After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 286: This woman gasps

The people of the Black Earth Knights turned up several documents on the fainted young man. The family tattoos confirmed the identity. They threw the dude into the hands of his servants, and the servants quickly lifted the young master, with a sullen face. Into the city.

The people behind didn't dare to make noise anymore, one by one, they handed in their certificates, queuing up to pay taxes and enter the city.

After a while, it was the turn of the group of Xifeng Town.

The dudes of Westwind Town don’t escape and don’t like to make troubles. After all, the most powerful nobleman in Westwind Town, Nolen Chenguang, is just a baron. You can still pretend to be in a small town. When it comes to places like the Bright Road, the baron doesn't enter the stream at all.

George walked ahead, obediently handing over his family crest and letter of introduction for the knights of the Black Earth Knights to check.

Conte relied on his familiar face, and leaned forward and asked in a low voice, "What happened? Why is it so nervous? Even the nobles like us have checked so strictly, that ordinary people want to enter the city. Check it out?"

A black-armored knight whispered: "Ah, it's Conte. Thank you for the candy you gave me last time. My wife and children like it very much. I secretly tell you a few words. They are all big shots."

"Huh?" Conte was surprised.

The knight whispered: "In the past few days, a marquis and three earls have been assassinated. It is a very serious incident. The Queen has ordered the blockade of the Road of Light, and everyone who enters and exits the city must be carefully checked."

Robb couldn't help exclaiming: "Conan's rhythm."

A group of people turned their heads to look at him: "Who is Conan?"

Robb remembered his personal settings, and quickly put away his strange words, pretending to be simple and honest: "Oh, it's okay, I think of a small country friend."

The knight was too lazy to care about Robb. He turned his head and said to Conte: "Conte, you must not walk in the street at night. It is not safe to bring a guard. There is an earl who is himself and his guard. A total of twenty people were killed, and the whole street was stained red with blood..."

Robb thought to himself: It doesn't look like Conan's rhythm anymore. This is not an assassination at all, it's a forced killing.

When the Cavaliers said this, he suddenly thought of something: "Conte, why didn't you bring the caravan this time? Are you not selling sugar?"

Conte said awkwardly: "I'm here to sign up for the Magic Academy."


The subtle silence lasted for five seconds, and the knight said "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh andhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Conte squinted: "What happened to the subtle pause just now?"

The knight left and said to him: "Since you are here to learn magic, you must be living in the magic academy at night. You must never leave the academy at night, then there is nothing wrong. In short, it is not peaceful recently."

At this time, the few dudes in front had already experienced that they had gone in right away, and it was Robb's turn.

He walked over with Sofa and took out his pile of forged documents.

Sofa is very nervous, now here is the key. If these fake documents can pass this level, Robb’s false identity will be stable, but if he is found out here, I am afraid that he will not be surrounded and beaten by the Black Earth Knights on the spot. .

This is the road to light, the capital of Sigrand, once you get involved here, it is equivalent to the entire army of Sigran, Robb can defeat the 10,000 army of the desert kingdom. But Sigran's national power far surpasses the desert kingdom, and the number of troops is so great that Robb can fight no matter how much he can fight, right?

Holding this thought, Sofa also entered the state of battle. Every nerve in the whole body collapsed tightly. She was ready to make a violent shot at any time. The mental preparation of drawing a dagger from his waist to fight has even calculated the shortest escape route.

At this moment, Robb's hand suddenly stretched out from the side and grabbed her.

Being grabbed by a man, she reflexively wanted to get rid of it, but immediately remembered that her current false identity was Robb’s maid. If she threw her master’s hand away in front of countless people, she had no choice but to endure it on the spot. NS.

I thought that Robb would take the opportunity to take advantage, but he didn't expect that Robb just lightly patted the back of her hand to signal her peace of mind, and then put his hand back, unexpected gentleman.

This guy has such a big heart, he is not afraid in such a place, and he has extra leisure to comfort me. When Sofa thought of this, he was suddenly shocked: Does this guy even care about the army in the capital of Siege?

A bunch of forged identity documents fell into the hands of the knights of the Black Earth Knights. Several knights looked at it carefully. With their identities and insights, no one could tell whether this thing was true or false.

At that time, John Roland Smith was also a great minister next to the former king. He had a very good relationship with the Knights of the Black Earth. These knights saw that Robb was the orphan of the Smith family. They couldn’t help but feel cordial. Several people came over and patted Robb’s shoulder. Although he didn't say anything, he felt a sense of intimacy.

A knight walked to the side of the Archduke Madeleine and said a few words in a low voice.

So, the duke in black armor walked towards Robb, and looked at him carefully from head to toe as he walked.

Another low-status person was stared at by the Grand Duke, fearing that his heart would tremble, but Robb didn't have this problem, he actually looked back at Madeleine, and looked at the young lady from head to toe.

Tsk tsk, she looks really good, although she is a bit worse than Her Majesty the Queen of the "No. , Can't see the chest! waist! Hips! What kind of woman is a woman who can't see these three places?

"Are you... the orphan of the Smith family? The fourth uncle's son?" Madelyn asked in a very serious tone.

Fourth uncle? This title made Robb's heart chuckle. Oops, Nima, is this woman familiar with my fake father? Actually called the fourth uncle? That's it! This Nima is going to happen.

He bit the bullet and replied: "Yes!"

Madeleine's next sentence made Rob feel at ease: "At that time I was only five years old and I can't remember many things, but my uncle often gave me honey. I still remember..."

Oh, it turns out that you were only five years old at that time, Robb felt stable, and this wave stabilized! A five-year-old kid knows a fart, I'm afraid I can't remember anything, haha.

Before he could laugh, he heard Madeleine’s next sentence: "I still remember my fourth uncle used to tease me at that time and told me to grow up and marry his son... Unexpectedly, now I actually saw Si Uncle's son."

"Puff!" Robb almost spouted five meters away with a mouthful of old blood.

The subordinates of the Black Earth Knights next to them are also confounded...

Robb: I bought a watch last year. Why are you panting for words? In a word, change the style of painting, are you trying to kill us all?

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