Chapter 91 That must

   Shi Qingluo is rolling up his sleeves, teaching Xiao Xianggong and Xiao mother three to make soil mosquito coils.

  I don't know, because of her actions to collect eels, she will have an extra member in the future.

   Mosquito coils, Shi Qingluo did not make the modern ones.

   Instead, it is made into a root, which is more convenient, and you can order one at night.

   In addition to wormwood, wild chrysanthemum and fish bone meal, paper is also required.

  Before Xiao Xianggong went to Fucheng, they had already started making paper.

   I have just aired some of them recently. Although they are not very smooth, they are also yellowish and need continuous improvement.

   But the current khaki paper is enough for making mosquito coils.

   This time the paper is made of straw bark, which is relatively rough.

   is mainly used for experimentation. After success, when we move, we will use bamboo to make it, and improve the whiter and finer paper.

   Several people made several bundles of mosquito coils together.

   That night, two rooms were lit.

  Waking up early the next morning, Shi Qingluo had no mosquito bag.

   In the middle of the night, I didn't hear any more mosquitoes, and I had a good night's sleep.

   Xiao Hanzheng also slept well, "This mosquito coil works really well."

  Shi Qingluo smiled, "It just so happens that the sugar beet batch has already been made before, so let's recruit some women and quickly make some mosquito coils in that workshop and sell them."

   Xiao Hanzheng changed his pajamas to robes, "Are you still working with Bai Xu?"

  Shi Qingluo also got up, "I can sell some to him, but I want to attract more businessmen to come to our village to buy mosquito coils in bulk."

   "It happens that there are many people who come to buy saltpeter recently. We have to maintain a steady stream of people coming and going, and the village will become more lively and prosperous in the future."

   "The soy sauce and miso that I made before are almost ready. When the shop at the entrance of the village is repaired, they will be distributed for wholesale."

   She didn't want Bai Xu and other merchants to monopolize everything she made this time.

   I want to rely on these to attract many foreign merchants to wholesale.

   Drive the economy of Nanxi County first.

   Xiao Hanzheng used to say some unheard words to his little daughter-in-law from time to time.

  She would do this in front of him, and she was very careful with her words after she went out.

   "You can try this, I think your idea is very good."

   "We can also have a chat with Mo Qingling and make Nanxi County come alive together."

   To do this, it would be even better if there was support from the magistrate.

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "You really should discuss it with Mo Qingling."

   She smiled and looked at him, "This glorious task will be handed over to you, Lao Xiao."

   She prefers to do practical things, and Xiao Xianggong is more suitable for diplomacy.

   Xiao Hanzheng pulled her up, "Okay, I'll go."

   He asked: "You have to use women to make mosquito coils?"

   Shi Qingluo replied: "Yes, it didn't take much effort to make the women in the village earn more money, and be tough at home."

   "Sometimes I want to buy food for my children, and I don't have to be scolded by my in-laws or sneak around."

   "Let their lives get better a little bit, and they can buy more clothes every year, and even buy rouge gouache and accessories."

   She has met several times, and there are mothers-in-law in the village who scold their daughters-in-law.

  In ancient times, men were superior to women, and women’s social and family status were not high.

   Shi Qingluo is not unrealistic, and wants to change into the so-called equality between men and women.

   But I still want to try to improve the living environment of the women within my ability.

   She felt that whether in modern times or in ancient times, if she could earn money and have an income, she would not need to look at people's faces to eat, and her waist would be stiffer.

   In modern times, she has seen many examples where the economic base determines the status of the family.

   Of course, except for those who couldn't support the wall when someone else helped them.

   Although their counties are not very poor, they are definitely not rich counties.

  Women in many villages wear two or three sets of clothes throughout the year, and they are constantly patched when they are broken.

  The same goes for children, not to mention the shabby clothes, she saw that many children in the village were still running around with bare feet.

  In the memory of the original body, people in the village who can wear a pair of cloth shoes in winter are very good people.

  Most people wear straw sandals and go in the rain and snow.

   She wants to change these, even if she is very small, it doesn't matter, just start with the changes around her, and do as much as she can.

   These words touched Xiao Hanzheng a lot.

   The little daughter-in-law is really special and has such a broad mind.

   "Okay, whatever you do, I will support you."

   He stretched out his arms and hugged Shi Qingluo, "Next year's imperial examinations, I will work hard for high school and give you a backing."

   He was even more eager to enter the imperial examinations.

   As the little daughter-in-law's stalls grew larger and larger, he had to get up quickly so that he could hug her thighs.

   Shi Qingluo put his arms around Xiao Hanzheng's waist and smelled the faint scent of ink on his body, "That's necessary, Lao Xiao, you are my biggest backing."

   Then I pinched Xiao Xianggong's waist by the way, not to mention the elasticity is quite good.

   After Xiao Xianggong woke up, he ate well and exercised every day, and his body was getting better and better.

   Feeling the little daughter-in-law's hand, constantly acting like a demon on his waist, Xiao Hanzheng suddenly had a little reaction.

   He let go of Shi Qingluo in embarrassment, "I'm going to wash first."

   Watching Xiao Hanzheng take Zhong Luohuang to wash up, Shi Qingluo couldn't help but laugh.

  Oh, Xiao Xianggong is so innocent.

  After washing up, Shi Qingluo saw that Xiao Hanzheng had brought Xiaomei and Erlang to Tai Chi.

   She also walked over to join, with a smile on her face.

   When eating breakfast, Xiaomei asked curiously: "Sister-in-law, I think you are very happy today!"

   Shi Qingluo closed the curvature of his lips, "Well, I'm in a good mood today."

   She immediately changed the subject, "You weren't bitten by mosquitoes last night, right?"

   Xiaomei smiled and said, "No, sister-in-law, the mosquito-repellent incense you brought us to make is really useful."

   Erlang also said: "Yes, I used to be bitten by mosquitoes every day, and I have no mosquito bag when I wake up today."

   looked at Shi Qingluo admiringly again, "Sister-in-law, you are really amazing."

   Shi Qingluo chuckled and said, "I'm your sister-in-law, of course it's amazing."

   Xiao Hanzheng was drinking porridge with a smile in his eyes. Sure enough, the little daughter-in-law never knew what modesty was, she was straightforward and cute.

   Then Shi Qingluo said to Xiao's mother: "Mother, I want to recruit a group of women to make mosquito coils, and I will trouble you to take care of them."

  This mother-in-law is a diligent and restless temperament.

   She hopes that the other party can become self-reliant and self-improvement, so start training and exercising from now on.

   Those who let their mother-in-law take care of making mosquito coils should be able to get a lot of exercise.

   I don't say that I want to become a strong woman or a tigress in the future, but if I encounter a scumbag and a scumbag again, at least I can slap a few slaps in the face, or just scolding the scumbags who can't lift their heads.

   Xiao Hanzheng doesn't know yet, the little daughter-in-law wants to train his mother now and train to be so sturdy in the future...

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   (end of this chapter)

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