talented people named Tongsheng and Xiao Hanzheng.

   Those two Tongsheng didn't seem to have any drama, but Xiao Hanzheng's potential was unlimited.

  Xiao Hanzheng smiled and thanked, "Thank you for the care of the patriarch. If Hanzheng can go to a high place in the future, he will definitely remember everyone's help and give back to the Xiao family."

  Compared to many villages, the Xiao family in their Xiaxi Village is really good.

   To be replaced by the patriarch and Lizheng of the next village, because of his status as a scumbag, it would be fine not to take the lead in rejecting their family, let alone take care of them.

   The patriarch smiled and said, "It's good if you have a heart."

   He will not pretend to say that when Xiao Hanzheng reaches a high position in the future, he will not need to support the Xiao family.

   The reason why he takes so much care of Xiao Hanzheng's family is not only because he likes this young man very much and he is from the same clan, but also because of his potential.

   is likely to lead the Xiao family out in the future.

   Sitting and chatting for a while, Xiao Hanzheng said, "Patriarch, we are here today to buy land."

The patriarch    was stunned, "Buy the land? Could it be that you want to buy the old Xiao's land? I suggest you not to buy that."

   He does not approve of this.

   The old Xiao family is very difficult to deal with. After buying the land, if the other party returns to the village in the future, he still doesn’t know how to make trouble.

   Xiao Hanzheng's heart warmed, the patriarch has been very good to him for two generations, and it would not have been such a straightforward suggestion for others.

   He smiled and replied, "It's not the land of Lao Xiao's family, we want to buy the bamboo forest near the river, plus the barren hills behind."

   The patriarch was a little inexplicable, "Why did you buy that mountain? It's only suitable for growing bamboo, and there's no way to open up wasteland."

   Xiao Hanzheng said truthfully: "We bought it to build a new house."

   The patriarch thought for a while and said, "Although that mountain is not very useful, if you want to buy it, the cheapest price should be thirty or forty taels of silver."

   That is an unowned mountain. To buy and apply for a mountain deed, you have to go to the county office.

   He doesn't think that Xiao Hanzheng's family can have so much money to buy a mountain and build a house after selling tofu for such a short period of time.

  Xiao Hanzheng said truthfully: "The Wu family took a fancy to the things left by her master in my wife's hand, and spent 600 taels to buy them, so we have enough money now."

   With the temperament of the Wu family, this matter could not be concealed.

  When the fourth child took the little black ball and traded it, the Wu family must have taken the initiative to release the news of 600 taels to them, and wanted them to be remembered.

   It would be better for them to say it themselves and spend the money on the bright side.

  The patriarch was amazed. He didn't expect that Dalang's daughter-in-law still had something so valuable.

   "That's fine. I'll go ask you tomorrow and let you know when I have an answer."

  The old house is really too dilapidated, and the new one is good.

  Xiao Hanzheng smiled and thanked, "I'm sorry you are old!"

   After sitting for a while, the two left.

   On the other hand, the Wu family got six small black **** from Shi Lao Si.

   On the surface, the fourth child was very polite, and he also packed some unused fabrics for him to take away.

After the    people left, the head of the Wu family and the eldest young master of the Wu family called the grandma over.

   "Look, is this the little black ball that Shi Qingluo used to threaten you before?"

  The old lady stepped forward and took a closer look, "Yes, this is it."

   Young Master Wu suggested, "Father, let's try our power first."

   Master Wu nodded, "Okay, try it now."

   After all, they haven't seen it with their own eyes, so they have to make sure before deciding whether to hire someone to tinker with this thing.

   The three went to a remote garden in the backyard.

  The old lady pointed to the lead on the little black ball, "I saw that dead girl lit it here with a fire stick, and then threw it out immediately and it exploded."

   Wu family master and Wu Dashao both took their lives, so they called a servant to try.

  The little servant lit the lead with a fire stick, and immediately threw it towards the open space in the distance.

   "Boom!" A loud bang exploded.

  The dirt on the ground was blown up and splashed a little.

   The head of the Wu family was also taken aback by the explosion.

   He turned his head and asked the old lady, "Is it such a power? It sounds scary."

  The old lady nodded: "That's it, it's scary."

The    voice was similar to what she had heard before.

   As for the power, it should be the same, right?

   She was frightened and didn't pay much attention.

   It was the first time that the head of the Wu family saw something with such a loud noise, and it was still very shocking. No wonder Shijia and the old mama were frightened.

   He waved his hand, "Okay, you can go down."

  The old lady immediately retreated.

  Only Patriarch Wu and Young Master Wu were left in the backyard.

  Wu family head said: "It would be better if this thing was more powerful."

   Wu Dashao said with a smile: "When people come to study, mention it to see if it can increase the power."

   He added: "If this thing can be produced in large quantities, our Wu family will definitely be able to make a contribution after it is delivered."

   Wu family head nodded, "Yes, let's find a craftsman to study and fiddle with it from tomorrow."

   "Yes." Wu Dashao nodded, thought about it and asked, "Father, we can't just forget about the six hundred taels."

   That woman not only made his younger brother's marriage marriage unsuccessful, but he was finally buried alone.

   also blackmailed them for six hundred taels. Is their Wu family’s money so easy to get?

   (end of this chapter)

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