Chapter 63 Don't Cry

   After half a month, the people in the old house packed up their luggage and prepared to go to Beijing.

   After selling the old house and the land, plus the money left by Xiao Lao Er before he left, the people in the old house have several hundred taels of silver in their hands.

   So he directly rented a few carriages to take them to Beijing.

   Early in the morning, the carriage from the county town came to pick up people from Lao Xiao's house.

   When Shi Qingluo heard from the tofu buyer, he took Xiao Hanzheng to see him off.

  The salute was loaded onto the carriage, and the people of the old Xiao family looked at the house reluctantly.

   After all, after living here for so many years, they are leaving suddenly, and it is not their home when they come back.

   Shi Qingluo saw them like this as soon as he came.

   So he stepped forward and said, "What's so bad about this broken place, you are people who want to do big things."

   "Wouldn't it be nice to live in the General's Mansion, which is dozens of times bigger than your old house, or even a hundred times bigger?"

   "Could it be that you guys still want to come back?"

   These words broke the reluctance and sadness of the Xiao family's top classmates.

   Damn girl, what she said is so very reasonable.

  Where is the General's Mansion comparable to this broken place, what do they have to give up?

  They don't want to come back.

   Mrs. Xiao glanced at Shi Qingluo, "Why are you here?"

   Shi Qingluo said with a smile: "I can't bear you, so I will see you off."

  Old Xiao family: "..." So fake.

   Shi Qingluo said again: "Although we have broken up our families, isn't it more reliable than your son who only cared about his own happiness, but left you in his hometown in the countryside and continued to suffer?"

  Old Xiao family: "..." Heartbroken.

   This dead girl did it on purpose.

   Old lady Xiao said angrily, "You don't have to come to deliver."

   Shi Qingluo leaned in front of her, looking like she had a good relationship.

   said with a more aggrieved look: "Old lady, what you said really hurts my heart, but I have always thought of everything for you."

   Old lady Xiao got goosebumps, "Just say something."

  Shi Qingluo asked in a low voice, "Did the Xiao Hu clan come to the door two weeks ago to encourage you to come and make trouble with me?"

   Mrs. Xiao's eyes widened, "How did you know?"

   Then I found myself being ripped off.

   But it doesn't matter, the key is that she really can't figure out how the dead girl knew.

   Shi Qingluo raised his finger to the sky, and said to Huyou with a bit of mystery: "My master is an old fairy, what do I not know?"

   Mrs. Xiao: "..." Do I really want to believe it?

   But if you don't believe it, the dead girl can't know about it.

   also made Shi Qingluo a little more apprehensive.

  I was still thinking that after I arrived at the General's Mansion in the capital, I had my grandson write a letter to ask the dead girl how to help them, and I immediately put it away.

   She explained: "We didn't listen to her encouragement."

   Shi Qingluo gave her a look that I understand, "The old lady is a smart person, of course she won't be fooled."

   She then asked inadvertently, "You all go to Beijing as a horse-drawn carriage, not by water?"

   This is the point of coming to see you off today.

   Old lady Xiao didn't think much, and replied truthfully: "Yes, we have a lot of luggage, and it's troublesome to move around by water."

   Although they have never been on a long-distance boat, they heard that the water is sometimes dangerous.

   capsize or encounter water pirates and die, so even if the waterway time is shorter, they still choose to ride the carriage all the way.

  Shi Qingluo agreed with a face, "Yes, if you are on a boat if you are very seasick, you will suffer too much for a long time, and you may get sick or even die."

   "Old lady, you are so lucky, of course you want to save your fortune to go to the General's Mansion to be an old lady and enjoy."

   So don't change your mind about taking a boat.

   A smile appeared on the originally calm face of the old lady, which she liked to hear.

  Old Immortal's apprentices say that she has great luck, and she must have it.

   "You are sweet."

   Shi Qing coaxed, "I like to tell the truth."

  The old lady was even happier, "Don't worry, when we gain a firm foothold in the capital, we will also benefit from you."

   She thought that the two of Shi Qingluo came to see him off, and she also hoped that it would be beneficial in the future.

   Shi Qingluo knew she had misunderstood and didn't explain it, and followed her words: "I like smart people like the old lady the most."

   thought that she was also thinking about the benefits of the scumbag family, so that the old lady and others would trust her ideas more.

   She asked Xiao Dalang again, "Remember what I said before?"

   Xiao Dalang patted his chest, "Don't worry, just wait for my letter."

   Shi Qingluo gave him a thumbs up, "Very good."

   Then the people in the old house got into the carriage one after another, and Shi Qingluo smiled warmly and said, "Take care all the way!"

   Cherish the first half of the journey, and don’t cry during the second half of the journey. If you want to cry, you can endure it until you go to the capital.

  The people of the old Xiao family didn't know what she was thinking, but the attitude towards her was very useful, and the hatred for her was reduced a lot.

   After the carriage completely disappeared from sight.

   Shi Qingluo turned to look at Xiao Hanzheng, "Old Xiao, I'll leave it to you next."

  If she has already figured it out, she will have to go to the man who robs the money, and she is not familiar with it.

   Xiao Hanzheng chuckled and held her hand, "Don't worry, just leave it to me."

   These people also deserve to suffer, and they go to the capital after suffering great grievances, so that they can be better demons.

   He said again: "The day after tomorrow, I'm going to go out. It may take ten days and a half to come back, so I'll do this incidentally."

  Shi Qingluo remembered what he said before, "You go to treat diseases to make money?"

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "Well, by the way, to earn a favor."

   Shi Qingluo asked, "How far?"

  Otherwise, it would take ten days and a half to come back.

   Xiao Hanzheng replied: "It's not too far to go to Fucheng, but it will take some time."

   Shi Qingluo didn't know about Fucheng, so he didn't ask much, "Then come back as soon as you finish your work, we'll be waiting for you at home."

   She added, "Let me build the house and the home."

   Xiao Hanzheng held her hand tightly, "Okay, I'll have to work hard after I leave."

   He likes to listen to her, waiting for him at home, it's nice to have a home.

  Two days later, Xiao Hanzheng left home with the herbs he picked and prepared from the mountain recently.

   That night, Shi Qingluo lost sleep.

   Looking at the half-empty bed, she sighed, habit is a terrible thing.

  Hey, I miss Xiao Xianggong!

   Xiao Hanzheng, who lives in the inn on the other side, also lost sleep.

  On the first day he came out, he started to miss home and his daughter-in-law.

   And since he was reborn, he has never had insomnia, and it is difficult to fall asleep again just like in his previous life.

   He is really not used to not having his little daughter-in-law lying beside him.

   In the next time, while supervising the construction of the house, Shi Qingluo went to the county town to buy a few ordinary chrysanthemums, and grafted and cultivated a tricolor chrysanthemum.

   took Mother Xiao and Erlang, and successively planted all the empty places on the mountain with the bamboos she had raised.

   also poured all the spiritual spring water, so that it would not be easy to die.

   Today, she just came back from the new house.

   As soon as he got home, he saw Bai Xu sitting in the yard.

   As soon as he saw her come in, his face also showed excitement.

   The corners of Shi Qingluo's lips rose, the fat sheep are coming!

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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