After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 92: Don't you have a point in your heart?

  Chapter 92 Don't you have any points in your heart?

   Mother Xiao did not expect her daughter-in-law to let her take charge of the people.

   She raised her head and asked hesitantly, "Can I do it?"

   Her own temperament is soft, and she still has self-knowledge.

   I'm afraid that I won't manage it well and delay my daughter-in-law's affairs.

   Shi Qingluo looked at her soothingly, "Mother will definitely do it."

   "There are only a few people in our family. When the workshop opens up in the future, I am afraid that someone will steal the recipe or break the rules, so I have to trust someone to manage it. Mother, let's try it first."

   She is quite patient with this mother-in-law.

   If you want to change the other person's temperament, you have to take it slow, you can't eat a big fat man in one breath.

   Give trust first, and then go out with a little sense of responsibility, believing that the other person's temperament cannot refuse.

   Sure enough, Mother Xiao thought it made sense, and after thinking about it, she encouraged herself, "Okay, then I'll try."

   Shi Qingluo said with a smile: "When the time comes, let my little sister take care of it for you too."

   As long as you dare to take the first step, the fear is that you will always be huddled in the shell.

   Hearing that her daughter would help, Mother Xiao felt more relieved, "Okay, we must work hard!"

   After eating, Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng went to the patriarch's house.

   After a short meeting, the village chief banged the gong at the entrance of the village.

   The sound of the gong is not small, as long as it is slapped heavily, almost the whole village can hear it.

   also represents the patriarch, who wants to convene the whole village for a meeting.

   Except for those who have already picked up tofu to sell, or have something to go out, the rest of the villagers came.

When    and others arrived, the patriarch looked at everyone and said, "Today Dalang's wife has something to say, so I called you all over."

  Because of things like tofu, saltpeter and popsicles, the income of the villagers has been increasing in the past two months.

   Therefore, everyone still respects Shi Qingluo.

  Except for a few ungrateful people, everyone else knew that today's day was brought by Shi Qingluo, so they were also grateful.

   Of course, those few ungrateful people were gradually excluded from the subsequent plan to make a fortune in the whole village.

   A woman smiled and said, "What's the matter with Dalang's daughter-in-law, you can tell me."

   Shi Qingluo didn't go around the corner, "I have developed a kind of incense that can kill mosquitoes, so I plan to recruit people to make mosquito coils in the current sugar mill."

   "But this time it's all meticulous work, and it's not laborious, so I'm going to hire only women to do the work."

   "As long as women are over twelve years old, they can apply, and I will screen them again."

   "People who have settled down will go to work every morning at dawn, and leave work before dinner in the afternoon. Breakfast and lunch can be eaten in the workshop."

   "One hundred cents a month."

   As soon as her voice fell, the villagers were shocked.

   "What? One hundred cents a month, including breakfast and lunch."

   "My man went to work in the county town before, and he only paid 100 yuan a month, and it was very hard to get up early every day and go to the dark."

   "I heard that in the Xiao family's workshop, the meals are quite good. Anyway, it is much better than the food at home."

   "The key is to work in the village. If you have anything at home, you can take care of yourself."

  The women, old women and girls in the village couldn't help but get excited.

   Before, whether it was building houses or workshops at the entrance of the village, or building Taoist temples on the mountain, the Xiao family hired men.

   Only tofu workshops and cooks employed a few women, and they paid a lot of money to cover food.

   Everyone looked at the faces of several people, their faces were much rosier and fatter than before they went to work at Xiao's house, so many women envied them.

   I didn't expect to recruit women to work now, it's an opportunity for them.

  In such a poor village in this day and age, every household really can’t wait to split a penny into half.

   One hundred yuan a month, and only women are recruited. This is something that no one dared to think about in the past.

  As long as the family members have good brains, they will not stop the women in the family from going to work.

   "Dalang's daughter-in-law, is this true? Then see if I can do it!"

   The woman who spoke first couldn't help asking.

  Shi Qingluo smiled and said, "Of course it's true."

   "Auntie, you are a diligent person, of course you can."

   "But I'll get my little sister here to sign up for a name in a while."

   Auntie said excitedly: "Report, I will report in a while."

   A man couldn't help but ask: "Is the others not hiring?"

   Shi Qingluo replied, "We're not hiring for the time being, but when the lacquer workshop opens, we'll still be hiring, so men will be needed."

   Painters need a lot of effort and hard work, so men are more suitable.

   Originally, many men in the village were disappointed, and when they heard this, they all said happily, "Okay."

   The weather is too hot recently, and the tofu will be sour if you pick it too far, so you can only sell it nearby.

As soon as   people is in the episode, the competition will be great, so the business is not as good as before, and we have to wait for the weather to cool down.

   In addition, it has not been busy with farming recently, so many people want to find a job in the Xiao family.

   After all, it is close, the wages are good and the meals are included, and the county cannot find it.

   In particular, you can also touch the joy of being a scholar, and the blessings of an old immortal apprentice. Everyone is happy.

   Next, everyone who wants to register will go to Xiaomei to register.

   Shi Qingluo didn't delay, he got the list on the spot and ordered it along the person who was going to be.

   After such a period of integration, and in addition to asking Erlang and Xiaomei to inquire, she still has an understanding of the people in the entire village.

   Which ones are hardworking, which ones are delicious and which ones are lazy, and which ones like gossip, etc., are basically mastered.

   On this list, as long as the women in the village can do activities, basically all signed up.

   There are about two hundred people.

   But now there are a lot of mosquito coils to be made, and more people can make them faster. After all, they have to make them while it is still summer, otherwise who will buy mosquito coils in winter.

  So we eliminated those who were lazy, or who were not very good. The remaining 100 people, Shi Qingluo asked them to go to work in the sugar workshop tomorrow.

   At that time, I was thinking of expanding the scale or setting aside some sites to do other things, so several workshops were built relatively large.

  Some people were disappointed or a little unhappy when they heard that they were not selected, but they didn’t say anything.

   After all, among these people, they have some problems with themselves, such as being lazy, such as not loving cleanliness, etc.

   And one family, seeing that none of their own was selected, the old lady of his family quit.

   "Dalang's daughter-in-law, why is there no one in my family? Our family is famous for being a diligent family in the village."

   This family is really hardworking in the village.

   Everyone was a little surprised that their family was not selected.

   Shi Qingluo knew that this person would jump out.

  Why did you ask the patriarch to call all the people in the village? She even asked the public to sign up for selection. Naturally, this is what she waited for.

   It’s okay to bring the whole village to get rich, but it can’t be too gentle.

  The degree of relaxation and relaxation, gentle when it should be gentle, and severe when it should be severe.

  It is necessary to kill chickens and show monkeys.

   She looked at the old lady, and instead asked, "Why didn't your family get selected, don't you have any points in your heart?"

  The old lady was a little confused, "What's the number? Our family usually doesn't offend you."

   But after saying this, I was a little more cautious.

   Shi Qingluo didn't go around in circles, and said straight to the point: "Your son is the second child of the Wu family inn. Before he returned to the village and asked you to provoke Mrs. Xiao to deal with my family, you went."

   "Since your family stabbed us in the back, why should I choose someone from your family?"

   Today, she will let everyone know that whoever betrays or stabs a knife in the back, she will not play with anyone.

   (end of this chapter)

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