Chapter 84 is really bold

   Early the next morning, Xiao Hanzheng went to the county office with some saltpeter on his back.

   Mo Qingling heard that Xiao Xiucai wanted to see him, and was a little inexplicable.

   He had heard the name of Xiao Hanzheng, the first small three yuan in Nanxi County, and he was famous.

   But what impressed him the most was Xiao Hanzheng's little daughter-in-law who tied his husband to complain last time.

   He had something on hand, but he put it down and let Xiao Hanzheng be called in.

  Xiao Hanzheng is a scholar, so he does not need to bow down when he sees an official.

   gave Mo Qingling a scholar's gift, "Students have seen adults!"

  Mo Qingling looked at the gentle and elegant young man who walked in, and he couldn't help but feel a little favor.

   Xiao Hanzheng's temperament does not look like a scholar from a poor family in the countryside at all.

   Mo Qingling was only a few years older than Xiao Hanzheng.

   But he still appreciates his talented peers.

   A smile appeared on his stern face, "No gift, please sit down!"

   He asked straight to the point: "You came to see me today, what's the matter?"

   is really busy with official business, and there is no extra time to waste.

   Xiao Hanzheng knew what kind of person Mo Qingling was.

   He also bluntly stated his intention, "I really have something to discuss with the adults today."

   "My wife's master once taught them how to make ice. She is grateful for the master's kindness, so she wants to make this method public."

   "Anyone who wants to learn how to make ice can do it."

   "It's just that the Wu family wanted to forcefully buy this recipe before, but my wife didn't want to waste his master's efforts, so she refused."

   "We are afraid that if we teach people to make ice in the village, the people of the Wu family will not agree to destroy it."

   "That's why I wanted to ask the adults, can I borrow the free space of the Xia County Government and let me teach you how to make ice."

   "Firstly, people in the county can put ice basins at home to relieve the heat, and secondly, they can also make some ice drinks to earn some pocket money."

   He paused again, "Of course, if adults think this recipe is useful, you can also donate it to the capital, so that more people can learn to make ice and relieve the heat."

   Although Mo Qingling was very busy in the county office, he knew exactly what was going on in the county seat.

   So he had actually heard about ice making in summer, and he was a little skeptical.

  I didn't expect that Xiao Hanzheng and his wife would be so generous, not only to donate the recipe for free, but also to teach everyone how to make ice.

   This is also a good thing for the people, and he will naturally not object.

   But he still asked: "Have you made up your mind?"

  Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "I've thought about it, I hope you can do it!"

  Mo Qingling lamented that Xiao Hanzheng and his wife were really courageous and had a better impression of them.

   "Since there is such a good thing, this official must be fulfilled naturally."

   He asked curiously, "Is it difficult to make ice?"

   Xiao Hanzheng replied: "It's not difficult, just need one thing."

   "I've already brought it, do you want to make ice on the spot for adults to see?"

   Watching his daughter-in-law make ice, he thought it was amazing.

   So seeing it with your own eyes is more convincing.

  Mo Qingling also wanted to see, "Okay!"

   So according to what Xiao Hanzheng said, someone found a large wooden basin and put it on the ground, and put a small wooden barrel inside.

   added water to the barrel and the tub.

   Mo Qingling and the people from the county government then saw Xiao Hanzheng take out a few small white stones from the basket and threw them into the big wooden basin.

   "Wait a moment, the water in the small wooden barrel will freeze."

   Mo Qingling and the people from the county government office: "..." Why does it feel so unreliable.

   Throwing a stone into a water basin makes the water in the unstoned bucket freeze? real or fake?

   Mo Qingling's suspicions deepened, but he still did not refute.

   "Okay, then I'll work first, you drink tea for a while, and I'll come back when the ice is ready."

   Not long after he took over Nanxi County, the previous magistrate had a backlog of official duties.

  Since he came here, although he didn’t really come here to be the county magistrate, he still wanted to do a good job because he was looking for a job there.

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "Adult free!"

   The yamen in the county yali has been staring at the wooden barrel curiously.

   After half a sound, one of the yamen couldn't help shouting, "The water is really freezing!"

  The other yamen also walked over to see, "It's really frozen, so amazing."

   "As expected of an old fairy, he could come up with a way to make ice in summer."

   "The apprentice of the old immortal is also smart and has learned everything."

   A group of people sighed around the wooden basin, and soon Mo Qingling also came out from the inside.

   Seeing that the water in the wooden barrel really began to freeze, he was shocked.

   Seeing is believing, otherwise, he would be hard-pressed to hear others say this method.

   He is also a wise man, "This water can freeze into ice, does it have something to do with the white stone you just threw?"

   Xiao Hanzheng replied: "Yes, this is saltpeter, which can be used medicinally, and some Taoists will use it to make alchemy, and you can buy it in drugstores."

  Mo Qingling quickly asked the point, "Will it cost a lot of money to make ice with this saltpeter?"

   Xiao Hanzheng said truthfully: "If you go directly to the saltpeter, it will just take a little time and energy, no money."

   "If you go to buy it, it will cost a lot."

   The cost of making ice with saltpeter is not low, and they have not tried to promote it nationwide, so anyone can use it.

   is just to announce this method so that everyone can learn it.

   is also conducive to the development of saltpeter mines.

   Saltpeter found by poor people can also be transported to the city and sold to big families to improve their lives.

   The key daughter-in-law is to let people in the county take the initiative to develop the saltpeter mountain near the Taoist temple, so as to make profits for everyone, but also to open a way by the way.

   and other saltpeter mines are almost mined, and their workshops should be able to drive fire.

   The little daughter-in-law thinks about things, often linking one link after another, so he can't help but admire it.

   Mo Qingling knew what Xiao Hanzheng meant when he heard it.

   It seems that this method of making ice requires a high cost.

   The average person may not be able to use it, but it can also benefit the poor who are lucky enough to find saltpeter.

   Of course, this method is definitely better than nothing.

  How many years have the girders been built, and after the war stopped, many places are waiting to spend money.

  The external expenses of the imperial court are huge, and the household department is often short of money, and now the palace still uses the ice storage of the previous dynasty.

  The amount of ice storage is limited, so the palace is also short of ice every year.

  There are many concubines and ministers who come to the emperor to ask for ice in summer.

If    is offered in this way, the sage will surely be happy.

  Mo Qingling thought for a while and said, "Write down this ice-making method, and I will send someone to the capital to dedicate it to Your Majesty, and let the people of Daliang learn it."

   For the sage and the court, the reputation among the people is also good.

   Then he added, "You also wrote down the source of this ice-making method on paper."

   This also means that he will let His Majesty know that this recipe was brought out by Xiao Hanzheng and his wife.

   He will not be greedy for the credit of the two of them.

   also gives the method of making ice a source.

   (end of this chapter)

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