Chapter 85 This trick is too cruel

   Xiao Hanzheng knew that Mo Qingling was not the kind of person who would greed for the credit of others.

   He didn't pretend to shirk, but handed over, "Yes!"

   If it was the prefect who got the recipe, he would definitely write it in his own hand, and he would even say that he discovered it by accident.

   will definitely ignore and erase the credit of their husband and wife, and then wait for the opportunity to erase both of them by the way, leaving no future troubles.

   Therefore, it is best for the upright Mo Qingling to do this.

   Xiao Hanzheng wrote the recipe and source clearly on the spot and handed it to Mo Qingling.

   "Sir, I'll be fine now, why don't I start teaching people how to make ice today?"

   The prefect and Wu Dashao should already be on their way to the village.

  Mo Qingling is also a very efficient person, "Yes!"

   He then personally wrote a secret ensemble, sandwiching the recipe written by Xiao Hanzheng, and attached a few pieces of saltpeter brought by the other party, so that they immediately rushed to the capital.

After the    was over, he immediately asked the people from the county government office to write a notice to go out.

   means that Xiao Xiucai will teach people to make ice for free at the county office, and anyone who wants to learn can come here.

   When Xiao Hanzheng came to the county town in the morning, he gave each of the little beggars a few coins and asked them to stare at the county government.

   As long as a notice is posted, let them immediately publicize it in the county seat.

   So soon, it was passed on from ten to ten, and many people in the county knew that they could learn how to make ice for free.

   Many people went to the county government office to see it out of curiosity.

   When they saw that ice can really be made in summer, many people exclaimed that it was amazing and began to learn from Xiao Hanzheng.

  Some people are purely for fun, while others have the idea of ​​making money.

   On the other side, in the village.

   Shi Qingluo was cooking cold mung bean soup for the villagers in the workshop.

   As soon as it was poured for everyone to drink, he saw Wu Dashao walking in with a middle-aged man.

   When the villagers who were present saw Wu Dashao coming again, they all stood up with their bowls in their hands and stared defensively.

  Today Dalang went to the county seat, they couldn't let his wife be bullied.

   Young Master Wu frowned when he saw the defensive appearance of these villagers.

  These people are really stupid, and he doesn't bother to care about them.

   He looked at Shi Qingluo, and said arrogantly: "Shi Qingluo, this is the master sent by the prefect, come and see you soon."

   Shi Qing raised his eyebrows, "I want to ask, what kind of official is the master? Who ordered the people to see them?"

   Offending the Wu family also offends the prefect behind them, so she doesn't need to be more polite.

   Besides, it's just a master, and it's not laughable and generous.

   The master, who was smiling originally, had a stiff smile, and his eyes showed displeasure.

   This village girl is really rude.

   But thinking of what he was going to do today, he still held back his temper and said, "I don't need to meet you."

   He said again: "But I was ordered to come to you today on purpose."

   When talking to such a village woman, you don't have to go around in circles.

   Shi Qingluo pretended not to know their purpose, "What's the matter?"

   deliberately deepened his tone and said: "If it is to buy ice-making recipes, I told Wu Dashao before, not to sell."

   "Even if he moved out the prefect, I would have the same attitude."

   This also attracted the contempt of the villagers for Wu Dashao.

  This person is so shameless, he didn't force him to buy a prescription, but he went to find someone from the prefect.

   But they are also very worried. After all, it is the prefect. If Dalang's wife doesn't sell the property, they don't know if there will be trouble.

   What Wu Dashao and Master wanted to say was blocked by Shi Qingluo.

  Master's face darkened slightly, this village woman is really unreasonable, and she even said these things in public.

   He said: "We are not here to buy goods."

  Shi Qingluo immediately asked, "Then why are you here?"

  Master choked: "..." What should I do with this?

   Why is this village woman answering so quickly.

   But he still bite the bullet and said: "The lord knows that you have got a way to make ice in summer, so you are ready to dedicate it to the Holy One."

   "So sent me here to get you the method of making ice."

   Flickered and threw the bait again, "When our adults dedicate this recipe to the saint, your whole family will be honored."

   A pair of Shi Qingluo and the others seem to have taken a lot of advantage.

  Shi Qing raised his eyebrows, "So this recipe was actually presented by your prefect, and we are not his relatives, so what are we doing with glory?"

   She pointed out meaningfully again, "The Wu family can follow the glory."

  Master frowned, why is this village woman so difficult to deal with?

   bold and articulate.

   If it were another village woman who heard that the recipe was to be presented to the emperor, then he would not be so excited and in awe that he would forget everything, and quickly take out the recipe.

   But this village woman is so sensible and sober, which is too rare.

   Although the villagers are not so smart, they are not stupid.

   As soon as I heard what Shi Qingluo meant, I understood.

   This is the Wu family united with the prefect to take away the recipe, dedicate it to the emperor, and then take the credit.

   is really shameless and shameless.

   also made them angry. Dalang's wife said before that she would teach them how to make ice.

   If this was taken away by the prefect, how would they learn it?

   Each of them couldn't help but glared at the master.

   Master felt the unfriendly eyes of the villagers, and frowned even more deeply.

   After all, this is not his own territory, and he also wants to coax the recipe as soon as possible.

   So he smiled and said to Shi Qingluo: "This recipe also has a share of your credit, and your whole family will naturally be honored."

   "Get the recipe out now."

   Shi Qing spread out his hands, "It's too late!"

  Master is puzzled, "Why is it late?"

   Shi Qingluo replied with a smile: "My husband took the recipe to the county office early this morning."

   "Not only did the recipe be handed over to Magistrate Mo, but also the method of making ice was made public so that everyone who wants to learn it can learn it."

   Master and Master Wu changed their faces, "What?"

   Wu Dashao asked angrily: "Do you really say this?"

   Shi Qingluo liked to see their anxious appearance, "Of course it's true, you can ask others if you don't believe me."

  The villagers also said, "Yes, Dalang went to the county office early in the morning."

   Fortunately, we went early this morning, otherwise wouldn't the Wu family and the prefects succeed?

   Young Master Wu and Master Wu's faces turned green, and they were so angry.

   Young Master Wu didn't know, they were insulted by Shi Qingluo and his wife, "Shi Qingluo, you guys are really good."

   He absolutely did not believe that such a coincidence happened.

   As soon as they were about to ask for the recipe, the two ran to offer the recipe, and the takeaway was made public.

   Shi Qingluo looked innocent, "I don't know what you're talking about."

   "Anyway, it's useless if you continue to threaten me, the recipe has already been made public."

   She then looked at Wu Dashao and the master with a half-smile.

   "If you also want to learn how to make ice, go to the county office now, and you can catch up, not to mention spending money."

   Young Master Wu and Master: "..." They want to learn a fart, what they want is a secret recipe!

   Wu Dashao's face was a little distorted, "You wait for me, I will definitely not forget it."

   This trick of the dead girl and Xiao Hanzheng is too ruthless.

   (end of this chapter)

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