After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 287: I'm not responsible

When the woman made a sharp turn for no reason, Robb lost the strength to be angry, and said weakly, "Sorry, I have been in the country since I was a child. I was raised by my mother. I haven't seen my father since I was sensible. On the one hand, I am completely unclear about what happened to my father back then, or that I don’t admit that I have such a father at all, so I will not be responsible for anything he said back then."

"Well, don't worry, I didn't hold you accountable either." Madeleine said with a serious face: "Although I was only five years old, I was not stupid enough to agree to marriage between the nobles. The Smith family and my family were both It was a prominent family at that time. How could our marriage be settled by a joke? How could I agree? And, not long after that happened, the black dragon came, my father died, and your father died. , The two families are no longer what they used to be."

Robb: "..."

Okay, I'm sure, this woman likes to deliberately say half of what she says, so she doesn't lose her life, and then suddenly turns the wind to annoy you.

And, you know this when you are five years old? You really are the best friend of that ghost woman! Those who are near Zhu are red, those who are near Mo are black, and the girlfriend of a ghost woman is also a ghost woman, full of power and scheming.

Madeleine stretched out his right hand to Robb: "We are the only survivors of the family, please give me more advice in the future."

Robb shook hands with her. Instead of squeezing the girl’s silky hands, he shook the cold iron gloves. He even felt a faint dark magic flowing on the girl’s palm. It was obvious that she was in When shaking hands, she had prepared a dark magic in advance, and if Robb violently wounded someone, she also had a way to react immediately.

How insecure is this? Even at the gate of the capital, you must be prepared for magic while shaking hands with people surrounded by subordinates.

Robb didn't play any tricks, and shook his hand solemnly.

Madeleine didn’t say any more. She watched Robb enter the city and walked a long way with the other dudes to the Magic Academy. She suddenly waved her hand and said loudly, “The fourth uncle was very good to me back then. You can come to me if you have any difficulties."

Robb turned around, nodded to her, and then continued to follow the dudes.

After walking far, Conte whispered: "Brother Robert, you are terrible. The Grand Duke Madeleine is very nostalgic. With her taking care of you, you will be able to walk sideways on this bright road in the future. No one dares to move you except Her Majesty."

Robb smiled and said: "I'm just kidding, how can a man be covered by a woman? Ashamed! I can rely on myself."

Conte laughed loudly: "Don't think of her as a woman, as a duke."

Robb smiled and said nothing.

Seeing his calm and comfortable appearance, Conte thought to himself: It seems that Brother Roberts are arrogant and disdain to rely on women. Oh, it's a waste. If my family of Chenguang can climb into Her Majesty’s cronies, the Grand Duke, it’s still Isn't it flying? Tsk tsk, there are resources that will not be used. The children who grow up in the country do not have a little brain and the structure is not enough.

Everyone walked through the streets in the city of light.

Robb also took a look at what the big cities of this world look like.

Sure enough, it deserves to be the capital of the kingdom. The huge city is not comparable to Westwind Town. The streets are extremely prosperous and crowded. There are shops on both sides of the street, selling weapons, food, cloth, spices... ...Everything, and even an adventurer's guild.

Robb saw a "Royal Dessert Shop" at a glance. There was also a big advertising board hanging in front of the shop with a pudding painted on it, and a slogan was written next to it: "New products are on the market, the special fruit pudding of Xifeng Town, two gold coins one. The quantity is limited, so if you want to buy it as soon as possible."

George pointed to the advertisement and laughed straightly: "Our Westwind Town things, haha, you only need 50 copper coins to buy from Godfather, and two gold coins to buy here, it's so ridiculous to me."

Kangte also smiled and said: "Yes, before I came to a big city like Guangming Road, I thought I was a turtle. But now when I come to Guangming Road, I feel that the people here are turtles, hahaha."

The rich second generations of the same group laughed together! The laughter is full of superiority.

Robber just wanted to shake his head when he saw this group of second-hands.

At this time, a rich second generation pointed to the front right and shouted: "Ah, look! That is the Dark Chapel. It used to be called the Bright Chapel, but now it's all painted black."

Robb looked in the direction of his fingers. A magnificent cathedral stood on the right front. The overall style was black. In the open space in front of the church, there was a huge statue of the dark **** Holder, and a large group of priests in black robes. In and out of the church with nuns and believers.

Robb has already learned a lot from the two little dark nuns. The headquarters of the Dark Vatican is located in the lost city on the southwest coast of the mainland, and the dark cathedral on the road to the light is darkened and rebuilt from the previous chapel of the light. It is now the second largest dark church in Fengma Continent.

There are countless necromancers, dark priests, dark nuns, dark knights, dark judges...

Extremely strong!

In fact, without the help of these people, Her Majesty would not have snatched so much territory from Mondela abruptly, forming a situation of separation of east and west with Mondela.

Robb lifted his foot and walked into the dark chapel. He had to "light up the flying spot." In the game "Black Blade", the way to light up the flying spot in a city is to go around the church cemetery. . Only the city with the flying spot lighted up can the portal be opened in the future.

Conteqi said, "Hey? Brother Robert, why are you going in?"

Robb said: "Such a big church, it seems to be very powerful. I haven't seen it in the country. If I want to go in and take a look, the church won't exclude tourists, right?"

Several rich second-generation generations who had never been to the Bright Road followed up with a roar: "Okay, okay, let's go in and take a look."

So everyone left the servants and guards outside the church, and a group of wealthy second-generation partners got into the church.

Robb didn't run directly into the cemetery, so as not to be too suspicious, he let the rich second generation lead the way, and followed behind him in a low-key manner, which was the least suspicious.

The rich second generation who was walking in the front was immediately greeted by the dark priest. As they walked, they chatted about the "Doctrine of the Dark God" and blew two sentences of the "Dark Bible". The Bible is still the Dark Bible. Everyone can recite a few sentences, and the rich second generation can handle the dark pastors with ease.

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