Chapter 62 is under her control

   Shi Qingluo listened to the best of Xiao's family, and then called Xiao Hanzheng to leave and go home.

   After returning home, Shi Qingluo took out a few pieces of rock candy and handed it to Erlang.

   "Erlang, give these pieces of candy to your friends and let them walk around the door of the old house to see who is visiting before dinner."

   "If anyone gives you useful news, give him an extra piece of candy."

   Sugar is very expensive these days, and the village usually can’t bear to buy it for home use, let alone for children.

   Most of the children in the village have never eaten candy since childhood.

   Rock candy is not yet available in Daliang, she made it to sweeten Xiaomei and Erlang, which is more convenient than white sugar.

   Let the children stare so that you can see who in the village might be related to the Wu family.

   In the future, I will make a fortune in the village and never play with the other party.

   Erlang looked at Bingtang with some reluctance, "Sister-in-law, this is candy, do you really want to give it to them?"

   Shi Qingluo rubbed Erlang's head with a smile, "You want someone to do things for you, how can you do it if you don't give benefits?"

   "If you give up, you will get it."

   "You have to slowly learn to see far away. Anything you can buy with money, or you can make yourself is not a problem, there is nothing to give up."

   "After eating, I'll do it again."

   Erlang is very sensible and well-behaved, but his vision is too limited, and he will be taught to see farther in the future.

   Erlang nodded, "I understand that my sister-in-law wants to bribe the people who do things for me, so that they can be more attentive."

   "We should be generous when we are human, and don't lose it because we are reluctant."

   Shi Qingluo smiled and nodded, "Yes, our Erlang is really smart."

   Erlang likes his sister-in-law to praise himself, "It's all well taught by my sister-in-law, so I'll go find a friend."

   "Go." Shi Qingluo waved his hand.

   Xiao Hanzheng does not interfere with how the little daughter-in-law teaches her younger siblings.

   He also doesn't want his younger siblings to become the kind of temperament that can be easily fooled, and the little daughter-in-law teaches them well.

   He looked at Shi Qingluo and asked, "What kind of house do you want to build, any ideas? I'll draw it."

   Shi Qingluo replied, "I have a lot of ideas."

   "Let's go, let's go back to the house and draw it. I also want to change the structure of the house, and I don't want to use the current type."

   She took Xiao Hanzheng's hand and walked to the room.

   Xiao Hanzheng held it back and entered the room together.

   took out the pen and paper, wrote down the requests and suggestions made by Shi Qingluo little by little, and then picked up the pen to draw after synthesizing.

   On the other side, an old woman from the village went to visit Lao Xiao's house.

  Her son, who was the second child at the Wu family's inn, went home on purpose and asked her to encourage Mrs. Xiao to do something.

   So she took the initiative to come.

After    came to the door, she kept mentioning that Xiao Hanzheng's family earned 600 taels of silver from the Wu family, and her tone was envious and sour.

   also means something, if you have a few hundred taels, you can do as many things as you can, and how many things you can buy after going to the capital.

  Old Mrs. Xiao and others were calm on the surface, but the pain inside was terrible.

   has been constantly comforting himself, there are countless six hundred taels waiting for them after going to Beijing.

   In addition, Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng were not easy to provoke, and they had to rely on those two to make ideas, so they could only forcibly hold back.

   I have to say that Shi Qingluo's suppression in advance is still very effective, otherwise the Wu family's plan will be successful.

  The old woman was almost instigated and left.

   She knew the temperament of Mrs. Xiao and others, and not expressing her position did not mean that she would not make trouble.

   Xiao Xiucai's family has six hundred taels, and the old Xiao family will never let it go.

   She just waited for the old Xiao family to be troubled, so that she could let her son go to the Wu family to collect the reward money.

   But when it was dark, she didn't find that Mrs. Xiao went to Xiao Xiucai's house to make trouble.

   I can't help but be a little disappointed, and I want to wait and see it tomorrow.

   She didn't know, just after she left Lao Xiao's house, there were two children in the village, excitedly ran to Erlang to sell her.

When Erlang got the news and came back and said, Xiao Hanzheng remembered.

   "This man's son seems to be the second child in the county seat. It seems that it is an inn opened by the Wu family."

   The little daughter-in-law is very powerful, and she is under her control.

   Shi Qingluo said: "In all likelihood, it was the little Er who came back and asked his mother to go and encourage the old lady."

  Once this matter is confirmed, "Let's not take his house to play in the future."

   She is generous when she is generous, and careful when she is careful.

   As long as she wants to calculate or someone who has calculated her, she will not be soft-hearted.

   This is especially to Xiao Hanzheng's appetite, he raised his hand and brushed the hair around her ear for her, "Okay, I won't take them to play."

  The two of them stopped talking about it, and discussed the general appearance and characteristics of the new house to be built.

   Seeing that Xiao Xianggong basically painted the house he wanted to build, she found that he was very good at painting.

   The key is that he is really good, and he does everything according to his own wishes, such as building a separate toilet, washroom, bathroom, etc.

   In order to flush toilets and showers, she had to drain the pipes.

  Iron is very expensive, and the government has restrictions on the purchase of iron, and it is impossible to use it to build pipes.

  So Xiao Xianggong also helped her to go out and order pottery pipes, and the price is cheap and there is no limit.

  When the time comes, it will be installed outside, wrapped with straw, etc., and it is easy to replace if it is broken.

  After eating, Shi Qingluo took Xiao Hanzheng to take a walk near the bamboo forest by the river, and by the way, they discussed the drawings together.

  When it was getting dark, the two went back holding hands.

   The next day, the patriarch asked his son to go to the county seat to ask about the price and the deed of the mountain to buy the bamboo forest.

  The son of the patriarch came back in the morning, and the patriarch asked Xiao Hanzheng to call over.

   After a quarter of an hour, Xiao Hanzheng went home.

   "Ma'am, the mountain in the bamboo forest can be bought for thirty-five taels of silver, so you can do it now."

   "Then the government will send someone to measure, and I will go to the county seat to apply for the mountain deed."

   He found that since Mo Qingling became the county magistrate, the efficiency of the county office has been much higher.

Change the    to the past, there are not a few days, don't even think about doing it well.

   Even if you deliberately get another card, you may have no news for a month or two if you don't put money in.

   Xiao Hanzheng was still thinking that if the former magistrate was still there, he would have to find a way to pull him down.

   Fortunately, Mo Qingling is here.

   Shi Qingluo pointed to the small wooden box where the silver was placed, "You take the silver and go do it with the patriarch's son."

   She did not hide the money alone, but put it in a small wooden box, and she and Xiao Xianggong would take it by themselves if they wanted to use it.

  In ancient times, if you wanted to go to the county government and other places to do errands, you needed men in the family, and women were basically not involved.

   There are no special circumstances, and she will not deliberately go against these, so she is not prepared to follow.

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded: "Okay, I'll do it."

   Sure enough, Xiao Hanzheng got the mountain deed that day.

   He also hired craftsmen specializing in house repairs in the county town to be responsible for the construction and overall control, and recruited people in the village to assist in the repairs.

  Not only ten cents a day, but also breakfast and lunch.

   Now that the busy farming season is over, many strong men in the village have come to Xiao’s house to help repair the house.

   Shi Qingluo also asked Xiao's mother to invite a few women with good personalities and good personalities to come and cook specially.

  The next day, craftsmen came from the county town and started building a new house.

  The old mansion was heartbroken when he heard it, and he was in a hurry to sell the old mansion and land one after another, and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

   In this way, it will be out of sight and out of mind.

   (end of this chapter)

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